Eight Totally Tested Proven Methods to Improve Alexa Traffic Ranking
31 Jan 2008 | The Blogsphere | 23 comments
Keen to improve one’s Alexa Traffic Ranking? Check out the following Eight (8) ways to improve one’s Alexa Traffic Ranking. For best results, apply all Eight (8) methods discussed in this article.
The Auspicious Eight Methods
1. Install Alexa Tool Bar Sparky and or Search Status Extension
2. Persuade Loyal Readers to install the above mentioned
3. Write up articles about Alexa Traffic Ranking
4. Become an EntreCarder
5. Utilize EntreCard to effectively trafficize one’s site
6. Network with Reciprocative EntreCarders sincerely, honestly
7. Convert Non-EntreCarder Reciprocative Blogging Buddies into EntreCarders
8. Convince Reciprocative EntreCarders to install the above mentioned Firefox Add-ons
1. Make one’s own visits count! (Top)
Alexa only records a visit, page view if the Firefox browser has the Firefox Add-Ons Alexa Tool Bar – Sparky and or Search Status Extension installed. As a Blog Master or Web Master, one would definitely be visiting one’s site very often, so why not make one’s own visits count?
2. Make one’s fans’ visits count! (Top)
This is the same as what is explained above, get one’s site’s regulars to install the Firefox Add-Ons so their visits would be accounted for.
3. Link bait the needy (Top)
There would always be Blog Masters and Web Masters who are keen on improving their Alexa Traffic Ranking. Write up articles related to Alexa Traffic Ranking and they might just probably be interested and take a read.
Here are some Alexa related articles that Deimos wrote up:
4. EntreCard does trafficizes one’s site (Top)
EntreCard truly works and every Blog Master or Web Master who wishes to draw in more daily traffic should start utilizing EntreCard to trafficize one’s site.
A brief introduction to what EntreCard is all about by Deimos:
5. There is no free lunch (Top)
Though EntreCard works at trafficizing one’s site, how well it does trafficize heavily depends on how much effort has been put into it. Done correctly, one is able to harvest at least a hundred (100) unique visits via EntreCard on a daily basis.
EntreCarding tips for EntreCard newbies, veterans and experts by Deimos:
6. Sincerity and honesty is still the best policy (Top)
Good friends look after one another, and would be more likely to visit each others’ site for daily EntreCard drops too.
7. Make those Blogging Buddies Visits count! (Top)
Have blogging buddies that visits one’s site once in a while? Convert them into EntreCarders and make them visit one’s site everyday to drop their EntreCard into one’s EntreCard Inbox!
8. Make all those EntreVisits count! (Top)
EntreCarders would definitely be visiting one’s site to drop EntreCards, but do they have Alexa Tool Bar Sparky and or Search Status Extension installed? Manipulate their mind using the force and get them to install either or both of these Firefox Add-Ons!
Deimos’s Thoughts
Why eight (8) methods and not ten (10) or some other figures? Well, for us Chinese, the number eight (8) is an auspicious number. In Cantonese, eight (8) is pronounced as “Patt” in which folks twist it to become “Fatt” (notice the Chinese font at the top right corner of the banner) which has an auspicious meaning to it.
So I figured that using an auspicious number of methods in an attempt to improve one’s Alexa Traffic Ranking would bring auspicious results!
For the record, my 3-Months-Average Alexa Traffic Ranking was around 600k-ish when I first started to practice the above mentioned eight (8) methods, the actual date was 28 December 2007 by then.
Now, my 3-Months-Average Alexa Traffic Ranking is 100k-ish and daily Alexa Traffic Ranking is 40-50k-ish. Within a month’s time, my 3-Months-Average Alexa Traffic Ranking shot up by 500k-ish.
A 500k-ish increase within a month’s period, I reckon the above mentioned eight (8) methods does indeed works aye?
Deimos Asks
Any questions? Are you a fellow Blog Master or Web Master? Do you EntreCard? Installed Alexa Tool Bar – Sparky and or Search Status Extension yet? What do you think of the above mentioned eight (8) methods?
10:11 am
Offbeat News
said the following:
10:17 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Offbeat News:
Thanks for the compliment and stumble.
Appreciate that, mate. ๐
4:57 pm
Emmett Jones
said the following:
Fantastic Article. I haven’t tried all of these methods, but I can definitely attest that the ones I have tried (entrecard, for example), definitely work.
6:26 pm
said the following:
So that’s the secret!! Well I already have my alexa bar, and it did improve my rank but it sees to move up a bit slower than before, maybe i really need to do those 8 tips (but i’m lazy doing it hehehe) Thanks for the info.
10:27 pm
said the following:
Top article – have stumbled too! ๐
11:07 pm
said the following:
Where does a higher Alexa ranking get you again? Driving traffic to your site and actually having readers are two very different things. I find all these too troublesome for my liking. Bah! I couldn’t care less about such things anymore.
9:06 am
Daddy Keaton
said the following:
Thanks for your guide mate ๐
anyhow, my blog started early of December month, and im getting alexa 1,400,00 –> impressive jump.
With your guide, sure i hope i can jump more higher ranking
3:46 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Emmett Jones:
Yup, EntreCard works.
However, something must be done to convert the traffic. ๐
Well, one reaps what one sows. ๐
Ain’t gonna be results if there is no effort. ๐ฏ
Thanks for the Stumble yo! โ
Well, I guess I am facinated by numbers. ๐ณ
High Alexa Ranking means that site has more exposure. ๐ก
Advertisers likes sites with more exposure. ๐
@Daddy Keaton:
Whoah! Nice starting rank! ๐ฎ
When I first started in October 2007, I was ranked about 6 Million! ๐
8:10 am
Boost Alexa Traffic Rank | ahkong.net
said the following:
[…] Check out the following article instead: http://ahkong.net/eight-totally-tested-proven-methods-to-improve-alexa-traffic-ranking/ […]
11:59 am
Eight Totally Tested Proven Methods to Improve Alexa Traffic Ranking | Reciprocative EntreCarders Guild (REG)
said the following:
[…] Eight Totally Tested Proven Methods to Improve Alexa Traffic Ranking Categories, Hobbies, REG Members, ahkong.net Have something to say? Overview Keen to improve oneโs Alexa Traffic Ranking? Check out the following Eight (8) ways to improve oneโs Alexa Traffic Ranking. For best results, apply all Eight (8) methods discussed in this article. (moreโฆ) […]
9:38 am
said the following:
Eight Totally Tested Proven Methods to Improve Alexa Traffic Ranking…
Keen to improve oneโs Alexa Traffic Ranking? Check out the following Eight (8) ways to improve oneโs Alexa Traffic Ranking….
12:28 pm
Uncle Che
said the following:
I am always skeptical about toolbars. I don’t know why i hate them so much. However, I think it is high time i changed. I will install this one and give it a try.
1:36 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Uncle Che:
It is recommended to install it if you want to make your own visits count. ๐
5:50 pm
Life on Mars
said the following:
Seems useless now… alexa has just changed their rules. ๐ฎ
6:05 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Life on Mars:
Indeed. I am not amused by this update. Bloody not satisfied with it. ๐ก
What to do? There is nothing that we can do about it except adapt. โก
Time to adapt and adjust to the new changes, time to climb again! ๐
This time, it is more harder to climb? No idea yet. ๐
6:46 pm
said the following:
What to do.. hehe.. ๐ฏ any other trick? ๐
10:26 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@mr. eims:
Either adapt to the new changes, or just forget about Alexa Traffic Ranking. ๐
No new tricks for now. ๐
5:53 pm
alexa new ranking system
said the following:
I heared the announcement that alexa has changed its ranking algorithm. I am little happy with this change because my website got little improvment. see new alexa ranking for http://www.alexa.com/data/details/main?url=www.fortunehotels.in Fortune Park Hotels Ltd.
11:59 am
said the following:
Thanks a lot for this. I didn’t know that Alexa gathered information through the toolbar. So they must be missing out when people with vanilla browsers check out sites.
12:01 pm
said the following:
Does having a high Alexa rank improve traffic to your site like google’s pagerank?
4:00 pm
said the following:
Your BLOG have a good alexa rank.
6:29 am
Somali News and Blogs
said the following:
Alexa’s algorithm for ranking sites is flawed. I have a site that gets over 5k visitors daily and my rank keeps on getting worse! My server stats show I am getting the same traffic numbers, yet alexa ranking is saying my visitors are declining. Now, what happens when people change browsers and either forget to install browsers? Also, anyone who carefully browsers the net hates tool bars, so who’s tech savvy that is gonna install a browser tool bar? Not me! Alexa should handout javascript code to collect data so we can just paste it in the HTML and then they can tell us our stats. Otherwise, a toolbar is for those that can be tricked into install it, and that is not the majority of web surfers anymore as it used to be.
PS: Deimos Tel`Arin please check out my blog http://www.somchat.com and tell me more steps to improve my alexa ranking. I appreciate it
1:09 pm
said the following:
I found many tips to improve the alexa ranking on the internet, but I have to say I’ve chosen the quick and easy way to improve the ranking of my team’s site.
A few people recommended http://www.alexage.com to improve Alexa ranking.
They worked great for us and our site’s Alexa rank is now in Alexa’s top 100K.