How Deimos uses Social Networking – EntreCard.Com – Writing Contest! Win 3,000 EntreCredits – by Alan @
24 Feb 2008 | The Blogsphere | 7 commentsOverview
Find out how Deimos uses EntreCard.Com – the latest Social Networking service to hit the Cyberspace like a gigantic tsunami that would drown all bloggers should they decide not to board the EntreCard Titanic masterfully designed by Graham and skillfully built by Phirate. This post is also a contest submission generously hosted by Alan which is also promoted on ChainDrop.Com – a Joint Venture project by Alan and Dane.
Contest Details
To summarize what Alan originally wrote:
– Write a 3 – 5 paragraph entry about how one uses social networking
– Does not have to be about any particular social networking site
– Or about any particular aspect of social networking
– Just write about whatever one wants to as long as it relates to social networking
– NO link back is required, feel free to post one’s entry as a comment to this post
– Or on one’s own site and leave the link in the comments
– Contest deadline 28 February 2008
How Deimos uses Social Networking – EntreCard
Deimos the EntreCarder
I heard about EntreCard back in early November 2007, but it was only late December – 28 December 2007 when I decided to embrace this awesome new innovative concept and EntreCardize myself to become an EntreCarder.
Upon realizing EntreCard potential and how useful can be, I wrote a Tutorial – How to exploit Alexa Traffic Ranking using EntreCard. Somehow, my post seems to have gotten the attention of Uncle Sam and the mighty Turnip of Power as evidenced by their comments on my post.
A few days after that, I wrote up a short FAQ-ish article about EntreCard – Are you an EntreCarder yet? That article roused the interest of some local Bloggers but they failed to pick up any real interest in EntreCard. Their choice.
Deimos the EntreNewbie
At first I thought I was just going to rake in EntreCredits since all those Ads cost so much EntreCredits, might as well save up all those EntreCredits instead. However, I did try out advertising eventually and I am glad that I did that.
Back then, I dropped cards daily, read up guides about EntreCard, changed categories a couple of times before finally decided to settle down in the “Hobbies” category for good. Soon, I began to slowly climb up the ranks in the “Hobbies” category and somehow managed to reached the top Three (3), shortly after that I was ranked number Two (2) and was sandwiched in between Android’s Dungeon (number One) and Jamaipanese (number Two) back then.
Deimos the EntreVeteran
Can’t remember exactly when, probably inspired by the mighty Turnip of Power’s posts, I started a couple of lists of EntreCarders – Above Fold EntreCarders List and Almost Above Fold EntreCarders List and both of them are based off Turnip’s list.
This doing of mine might have unintentionally pissed off the mighty Turnip though I did not realize it at first, but I attempted to make amends after I know about it and hopefully, Turnip is no longer pissed.
As I continued to progress with EntreCard, one day, I discovered that I made it into the Most Popular Page, where the top 30 EntreCarders are listed.
Deimos the EntreExpert
Much more experienced with the usage of EntreCard now, I have done much things related to EntreCard – published a Survival Guide for EntreCarders, which ought to serve as a good reference for those who are seeking some EntreCard guidance.
Besides that I applied and then acquired an EntreCard Shop Seller Status Token from Phirate, which I then proceeded to sell the following three services – Deimos’s Sincere Comments (DSC), Deimos’s Redirects (DR) and Deimos EntreCard Designs (DED). Among these Three (3) I must say that DSC enjoyed the biggest success while the other Two (2) failed to attract much attention.
Deimos had some fun with EntreCard
A couple of weeks ago, something totally hilarious happened to the top row in the “Most Popular Page” and it is so hard not to notice that even Graham blogged about it. Details are chronicled here – Fun with EntreCard – EntreBall. Good times, aye.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Summary of posts which I find interesting are showcased in this section.
Would like to get featured here?
Drop your EntreCard into my Inbox.
Singaporean EntreCarder Blogger – Ginger shared with us an interesting read – Singapore’s Social Entrepreneur Diana Saw makes things BLOOM in Cambodia which makes me wonder: How much those fellow Chinese workers further up north in Mainland China earn for each of those “Made in China” ESPRIT T-Shirts?
Are you fed up with your current boss? Wanna fire him and become self employed? Before you do anything hasty, check out this comprehensive guide by Suzanne – Work for the World’s Greatest Boss – You.
Fancy yourself SEO savvy? Tim suggests that long tail keywords might be more profitable.
Heard of AIDS? Yes, right? Okay, what about AIDS for cats? I only came across this term today – Feline AIDS and some myths behind it that needs to be crushed.
Sight or Sound? Which one turns you on? Apparently the sweet angelic sound of a female does indeed turns Lincoln Adams on. An Amusing read, I find it to be.
Deimos’s Thoughts
3,000 EntreCredits is a decent amount and seeing that I have spent much EntreCredits recently, I am taking a shot at this and see how lucky I am.
Deimos Asks
Well, I shared with ya all about how I used EntreCard, so how do you use EntreCard?
3:03 pm
said the following:
Yeah, you are one of EC expert
and thanks for introducing EC to me . It’s very cool
and the most important thing is, it really works!
4:01 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Glad to hear that EntreCard works for you.
4:56 pm
said the following:
Thanks for the mention Deimos!
5:22 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
You’re welcome.
2:54 am
said the following:
I’ve been looking at the Alexa rankings for multiple EC bloggers, and all of their graphs fit a consistent growth rate. I’ve started at nothing and gone to 240,000, and yours is higher as well. Proof that EC is working
1:01 pm
said the following:
Thanks you so much for the mention! To answer your question, I use entrecard to gain blog readership.
11:37 pm
Thermostatic Shower
said the following:
last time, i joined a writing contests on the internet and i won a small price for writing a nice piece of writing -`;