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Zombie Exploder – Title Menu
Dark, creepy looking title menu. Zombies in a high rise building? Innovative setting.
Zombie Exploder – Instructions!
Seems like you punch zombies by moving your mouse back and forth. This is new.
Zombie Exploder – Action!
Hold down the mouse button while swinging the mouse button to kick. Gib the zombies!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice graphics. Weird controls and somewhat challenging game play. Punching zombies seems to be not very effective while kicking is much better. Kicking uses up stamina though.
Deimos Asks
What would you do if you are trapped on top of a high rise building full of zombies?
1:21 pm
used tires
said the following:
I would try my best to fight off the Zombies, but ultimately I think my fight would be in vain, lol.
Till then,
1:41 pm
Conveyancing quote
said the following:
used tires @ Why don’t you think so. At least you should try ones.
3:25 pm
said the following:
thank for da game
8:30 pm
ultimate gifts baskets
said the following:
Wow! It is really a great idea on this topic….
9:13 pm
Free Download
said the following:
We would love to fight with zombies.Thanks for sharing this
4:24 am
Metal Briefcases
said the following:
I love a good zombie killing game. What better way to lose yourself than by blowing up the walking dead.
6:28 am
Used Tires
said the following:
@Convenience quotes, well like I said I would try, and I would put up a good fight but in the end I think it would likely be too hard, lol.
Till then,
11:18 am
Fahad (Quick|Weight|Loss)
said the following:
nice game, i have noticed in this site there r a number of zombies games than other topic, sorry for bad english.
7:59 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Despite my aversion to zombies, yes, I like to kick some zombie butt. I would make a makeshift parachute and jump off from a building full of zombies in real life.
12:03 pm
said the following:
Going hand to hand with the zombies sounds like a bad idea, but ill try it.
8:12 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Ah Deimos! Zombies again. Even at the cost of breaking a few bones, I would jump out of the nearest window.
9:37 pm
said the following:
Good game. Takes a bit of practice to achieve a “Bloody Home Run”, but satisfying when you manage it
I quite like the control system. I also like how the protagonist is still wearing his earphones 
If I were in a highrise full of zombies, I’d be as creative as possible.

° Roll the water cooler at their legs.
° Strap a filing cabinet onto 4 wheeled office chairs, tied together with electric cable & use it as a make-shift riot vehicle.
° I think a fire axe woud be pretty useless – I’d get tired after the first few swings. A blade from the ceiling fan, wrapped with a tie or something as a hilt seems better. It’s lightweight, easy to find, and has a blade on both sides, so you can hit something on the backswing.
° Better idea, if you happen to have some gaff tape in the office, attatch a table leg to one end of the fan blade, giving you a longer reach on your swing. the weapon wouldn’t last for long, but you might get a few swings in.
° Use the fire hose to push back the zombies, hopefully I’d get a domino effect.
° I may even try the age-old zippo-lighter&deoderant spray.
My main goal would be to escape the building, and leave cleanup duty to someone else:P I’d aim for chopping of feet, legs, anything which would slow down the zombies, so I can avoid them more easily.
If they’re zombies like the ones in this game, I’d have no trouble. If they’re like the ones from Left 4 Dead or SAS2, I’d be hiding under a desk, or in a cleaner’s closet.
…I think I’ve played way too many zombie games
10:11 am
said the following:
do you like your ass! >:D
3:23 pm
certified pharmacy technician
said the following:
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!
8:09 pm
said the following:
{Deimos Asks:
What would you do if you are trapped on top of a high rise building full of zombies?}
Assassin’s creed’s “Leap of faith”