1 Nov 2007 | Miscellaneous |
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Disclaimer: I do no claim authorship for the following “Funny Story”. All articles posted under category “Email Forwards” are email forwards that I received from time to time.
A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit the ball into the woods. She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap. The frog said to her, “If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes.”
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31 Oct 2007 | Malaysia |
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Disclaimer: I do not claim authorship for the following ‘7 “Wonders” of the World’. All articles posted under category “Email Forwards” are email forwards that I received from time to time.
The awards should have gone to :
The only building built with no approval and unpaid assessment fees that is not demolished and sealed. The owner is the first bankrupt to be able to own a palace. An UMNO Klang MP was once a railway gate-keeper! A good friend of Close-one-Eye UMNO
Jasin MP who was caught smuggling timbers from Sumatra to Melaka. No case against him!
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31 Oct 2007 | Personal |
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Just installed a Word Press gallery plugin, testing it out!
Okay, finished testing. Looks all right to me, I think I will use this gallery plugin after all.
Decided to use NextGEN Gallery instead of myGallery:
31 Oct 2007 | PC |
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31 October 2007
Morning – Woke up 7:00am, drank lots of water as usual, went to toilet to unload my morning crap as normal, daily morning routine. Finished crapping, turn off Bit Comet downloads, proceed to turn on Enemy Territory : Quake Wars to relieve my morning fraggin’ kicks. Then I realized that a new version was out, time to update! No fraggin’ this morning, boo hoo! >_<
Visit the Enemy Territory : Quake Wars Official Community Site for the official change log as well as a list of mirrors to download the huge 283MB patch. I am getting mine from fileplanet as usual, maybe I am just used to using it, after using it for all these years.
There is also a developer blog update posted a few days earlier, apparently on 25 October 2007. Guess I would known earlier if I frequented the official community site often, duh. >_<
Other than the above, I am ranked 7k~8k now! Wohoo! Let the fraggi’ continue!
29 Oct 2007 | Diary, Personal |
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27 October 2007, Saturday
Morning – Wei Lee came over last night, started up Super Mario 3 for her before I left. Drove darling to Menara SBB to meet up with Siew Ching, darling went up to get the fax for the Dermatologist at Pantai Hospital, Bangsar. After darling got into Siew Ching’s car, I headed off to the office. I decided to work on the company’s website upon, and started to find some suitable Word Press themes for it as I installed Word Press yesterday. Chatted with some old friends, namely Nick Liew and Siew Teng. Nick became quite an animal, I thought to myself. Siew Teng is doing okay in Singapore, he suggested to me to do an IPO, hah! Maybe later, when the opportunity arises.
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26 Oct 2007 | Personal |
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26 October 2007, Friday
Morning – Nothing much interesting.
Afternoon – During lunch, I talked with Ah Fai about Pulau Redang, actually Ah Fai did most of the talking, I listened and asked questions. Apparently his company organizes annual company trips, Ah Fai already been to Pulau Redang twice, and this year they went to Pulau Langkawi. How Li suggested our company to organize company trips too, haha!
Late Afternoon – Master Guo came back with the “Business Charm” or “Fu”, got 2 of ’em. One to put inside Dad’s wallet, the other to stick onto the wall on top of the door outside our office. He also brought some biscuits, looks yummy.
25 Oct 2007 | Diary, Personal |
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25 October 2007, Thursday
Morning – Reached office about 10 minutes before 9.00am, checked my TITUS watch, the time seem to be incorrect, way too slow, I corrected it to match the current time. Back pain slightly better today, hopefully it get wells soon.
Afternoon – Lunch with Ah Fai and How Li, found out that his car’s rear end got smacked by a Mat Saleh. That Mat Saleh is quite a generous fellow, gave Ah Fai RM700.00 for repairs upon request. I then shared with them about my darling’s brother’s encounter with local Tamils in Kepong, that time, Woei Lun’s (my darling Weon Chee’s brother) car got hit by some Tamil dudes in Kepong, those fools did not apologize or offer to == flash games download link, click here for flash games download links and screen shots ==
24 Oct 2007 | Personal |
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24 October 2007, Wednesday
The pain in my back seem to have intensified when I woke up this morning, perhaps a mild case of flu plus inherent back pain problem caused some implications. Must observe proper sitting postures now, or else I dread to think of what terrible things would befall me.