When There Is No Room In Hellgate, The Dead Shall Inhabit The Bargain Bin
13 Nov 2007 | Flash, Hellgate : London | 3 commentshttp://www.somethingawful.com/d/news/hellgate-london-subscription.php
Very hilarious review by somethingawful.com! Must read!
Came across this yesterday while browsing the internet.
The many points highlighted by them are in fact, very true.
5:57 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Testing smileys!
It appears that smileys for comments work, but for the actual blog post entry, it does not.
Aye. Frustrating.
And I still can’t manage to find out why my comments can’t have spaces? CSS issue?
Nevermind. Fixed the issue of blog entry post being unable to have smileys.
Just drag and drop the smiley into the post.
2:02 pm
Wan Kong Yew
said the following:
Check out GFW’s official review on this by Tom Chick: http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3164383
4/10, let the internet fireworks begin.
2:16 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Yeah, That’s a good review all right. I saw that in the official US Hellgate : London forums yesterday.
Thanks for the link up though.
I am very impressed by the fact that they (Flagship Studios) dare to release such an unfinished and unpolished game to the public, they should expected this kind of things would happen.
Nevertheless, they have a horde of die-hard, hard-core loyal to the very end fan boys and girls to support them to the end though.
So, no worries there I guess. For myself, I’ll be playing this Hellgate : London until I got bored with it.