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Meeblings – Walkthrough – Overview A Meeblings walkthrough, for those who dunno how to beat the Meeblings puzzle flash game. If you want to know how to beat the Meeblings puzzle flash game, proceed to check out the Meeblings guide and you will find the answers on how to beat this Meeblings puzzle flash game! |
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level List
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Walkthroughs for levels 41 – 50 are still being developed and will be ready in due course.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 1 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to summon the Feeblings, just click and hold.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 2 (List)
1. Use the Hereling at the right side to summon the Meeblings on the left, click and hold.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 3 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to propel them to the right side.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 4 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to summon the Meeblings on the left side, click and hold.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 5 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to proper the Herelings upward, click and hold, click, etc.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 6 (List)
1. Click and hold to draw the Feeblings upwards, then let go to drop them down.
2. Repeat until you have rescued the required amount of Meeblings
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 7 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to propel the Feebling to the right side, click and hold, then release.
2. Release the mouse button when the Feebling is approximately at position “2” shown above.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 8 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to summon the Feeblings on the left side, click and hold.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 9 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to push the Feeblings into the pit, and then let the fans do their work.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 10 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to push the Feeblings downward, keep trying until you shove them all in.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 11 (List)
1. Use the Sizzling to burn down the obstacle, click and hold until Sizzling reaches “1b”
2. Use the Hereling to summon the Feeblings into the next to the next level.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 12 (List)
1. Use the Sizzling to burn away the barrier and let the fans blow the Feeblings out.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 13 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to pull the Sizzling from position “2a” into “2b” shown above.
2. Burn away the log with the Sizzling.
3. Use the Hereling to attract the Meeblings.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 14 (List)
1. Burn a hole with the Sizzling.
2. Attract the Meeblings on the right side into the pit with the Hereling.
3. Push the remaining Meeblings on the left into the pit with the Thereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 15 (List)
1. Pull the Meeblings on the platform with the solitary Hereling on the left side.
2. The fans will blow the Meeblings about.
3. When a Hereling hovers above the way out sign, use it to attract the Meeblings.
4. Once attracted a mass, the Meeblings will drop down.
5. Repeat until you have rescued the required amount of Meeblings.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 16 (List)
1. Grow the three (3) Treeblings into trees.
2. Use the Hereling to pull the Feeblings on the platform onto the ground.
3. Juggling between the Hereling and there Thereling, make a line of Meeblings.
4. Propel the Meeblings across the gap into the way out sign with the Thereling.
You might need a few tries to achieve success in this level with this method.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 17 (List)
1. Quickly grow the Treebling into a tree to block the rest of the Meeblings
2. Shove the other Meeblings upwards with the Thereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 18 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to shove the Meeblings onto the upper right side.
2. On the upper right side, use the Hereling to pull remaining Meeblings on the upper left side.
3. Then use the Thereling to push the Meeblings to the lower left side.
4. On the lower left side, use the Hereling to pull remaining Meeblings on the upper right side.
5. Then use the Thereling to push the Meeblings to the lower right side.
Might need a few tries to be successful as some Meeblings may drop down off screen.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 19 (List)
1. Use the Thereling to gently push the Meeblings to the right side.
2. Use the Hereling to gently pull the Meeblings to the right side.
3. Juggle between the Hereling and the Thereling to get the Meeblings across.
Please do take note that the fan will suck up any Meebling if they are on the second row.
Keep a straight line and the Meeblings ought to be safe from the evil fans above.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 20 (List)
1. Have the Treebling grow into a tree.
2. Use the solitary Hereling at the bottom right corner to summon the other Herelings.
3. Don’t just click and hold, click, observe, let go when required.
4. Make sure they fall through the hole and not go over it.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 21 (List)
1. Attract the bunch of Meeblings to the left side with the Hereling.
2. Reverse the gravity with the Gravling
3. Pull the Meeblings into the way out sign with the Hereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 22 (List)
1. Wait until the lone Gravling settles down the reverse the gravity.
2. Reverse the gravity again.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 23 (List)
1. Attract the Meeblings to the middle ground with the Hereling.
2. Reverse the gravity with the Gravling.
3. Arrange the Meeblings nicely with the Hereling.
4. Shove the Meeblings into the way out sign with the Thereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 24 (List)
1. Use a Hereling to bunch up the Meeblings together.
2. Use a Thereling to push some Meeblings down.
This level might take several attempts to successfully complete.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 25 (List)
1. Turn off the power of all the fans with the Zapling.
2. Burn a hole with the Sizzling and let the Meeblings fall through.
Use Herelings and Therelings to arrange the Meeblings into pit as shown above.
3. Turn on the power of all the fans with the Zapling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 26 (List)
Reverse the gravity with the Gravling following the sequence as shown above.
Might need to use the Hereling to keep the two (2) of them together.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 27 (List)
1. Burn a hole with the Sizzling but do not burn all the way down.
2. Use the Hereling to pull the Feeblings.
3. Use the Thereling to push the Feeblings.
Alternate between Hereling and Thereling to navigate the Feeblings into the middle.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 28 (List)
1. Gently push the Meeblings down with the Thereling.
2. Gently pull the Meeblings towards the edge with the Hereling.
Alternate between Thereling and Hereling to guide them down, slowly, gently.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 29 (List)
1. Push the Treebling and Hereling down with the Thereling.
2. Grow the Treebling into a tree as shown above.
3. Pull the rest of the Meeblings down with the Hereling.
Guide them towards the exit by alternating between pulling and pushing.
Might take several attempts to successfully beat this level
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 30 (List)
1. Pull the Meeblings to the middle with the Hereling.
2. Burn a hole with the Sizzling.
3. Pull the Feeblings down the hole, one at a time, gently, slowly.
Might take several attempts to successfully beat this level.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 31 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to pull the Sizzling over to position #2
2. Burn a hole down with the Sizzling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 32 (List)
Push them gently with the Thereling at position #1 so that the log blocks off the fans.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 33 (List)
1. Cut the power immediately with the Zapling.
2. Pull them over to position #3 with the Hereling at position #2.
3. Turn on the power again with the Zapling, use the Hereling to pull them into the exit.
Cut off the power again when required to.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 34 (List)
Push them down with a Thereling, then use a Hereling to pull them together.
Pull and push the Gravling to get it stuck onto the glue.
Alternate the gravity with the Gravling to push and pull the Meeblings into the exit.
It will take some time to complete this level.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 35 (List)
Use the Hereling and Thereling inside to pull the Hereling at the top to position #1.
Burn a hole down with the Sizzling, use the Hereling to pull them together to avoid the fan.
Proceed to burn a hole downwards, use Herelings and Therelings to push them into the exit.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 36 (List)
1. Cut the power immediately with the Zapling.
2. Pull them over and into the exit with the Hereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 37 (List)
1. Cut the power immediately with the Zapling at position #2.
2. Use the Hereling at position #1 to pull until the Treebling below falls down.
3. Quickly pull the the Treebling using Hereling at position #3 and don’t let it drop down.
4. Reverse the gravity with the Gravling and pull with the Hereling at position #3
5. Pull the Treebling over to the on top of the exit sign before the Gravling flies away.
6. Reverse the gravity again with the Gravling to drop the Treebling into the exit.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 38 (List)
Pull using the Hereling at position #1 and when both tumbles down, push with the Thereling.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 39 (List)
1. Use the Hereling to group them together, then use a Thereling to push them down.
2. Alternate between Hereling and Thereling, position them as shown above.
3. Position the Thereling on the right and push them into the exit sign.
Use the Sizzling to burn a hole down.
Meeblings – Walkthrough – Level 40 (List)
1. Use a Thereling to push them to the right side.
2. Pull them together with a Hereling.
Burn a hole down with the Sizzling. Juggle them down with Hereling or Thereling.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
No reads for today
Deimos’s Thoughts
A cute game, some of the levels might be a bit reliant on luck but are still doable.
Deimos Asks
Have you completed this Meeblings cute puzzle flash game already?
10:14 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Sorry Deimos, I just have been too busy with the festive season and have not really been spending time on these matters! Season’s greetings and best wishes to you.
9:35 am
said the following:
O.K. ummmmmmmm do you have any walkthroughs for levels 31-50???? ❗ I just need to finish the game…….
1:56 pm
said the following:
I always have time to play such wonderful games. This game was missed by me in december. Amazing!
12:24 am
said the following:
its good but not 4 my website but the best game i ever played
12:33 am
said the following:
ull all bitches
6:52 am
said the following:
this was helpful but i cant beat level 28 BAHHH 😕
could you explain it to me more?
2:30 am
Ross S.
said the following:
I need help with Super Stacker 2 on level #32, Falling Through is what it is called. Can you help me? Thank You.
2:40 am
said the following:
you could have done all the levels! 😡 🙁
3:14 am
said the following:
I love this game! Guide the Lemmings oops i mean Meeblings! 😛
12:52 am
said the following:
😮 got hopelessly addicted only using the hints on here twice…… only to not be able to make it past 37–which isnt on here….
10:27 am
said the following:
i like ninjas.. 😈
THX fore posting thiiiiiis!
😐 😈 ➡ 🙂 😕 😎 👿 😀 💡 😳 😛 🙄 😉 😥 😮 😆 😡 🙁 ❗ ❓ … yAYYY NESS
6:26 am
said the following:
😡 you need leval 49!! thats what i`m stuck on (meeblings)
6:31 am
said the following:
😡 you need leval 49!! thats what i`m stuck on (MEEBLINGS)
6:10 am
said the following:
5:29 am
Yuck Fou
said the following:
5:30 am
Yuck Fou
said the following:
Im not using safari im using google chrome
3:04 pm
said the following:
😈 😐 ➡ 😯 🙂 😕 😎 👿 😀 💡 😛 🙄 😉 😥 😮 😆 🙁 ❗ ❓ i suck at meeblind 😡
3:07 pm
said the following:
do u lick meeblinds
😐 😈 ➡ 😯 🙂 😕 😎 👿 😀 💡 😳 😛 🙄 😉 😥 😮 😆 🙁 ❗ ❓
3:07 pm
said the following:
is any one there 😡
3:11 pm
said the following:
has any one finished meeblings 😈
12:23 pm
Ryan Tan Rui Kit
said the following:
You can make your own levels. Visit the website:www.meeblingsworld.com.
8:27 pm
said the following:
1 dnt get it illghj
5:23 am
said the following:
2:57 am
said the following:
i want to know how to get passed level 43 and above. 🙂
6:26 am
said the following:
omg im on level 44!!
8:42 am
said the following:
im so terribly stuck on level 29!!! could you please explain furthur???
9:02 am
said the following:
dude so many people have told me there is a second green one, i thought i was doing it wrong cause i couldn’t find a second green one…. for 29 you have to basically get all of them in front of the blue meebling with the yellow one as close to the front as you can get it. then you wanna press the blue one and then on the yellow quickly so they don’t fly off and just keep doing that, it took me like 20 try’s to get it finished… after i found out there was no other green one…. i hope that helps you.. but i could use some advice on level 44… i have absolutely no idea how to beat it…. any tips would be greatly appreciated! please and thank you! ^_^
9:21 pm
said the following:
yo this is the coolest game i ever played!!! and it’s on my school website for practicing math skills!! ^_^:)
4:42 am
said the following:
I’m already at level 45 but I’m stuck there
3:50 am
said the following:
yall stink
3:51 am
said the following:
is any1 out there
3:09 am
said the following:
no ones here
12:22 pm
said the following:
i am stuck on level 24 can anyone help me??? please
3:15 am
said the following:
hey Aly! I was stuck on level 24 once! its hard!!!! Just keep trying.you will get it soon enough! ^_^ i know i did! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ bye!
5:26 am
said the following:
Im stuck on level 24!!This website dont give you enogh information!!This suckks..
5:51 am
????does it matter wat my name is
said the following:
i cant get meeblings 2 levels 46 and over this game is so addicting i hate it
3:45 am
said the following:
wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! this website does NOT give enough cheat!!!!! WE WANT CHEATS not ADVICE on how 2 b perfect!!!!!!!
1:06 pm
said the following:
this game is awesome i cant get passed level 21 tho
4:18 pm
said the following:
Level 44:
tap the left yellow so that the red falls to the left of the blue. don’t pull so hard that the right yellow falls down.
tap the blue so that the red ends up against the logs.
activate anti-gravity.
hold the blue so that all meebs come to the top level and the red is against the logs and under the upper soil.
melt one layer of the upper soil with the red. leave the red in that hole.
pull with the right yellow until the logs are pushed underneath the red and the other meebs are above the top level.
deactivate anti-gravity. burn through all logs with red. activate anti-gravity.
use blue to get all meebs back on the top level.
pull with right yellow until all meebs are over the top level.
deactivate anti-gravity. pull all meebs to the exit with the right yellow.
that’s it.
9:08 pm
said the following:
this website doesnt work at all
im stuck on level 16, and it
wont work at all the way the
instructions are given!!
6:59 pm
said the following:
where is level 41-50
4:25 am
said the following:
what games do like to play
10:28 am
said the following:
I need level 43… I cannnot figure it out! Please help!
10:48 am
said the following:
I cant freakin get passed level 34!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
12:01 am
said the following:
I’ve reached level 42 and getting bored of the game
1:02 am
said the following:
i finished it horrai
3:49 pm
said the following:
finished all the levels of meeblings. they’re all pretty easy except for 45 then the rest are fine
6:25 am
red trance
said the following:
its like a futuristic version of dig-dug lol
11:43 pm
said the following:
ummmmmmmmm were are the other 10 levels outher wises brill
8:36 am
said the following:
grr im stuck on level 34… this game urks me… grr
8:37 am
said the following:
3:54 am
most people dont use there real name anyway
said the following:
ok first off i’m on 42 and there is no instructions for that so i’m kinda urked…
second…why are some of you people just posting cuss words???it makes you look stupid not cool…
and third stop insulting the website…it’s been extremeley halpful.
♥ love and rockets, Kelle
10:49 pm
Way Yan Win
said the following:
level 49: 1st way – morph the 2nd right most hereling.Then quickly morph the thereling to pull the two hereling into the exit.2nd way – morph the right most hereling.then quickly morph the thereling to pull them into the exit.:):):)
9:29 pm
said the following:
cool site he he he he he he he he
9:32 pm
said the following:
yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo were are the other levels like pops anit havin none o dat but kwl site 🙂
9:33 pm
said the following:
only joking a bout last coment but were is level 49? 🙁 🙂
12:47 am
said the following:
I need to know how to beat Level 48!! I’m stuck! 🙁
4:03 pm
Way Yan Win
said the following:
eh? how come i cn pass lvl 50 in just one time?
7:54 pm
kadejra Dezaray Grayson-Groom
said the following:
i need to beat level 41
9:15 am
said the following:
What about Meeblings 2 dude??
6:37 pm
Way Yan Win
said the following:
level 48:
1.press the hereling (any of them) so that the sizzling can get to the other meeblings’s side.
2.sizzle until it reaches the other meeblings.
3.you can leave some herelings on the top so that the other herelings can go up the slope.(it can also go above the fan and land on the exit)
4.keep pressing the herelings but don’t put too much herelings on the top layer.
5.keep repeating step 4 until all the herelings reaches the exit.
6:41 pm
Way Yan Win
said the following:
level 48:
1.press any hereling except for the side ones.
2.aim the sizzling at the middle of the level.
3.use hereling and thereling to take them to the exit.(remember, you need to aim them at the middle!)
8:18 pm
said the following:
im stuk on lvl20 plz help this website is shit
9:44 pm
said the following:
i dont give 2 fukin shits wat any1 says this is bullshit and im only 10 lik wat the fukin hell
1:55 am
said the following:
this doesnt even help y dont u put something up that actually works POOPHEADS
8:33 am
said the following:
THNK YOU FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6:58 pm
said the following:
i hate 16 cant go there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i swear ill never play thaT GAME AGAIN
11:31 am
said the following:
btw if you complainants still want to finish the game dont get mad at this site. if you really want to finish the game just find other walkthroughs ok? dont get mad at this site ok?
4:27 am
said the following:
hi my names is bebol, is the game of borbol
6:02 am
said the following:
hello bebol!
3:05 am
said the following:
that sucks
9:33 pm
said the following:
I LOVE UU <3 Deimos Tel`Arin
6:24 am
said the following:
how to play the walkthrough
8:30 am
said the following:
Hard but fun …. I LOVE MEEBLINGS!!! <3 =]
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