Are you a fan of zombie killing flash games such as The Last Stand and The Last Stand 2? Tried out the action packed demos of Dead Frontier Night One, Dead Frontier Night Two as well as Dead Frontier Night Three? Interested in trying out a different kind of MMORPG? Come and join the open beta testing of Dead Frontier MMO, a free to play Zombie Killing MMORPG.
Dead Frontier MMO
Play Dead Frontier MMO at their official web site.
Dead Frontier MMO – Home Page
This is the first page that you will see upon loading their site, click on “PLAY THE OPEN BETA” to proceed further where you can either login or create a new account and character.
Dead Frontier MMO – Login or Register
Either key in your Username and Password to login or click on “Register Now” to create a new account and character before you can start to play.
Dead Frontier MMO – Registration
Just fill in the blanks and follow the on screen instructions. It appears that their forum is powered by SMF – Simple Machine Forums – a free forum php script which is quite powerful.
Dead Frontier MMO – Character Creation
After you gone through that page, it is time to customize your character. For appearance, you get to choose your character’s face, shirt and pants. After that, you can choose a profession. There are lots of different types of professions to choose from, such as Doctor, Soldier, Chef, Scientist, Engineer, Fireman, Policeman, Boxer and many more. Popular ones are the few mentioned here.
Dead Frontier MMO – Base
Once character creation is completed, you will be shown this screen. This is the base or simply “Nastya’s Holdout” which is a safe haven for the rest of the living humans which have not been infected and transformed into mindless zombies hungry for human brain.
Dead Frontier MMO – Combat
If you click on “Inner City” in the previous screen shot, you will start the action part of Dead Frontier MMO in which gameplay is based on a top down view with your character in the middle. Different professions start off with different starting weapons, most of them gets a pen knife as a melee weapon. Fireman gets a Fire Axe, Chef gets a chef knife and so on.
Dead Frontier MMO – Dead
This is the screen that you are shown if you get killed. Get surrounded by too many zombies and this is what will happen to you. Upon death, you lose any cash you are carrying on you and 1/3 of your current experience points. After the timer is up, click “revive” to respawn.
Dead Frontier MMO – Level Up
Since it is a MMORPG, your character will earn experience points and once enough experience points is accumulated, your character will gain a new level and you can increase your weapon proficiencies or stats as shown in the screen shot above.
Dead Frontier MMO – Chain Saw
If you choose to specialize in Melee, you can use a chain saw to cut the zombies into pieces.
Dead Frontier MMO – Chain Saw
A chain saw is quite noisy and you will quickly attract a lot of zombies using it.
Deimos’s Zombie Week
Day four of Deimos’s Zombie Week.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Techie Steve Yu has a nice list of free softwares. Most of them are anti virus softwares so if you need an anti virus software, do check out that list which is quite comprehensive.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Deimos has little time to play games nowadays, especially during the weekdays. Hence, he resorts to playing simple games such as this one. Somehow, he still manages to find a little bit of time to kill some zombies in Dead Frontier MMO.
Dead Frontier MMO is still in open beta testing, some planned interesting features have not made it into the game yet. Deimos managed to level his Soldier to Level 17 so he hopes that the character database would not be wiped when the beta testing ends.
Action game play is simple, use WASD to control your character, aim around with the mouse to stab, slice, chop, etc the mindless zombies hungry for your flesh.
What makes it a MMORPG is the leveling system, inventory system plus the many players playing it, trading weapons, ammunitions, medical supplies and food between each other for cash, which is the in game currency and not to be confused with the real world cash.
Some features such as missions, attacks on the outpost, multiplayer etc are not available yet.
Game looks promising and there are plenty of players playing it at any given time, easily evidenced by the amount of active players hawking over the selling forum where the players hawk their virtual goods to be sold for virtual cash.
Deimos Asks
Tried out Dead Frontier Night One, Two and Three yet?
2:46 pm
Steve Yu
said the following:
Wow, you like zombie games so much ya? I just finished the Last Stand 2 only this morning. Will try Dead Frontier 1, 2 and 3.
2:48 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Steve Yu:

I have yet to finish The Last Stand 2 myself.
The last time I tried, the game got stuck when I almost finished it.
Zombie Week mah, so whole week I post zombie related stuff.
Don’t have much time for other games liao nowadays.
4:46 pm
said the following:
Wah… too much violence, i scare!
5:08 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Scared of violence? Aiya, like that where can? How to protect your girl nanti?
11:55 pm
Steve Yu
said the following:
OMG, this game is really tough la. I died many many times already.
6:26 am
said the following:
Eh…. got MMORPG some more?????
I am back from KL. Wasted 2 days on motivational stuff. Bleh…..
12:22 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Steve Yu:
Really that hard ah? What profession are you using?
Yeah, got MMORPG one also. Wanna give it a try?
3:40 pm
said the following:
I would, if I have the time……. don’t even have time to play Mythos….
2:27 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Aih, 24 hours is never enough! I don’t have time for Mythos as well.
11:23 pm
said the following:
If yoy like this game you should check out http://www.zombiepandemic.com
4:08 am
said the following:
hey if you need help look me up on dead frontier called rexon
2:49 am
said the following:
Im level 13 on dead frontier and I dont die that much. If you are using a melee weapon just run up attack and run back. If using a gun circle around the zombie and be sure not to be cornered. When looting use a melee weapon. If you use a gun it causes more aggro which means more zombies which means a higher chance of death. Go to sleeping hole to loot and always loot with a group of 3 – 6. I wouldnt advise you go in on your own unless you are level 20+.
5:42 pm
jesus of dead frontier
said the following:
i am lvl 94 on dead frontier. if you are new to it you will barly leave the outpost just killing zombies near there. i have been everywere and are willing to share the location of the “crashed helecopter” were you can find grenade launchers, and expensive automatic weapons. it is at the bottom right of the map south east of outpost. so its on the other side of the map. and unless you can take on hundreds of them dont go alone. its good tho….
2:46 am
said the following:
well i dont really knnow im only lvl 18 and i went pretty far without dying i got really scared comming back because i was on crit health
but came back with nothing i just wanted to go out and take back city by myself lol
3:01 pm
said the following:
this game is cool
10:27 am
said the following:
i love the game cause i like zombies i mostly like zombie movies.zombie games are cool to
12:23 pm
cheap conveyencing
said the following:
This is cool one. The graphics seems attractive.
9:34 pm
Resident Evil
said the following:
…… URL to dead frontier.com —> http://www.deadfrontier.com <—
Any how
any fans of resident evil? im also fan of dead frontier
12:01 am
Zombie Immobilizer
said the following:
The game is just plain awesome… I’m a level 15 right now but i’ve never been to the crashsite before. It’s pretty cool, fighting and looting around the city. And yes my name in the game is “Zombie Immobilizer” !
2:37 pm
said the following:
hey i hate this game its fun yes but the only gun you can get for some time is a .32 and people sell it for like $500 and im like wtf and so know im out of ammo and i have to use i bat which i seem to have luck with so im going to smack a zombie head out of the park
1:58 am
The Winner
said the following:
Chainsaws with 100 or 90 critical stat OWN the zombies! I can run through zombie rows with my chainsaw running and not be damaged. Green zombies are so easy with strong saws like STIHL MS880 or something or Grinder. They Pwn
10:51 am
said the following:
BAH it doesnt work i login and there is just a black screen please someone help me
5:19 am
said the following:
Anyone selling one selling their account?
8:34 am
said the following:
i gots chainsaw and a sa80 Mc
10:04 am
said the following:
i can’t play deadfrontier any1 tell me
2:33 am
said the following:
i am having problem with the Registration :/ , Visual verification:
Type the letters shown in the picture, i am having problem on that, i write the right letters,but still i don,t no,about how much space it needs,in the letters… some1 hjelp me here
7:03 am
said the following:
Hey You have an Account too? What’s Your Level? What Character Class Are You? My Account Name is “danzelm27” Can You Add Me?
2:52 pm
said the following:
hack over here
2:50 pm
said the following:
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