Are you a WordPress Blogger who has just updated to WordPress 2.5 and discovered that you cannot upload any images, pictures, photos etc? Try out this fix then.
Edit the .htaccess file
Add the following lines of text to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SetEnvIfNoCase Content-Type \
“^multipart/form-data;” “MODSEC_NOPOSTBUFFERING=Do not buffer file uploads”
<IfModule mod_gzip.c>
mod_gzip_on No
Deimos’s WordPress is installed in the root path i.e. ahkong.net so this method works for Deimos and after doing this, he is able to upload images, pictures, photos etc.
It appears that adding these few lines of code to your .htaccess file works too:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
<Files async-upload.php>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
Deimos did not use this method, but apparently yung. did and it worked for him.
Deimos’s Source
Deimos’s Daily Reads
The daily article and link love for Deimos’s RSS guinea piggies continues!
Tim shared some thoughts about April Fools Day and suggested a new name for it.
Have kids? Want a clean floor? Buy them a vacuum cleaner! Rene‘s kids are fighting over one!
Anthony has developed a “U Drop I Link” widget for EntreCarders to use.
Here is an amusing conversion about the Hulk between Frak and his boy – Ryan.
Part Time or Full Time Home Based Business? Find out what Felex Tan has to say.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Deimos totally did not expect himself to run into any major problems with WordPress 2.5, when he came across this one, he consulted Big-G and found an answer.
Deimos Asks
Did you try to upload any images, pictures, photos etc after updating to WordPress 2.5? Besides a question relevant to this article, here one question that Deimos is eager for an honest reply – Do you ever check out the articles mentioned in Deimos’s Daily Reads?
3:42 pm
said the following:
I knew something like this will happened, that’s why I didn’t upgrade yet. It’ll take time to upgrade and solve any problems. But like it or not I must upgrade sooner or later 😛
3:56 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Well, at least I managed to resolve my little problem with uploading there. 😀
7:00 pm
said the following:
I do not use the internal upload gallery thingy… because I am using external image hosting…. that’s why I didn’t notice it…. and apparently, when I did, all I need to do was allow the uploads folder 777 permission…. or something like that…. my htaccess has the necessary codes in it already, due to some earlier problems when I just started out using WordPress….
7:31 pm
Shanker Bakshi
said the following:
ohh its really bad you have to do something about it soon.
7:34 pm
Shanker Bakshi
said the following:
ohhh you already resolved it – good to see.
9:55 pm
Michael Aulia
said the following:
Luckily I don’t have a problem. Well there’s an error message about failed upload test, but I can still use the images/galleries
2:09 am
said the following:
I upload my images in my host server using wordpress and no problems encountered in any of my uploads.
4:22 am
said the following:
Hi, I lost the reciprical page<s link. Is it still available?
5:56 am
said the following:
I still haven’t used the dashboard so I don’t know if I can upload images there, but I can with LiveWriter.
U drop I Link seems to be really cool.
1:07 pm
said the following:
I have the same problem, I will try the codes. thanks![:mrgreen:](http://ahkong.net/wp-includes/images/smilies/mrgreen.png)
9:18 am
Jaxon S
said the following:
Nope. No problem in uploading image for me. I do have one issue with photo caption though — I don’t see the point of including the photo caption feature in the image uploading mode when the caption won’t be appearing on the blog posts. 😡
8:14 pm
said the following:
So far my experience with WordPress 2.5 has been ok except a few bugs like the popularity contest plugin which you need to edit line 59 of the php code. Others has been cool and no problems at all. Images, videos, gallery has been easier in 2.5.
The only part i find quite sometime to figure out is the widgets section….. earlier versions are much more simpler.
12:15 am
Rice Blogger
said the following:
fine with mine too
6:23 am
Dave from Welcome Back Rosenthal
said the following:
I’ll try it. But man I really said what I had to say about the new upgrade over a week ago regarding this and other flaws.
5:27 am
Host My Pics
said the following:
Save on bandwidth costs. Upload pics, movies here.
1:46 am
Spanish Blog
said the following:
Nice Photos – great post
3:17 am
Web Guerilla
said the following:
Cool pics – I already bookmarked your site
3:35 am
said the following:
Try the newest version of wordpress
8:07 am
said the following:
I had this problem too. Here is what fixed it for me…
1:00 am
Abigail Clark
said the following:
Link popularity is very important if you want your website to rank high in any search engine.,:`