The Guild Wars 2 Concept Armor System (GW2-CAS) is a vision that I share for the upcoming game in development by ArenaNet – Guild Wars 2.
Some main points of proposed idea:
– Players’ Characters never ever need to abandon their starting Armor Set
– Upgrade Armor Set via various Armorers as Character progresses
– Able to modify Armor Set’s appearance and stats via various Armor Upgrades
– Armor Upgrades cost Players’ Characters’ various resources
(Say common crafting materials, rare crafting materials, gold etc)
– Requirement of special items for Unique Armor Sets Skins
The main purpose of this blog post entry is to deliver a open public message to ArenaNet, letting them know that there is a growing demand for this kind of feature to be implemented into their upcoming game – Guild Wars 2.
This idea was originated in the following topic of discussion:
Different Alias
The name of the author of the thread “Tuoba Hturt Eht” is an alias I took up when I joined that forum community. Originally, I only wanted to be a forum lurker in that community but somehow, I managed to gather up some support (and objections from those who disagree) from the fellow members of the community there regarding the Smart Armor System that I proposed.
Deimos Requests
I – Deimos Tel`Arin, hereby humble request all fans of the Guild Wars series who are interested in this proposed armor idea for Guild Wars 2 to come forth into this blog entry and announce their interest, support and any possible feedback.
Your interest, support and feedback is greatly appreciated.
Deimos Tel`Arin
4:33 am
said the following:
I am a BIG GW fan but not been able to use it for some years as I had no computer for awhile and lost my account… 🙁
So I think I shall be waiting for GW 2 now. Any time frame on when it is out?? I am very far behind 😀
6:00 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Terribly sorry for the late reply! 😕
This happens when I do not reply a comment right away. 😐
Account is binded to your email account, can you access your email account? 💡
Guild Wars 2? Last I heard, beta starts in 2008 year end? 😈
I am waiting for Guild Wars 2 as well. 😉
11:08 pm
said the following:
7:14 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Hopefully, something similar would be featured in Guild Wars 2. 🙂
4:11 am
said the following:
OMG gw2 will never come out ima soo tired of w8ing if anyone gets some info about it let me know pronto 😡 a-net comes in gw no and then on speacial chars tht have a big GM[game master] above them and they talk in all chat but words appear blue and they just laugh when people ask im starting to think gw2 is a big joke!!
8:21 pm
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5:44 pm
tennis racket
said the following:
A gink begins icy his insight teeth the earliest time he bites out more than he can chew.