Tutorial : How to exploit Alexa Traffic Ranking using Entrecard
29 Dec 2007 | The Blogsphere | 30 commentsMORE unique visitors, MORE traffic, POTENTIALLY BETTER Alexa traffic ranking.
Interested? Read on and find out what Deimos has to say about this Entrecard thingie.
Step by Step Guide to exploit Alexa Traffic Ranking using Entrecard
1. Register oneself at Entrecard, complete all necessary forms etc
2. Start dropping your Entrecard in other Entrecard members’ (Entrecarders) Inbox
3. Rinse and repeat step number 2
That’s it, just that simple!
If still interested, read on to find out how does this exploit works.
DTA Says:
If one is not interested in the detailed tutorial below, read this one sentence summary:
“Entrecard is successful at making Entrecarders visit other Entrecarders blogs because Entrecarders are rewarded for doing so.”
So how does it works?
We start by dropping our Entrecard in some other Entrecard-er’s Inbox.
============================================================= Notice the “Drop yours” click-able thingie in the screenie to the left? Now if one clicks that, one’s Entrecard would appear in Mr Munro’s Entrecard’s Dashboard Inbox section. ============================================================= What exactly is this Entrecard Dashboard thingie? Well, it is a control panel thingie for Entrecard users, the following screenie below shows a portion of how one’s Entrecard looks like. ============================================================= |
Meet the Entrecard Dashboard, at least part of it!
Depicted in the above screenie, I have circled the 4 sections as follows:
Red – Inbox
(This is the place where my Entrecard will show up in Mr Munro’s Inbox section)
Yellow – On your widget
(This shows the Entrecards lining up in an orderly fashion, waiting to be displayed on my site. In the screenie above, it currently shows Eternal Flux’s Entrecard. Eternal Flux’s Entrecard would be shown for a full 24 hours for each advertisement slot that he bought.)
Blue – Your Ads
(So it appears that I have yet to purchase any advertisement slots, I don’t think I ever will. Guess I changed my mind, purchasing advertisement slots is a vital process and not to be dismissed.)
Green – Advertisers
(Fellow Entrecarders who wishes to buy a slot on my site, must be personally approved by me via this panel before their Entrecards will line up to be displayed on the Entrecard Widget in my site.)
Note: Entrecarders spend Entrecard Credits (ec) when they buy a spot in some other Entrecarder’s Entrecard Widget.
How much to advertise on other Entrecarder’s site?
Multiple the daily average number of Entrecard dropped via that Entrecarder’s site by two (2).
Got a figure yet? That figure is the amount of Entrecard Credits (ec) that one needs to pay to advertise on other Entrecarder’s site.
Hence, if an Entrecard Widget has 100 Entrecards (Average) drop per day, one needs to spend 200 Entrecard Credits (ec) to advertise on that Entrecard Widget.
WTP are Entrecard Credits (ec)?
Entrecard Credits (ec) are the currency of Entrecard.
Fellow Entrecarders purchases Advertising spots on other Entrecarders’ site with this.
HTP do I earn Entrecard Credits (ec)?
The three (3) official methods to acquire, accumulate Entrecard Credits (ec)
1. +1 ec when one drop one’s card for other Entrecard-ers
2. +1 ec when other Entrecard-er drops their card for one
3. ++++ec when other Entrecard-er advertises on one’s Entrecard Widget
The above mentioned are not the only means to obtain ec, one can also:
1. Win or lose ec by gambling with fellow Entrecard-ers
2. Beg for ec from ec fellow Entrecard-ers who are filthy ec rich
3. etc
To put it simply, ec can be traded. Check out the screenie below:
One is able to give ec to a fellow Entrecarder, or a non-Entrecarder, the non-Entrecarder will receive the ec upon signing up with Entrecard.
I still don’t understand!
In order to “drop one’s Entrecard into other Entrecarders’ Inbox”, one must actually visit that Entrecarder’s site, find the Entrecard Widget and click on the “Drop yours” click-able area on that Entrecard Widget.
Since Entrecarders receive ec for dropping their Entrecard into other Entrecarders’ Inbox, Entrecarders will start to visit other fellow Entrecarder’s site to find and click on Entrecard Widgets.
This means one would be constantly receiving traffic from other fellow Entrecarders!
HTP would this help Alexa Traffic Ranking?
To my limited knowledge, I believe that Alexa Traffic Ranking is based on the following:
– Number of Page Views over a certain period (Say per day)
– Number of Visitors (Regular / Uniques) over a certain period (Say per day)
– Any other factors that I am totally unaware of (Anyone care to help me out? )
Entrecard would definitely achieve the first (1st) two (2) of the above listed, Page Views as well as Visitors (Unique) since Entrecarders earn Entrecard Credits (ec) by doing so.
Sounds too good to be true? What’s the catch?
The “Unique Visitors” that one receives when other fellow Entrecarders clicks on one’s Entrecard Widget are probably one time visitors, as their main purpose is to simply find other fellow Entrecarder’s Entrecard Widget, click the “Drop yours” click-able area and then rinse and repeat.
Still, I am confident that this system will definitely rake in tonnes of traffic from other fellow Entrecarders, though the initial purpose of those Unique Visitors are to find Entrecard Widgets and click on ’em.
Still rounds too good! Are there any risks involved?
I am not sure what Internet King Kong – Google or Alexa will react to this, the Entrecard thingie is still new in the net as they just launched their program in 8 November 2007.
The is always the possibility of Google or Alexa doing something about this Entrecard thingie.
Hopefully, they don’t punish the Entrecarders.
What happens to the bloggers who don’t use Entrecard?
For now, it seems that Entrecard appears to be very effective at collecting traffic. Bloggers who choose not to use Entrecard at all would miss out all the juice.
Then again, if Google does decide to do something real bad to all Entrecarders, then those Bloggers who remained to be non-Entrecarders would be off the hook, of course.
Deimos’s Thoughts
My advice? Proceed with caution!
Myself? I am an Entrecarder! My Entrecard Widget is at the top of my right-hand-side Side Bar! Feel free to drop one’s Entrecard into my Entrecard Inbox! Now if one would excuse me, I have some serious amount of mad Entrecard clicking to do!
Entrecard in the Blogsphere
KL Blogger Vickie introduces Entrecard to fellow bloggers. I have read her article earlier about Entrecard but did not pay much attention to it back then.
The rest of the world
Eleven (11) Entrecarding entries by Sam Freedom, Internet Marketing Controversy Blogger:
Sam’s first day being an Entrecarder
10 Basic Tips for an Entrecarder
Advanced Entrecarding tips
Find out what Sam has to say about some very interesting Entrecards ……
Meet the Drop Squad!
Good Entrecard Contests …… and bad ones!
Do you want to open up an Entrecard Shop?
Easy Access Entrecards
Even more Advanced Entrecarding Strategy
Love thy Entrecarders!
Warning about Dysfunctional Link Love
Internet entrepreneur Joel Comm briefly tell us what Entrecard is.
Pittsburgh native young professional Rob Schultz aspiring to become an Internet entrepreneur explains about Entrecard and after five (5) days later he shared his thoughts about what Entrecard did for his site as well as highlighted a few new features of Entrecard.
Official Guides:
First Blog Entry of Entrecard
Alexa on Wikipedia:
12:40 pm
Eric Huang
said the following:
Well, all I can say is that I’m in the Entrecard business now as well! Good luck to us both
12:58 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Eric Huang:
Aye, welcome aboard the Entrecard bandwagon!
Hopefully, Google does not react negatively to this Entrecard thingie.
6:51 pm
said the following:
sad loh, I’m from KL, not from Penang oh
7:10 pm
said the following:
Well, if Alexa finds out about it?
9:04 pm
said the following:
I’ve been using Entrecard for more than a month now and I’m enjoying some pretty traffic from it.
Thanks to Entrecard I was able to visit your site. Great content you have here.
I’m throwing away a contest for Entrecard users, if you want to join, just check my website for more info. 2000 Entrecard credits are at stake.
6:08 am
Sam Freedoms Internet Marketing Controversy Blog
said the following:
Very well written but that was quite a lot to bite off in one bite! Anyways, I wouldn’t say it’s an exploit of Alexa but it certainly couldn’t hurt!
Here’s my list of Entrecard articles that have helped a lot of Entrecard users squeeze the most out of their experience.
Hope they help you,
3:45 pm
said the following:
That’s the way entrecard is supposed to work. You aren’t exploiting anything. You missed the whole point of alexa. Alexa doesn’t even count your vote unless you have their toolbar installed. That leaves two choices, either go and install their toolbar, which I did, or change your link url to make it alexa friendly, which I did as well in entrecard.
4:08 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Hi there turnip!
Google Search – define: exploit
“use or manipulate to one’s advantage”
Well, we Entrecarders are certainly using Entrecard to our advantage? Right?
That is why I call it an “exploit”
I just installed the Alexa Tool Bar thingie, I never realized that the Alexa Traffic are only registered if the browser has the Alexa Tool Bar installed!
Thanks for the Alexa friendly url thingie! Never knew about that.
I am going make the necessary changes now!
Thanks, mate!
Hello Sam!
Exploit defined as “use or manipulate to one’s advantage” so yeah we are “exploiting” it.
I read up your various posts about Entrecard, all Eleven (11) of them! Brilliant!
Greetings, Dulce!
Your site’s design layout is quite good as well, thumbs up for that!
All right I joined your contest!
After hearing what Sam and turnip has to say, I think Alexa would not do anything against Entrecarders.
Not sure what Google would do about it though.
Salah again!
Last time in the Christmas post you should have corrected me liao mah, wait until now somemore.Just realized that I did not post your location in the Christmas post, my bad!
I edited this post liao lor. You see now correct or not?
Cheers to all fellow bloggers!
1:45 am
Are you an Entrecarder yet? | ahkong.net
said the following:
[…] Entrecarders’ sites which displays the Entrecard Widget. Do feel free to take a read at this tutorial which teaches one how to exploit the Alexa Ranking using Entrecard if one would like to know how the system […]
11:31 pm
said the following:
whoa! hi there deimos.. tnx for that tip, now i totally understand the philosophy behind Entrecard.. thank you so much.. i just started blogging recently, like less than a week and i’ll take it seriously.. since you mentioned it in your post, uhm.. can i beg for ECs? hehe.. i have people now at my inbox and advertising at my blog which sounds really neat to me.. can i beg for like 20ec? hehe
please please please?
happy new year!!!
4:21 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Yes, you can beg.
But I ain’t giving.
Happy New Year!
10:24 am
Boost Alexa Traffic Rank | ahkong.net
said the following:
[…] Alexa Traffic Ranking: http://ahkong.net/entrecarder/ http://ahkong.net/entrecarder-survival-guide/ http://ahkong.net/exploit-alexa-ranking-with-entrecard/ Download the ZIP Archive here: […]
11:27 pm
Increase Traffic
said the following:
You did installed the Alexa Toolbar? Hey, i thought Alexa has some hidden agenda when installing one, which i read from the T&C. But then when you mentioned here about it, i check again, It’s gone..!!
What’s inside the T&C? “Alexa collect all your information including Credit Card Number when you do an online transaction. Alexa collect all your information including your ZIP code, Your gender, Your password,” I’d say “WTF..!!!” It’s like i got no PRIVACY at all..!!!
Hey, how’s the Toolbar, anyway?
5:13 am
said the following:
Hi, I tried the Alexa toolbar but it didn’t like me. To be honest, I think it hated me, it hated my computer too.
Symantec thought it was a virus, I almost had to shoot my PC to get rid of Alexa Toolbar. But hey – if you don’t use Symantec, the Toolbar is fun to use. I have AVG on my other PC, I will try to install it on that one. And come here often. hehe
8:03 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
I am using the Alexa Tool Bar – Sparky.
There is no mention of collecting credit card info.
That’s pretty absurd of Symantec.
I am have Norton Security Scan and Spyware Doctor.
No problematic issues raised from those two.
7:11 am
Eight Totally Tested Proven Methods to Improve Alexa Traffic Ranking | ahkong.net
said the following:
[…] are some Alexa related articles that Deimos wrote up: http://ahkong.net/boost-alexa-traffic-rank/ http://ahkong.net/exploit-alexa-ranking-with-entrecard/ […]
8:56 am
Daily Tech Impressions
said the following:
Yes it works I’m receiving alot of traffic and my Alexa rankings are going through the roof on my 2 week old site!
6:52 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Daily Tech Impressions:
Glad to hear that it is working for ya.
2:44 pm
How Deimos uses Social Networking - EntreCard.Com - Writing Contest! Win 3,000 EntreCredits - by Alan @ libdrone.info | ahkong.net
said the following:
[…] realizing EntreCard potential and how useful can be, I wrote a Tutorial – How to exploit Alexa Traffic Ranking using EntreCard. Somehow, my post seems to have gotten the attention of Uncle Sam and the mighty Turnip of Power as […]
5:54 pm
said the following:
I wonder if it works for all blogs, do you need a minimum amount of traffic to benefit from this? I have a relatively new blog so I’ll try and see if it works.
7:12 pm
said the following:
aha! now i have a more reasons to love entrecard..
4:04 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
EntreCard works for all blogs.
You need to put in some time in order to benefit from it.
What reason might that be?
11:57 pm
said the following:
Im not sure on alexa ranking but seriously entrecard can boost our visitor
11:57 am
Animals Need Help
said the following:
Entrecard is a great way of getting you blog out there into the hands of thousands of bloggers. My comments and traffic are way up since I have adopted Entrecard.
3:56 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
EntreCard boosts everything! Unless your blog has no real content …
@Animals Need Help:
It must be utilized properly though, or else it would not work as desired.
1:24 pm
said the following:
wowwww…..was totally unaware of it.
9:58 am
said the following:
thanks for the info about entrecard.
8:53 pm
Hye Munar
said the following:
I use Entrecard and I noticed it contributes to my Alexa ranking. I think Alexa is getting its data to entrecard users too.
4:37 pm
said the following:
I think if the kids who spend all their time trying to beat the system, would forget all this crap and just spend the energy and time on working on their website to bring good content to others, they would see regular improvements over time. We decided to ignore all these schemes and we hit over 1 million is sales last year. We have seen stores who show traffic ranking 3 times what ours is and yet they only make 1/2 of what we do. We have seen website showing those websites worth 1/2 million, which showing our as worth only thousands, but when it comes time to buy, the buyer will want to see real records. That means sales and tax receipts. Not bullshit ranking and opinions. The main reasons all these tricks seem to work is because there is a natural progression on the internet and they all will take credit for what you would have gotten anyway.
11:59 am
said the following:
entre card wrote this article it will not boost your alexa. and alexa does nto mean anything it does not even report traffic correctly . keep it real