WordPress 2.5 – Have you updated your WordPress powered blog? How to update to WordPress 2.5?
30 Mar 2008 | Wordpress | 22 commentsOverview
Are you a Blogger? Is your blog powered by WordPress? WordPress 2.5 is out! Have you updated your WordPress powered blog to WordPress 2.5? How to update to WordPress 2.5? In this post, Deimos shares his method of updating to WordPress 2.5, might not be the best way, but it works at least.
Manual Update
Deimos did not use any plugins that updates his version of WordPress automatically, so he downloaded the files from WordPress’s home page, uploaded the files and then updated the database. A simple step by step tutorial to update manually WordPress 2.5 would be something like this:
1. Download WordPress 2.5 ZIP Archive
2. Uncompress the ZIP Archive
2a. Check plugins compatibility (very important!)
3. Upload files to the path of the file server where the WordPress powered blog is hosted
4. Update WordPress Database
In step #3, overwrite all existing files. There are quite a number of unused files in the previous version (WordPress 2.3.3) so there 3 options here:
1. Ignore them (This is Deimos’s option, no problems encountered yet)
2. Delete them (Many files, perhaps option #3 is the best option)
3. Delete the old folders first, then upload new files (don’t delete plugins and themes folder)
For step #4, access the WordPress Admin Dashboard for the first time after the new WordPress 2.5 files has been uploaded, you will be notified that your WordPress database is outdated, just follow the on screen instructions to update the database.
Are you plugins compatible with WordPress 2.5?
Before you upload those WordPress 2.5 files, please check if your plugins are compatible:
Deimos had to deactivate Simple Tags and update NextGEN Gallery to the latest version.
Download WordPress 2.5
Get it from the official WordPress home page:
Direct download link for the ZIP Archive:
Direct download ink for the TAR GZ Archive:
Change Log
Visit this link to find out the list of files that were added, modified or deleted:
Please press the “Escape” key to stop the page from loading after the list of files has finished loading or else FireFox might crash.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Article and link love for my RSS experiment guinea pigs! Wohoo!
Download the photo book of Yui Okada, courtesy of Xacur.
Scott has a serious joke to share, no joking there!
Banji has listed 10 motivational scripts, specifically for students!
Some WordPress 2.5 thoughts of glitch, what are your thoughts?
Oyvind visited some high place and has some lovely screenies to share!
Deimos’s Thoughts
So it is finally here – WordPress 2.5 – the new WordPress 2.5 Dashboard might need some time to get used to, it looks totally different. Should not be a problem for Deimos since he adapts easily.
Deimos analyzed his WordPress powered blog via Pingdom Tools and noticed that the loading time is indeed faster! Go WordPress 2.5!
Deimos Asks
If you are reading this, you are probably a Blogger so here are some blogging related questions:
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
5:15 pm
Franca Richard
said the following:
Darn good article, I will answer your questions here:
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
Yes, sure.
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
NO,not really.
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
My friends mentioned alink WP plugin won’t be working well for v2.5.
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
Outlook is fantastic, but must be coming with some unsolved bugs.
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
5:37 pm
said the following:
I updated as soon as I saw it at my wordpress dashboard….. so far so good…
5:41 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Franca Richard:

Thanks for the feedback yo!
The major visual differences seems to be the dashboard though.
By the way, Akismet ate your comment, might want to check it out.
I was one day late, better late than never!
So far so good here as well, hopefully no problems will surface!
6:46 pm
said the following:
Hmm, strange, I have problem with my category. When clicking them, it will go to error 404 page.
9:26 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:

Mine seems to be working just fine, problems.
Tried out yours, nice 404 page you have there.
9:47 pm
said the following:
One thing I know I will like the most is the enhanced WYSIWYG editor. So tired of fixing my post just after I publish them
I may need your help when updating later on.
10:13 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:

Yeah, the 2.5 text editor is much better than the 2.3 one.
Just let me know what you need help with later on.
1:42 am
said the following:
I updated my wordpress as soon as I saw the update appear in my dashboard. I have been reading the feedbacks from other blogs before the release and the reviews are pretty good. When I tried it for myself, I immediately liked the new interface and I like the changes that they made. Takes a little getting used at first, took me longer to publish a new post than before but I’m already getting the hang of it. Looks great and so far no problems encountered. All my plugins are working fine.
5:52 am
said the following:
the admin interface is really neater now….. and it looks nice to the eyes too. Really a worthwhile update!
5:59 am
said the following:
Thanks for the link (^_^)
I updated mine yesterday, and no problem with that. Still working with Blogger and haven’t noticed but I read about WP 2.5 in every blog.
I didn’t know there was plugins to update automatically.
I almost don’t use the dashboard, I post with LiveWriter so I rarely use it.
@Vortrack: maybe you have to run the upgrade.php file
9:00 am
Michael Aulia
said the following:
I love the new interface. Updating it is very easy on my end cause I was using the Automatic Upgrade plug-in
Only took me less than a minute
Still have a few problems or errors on the admin interface, but nothing to stop me from doing things
6:29 pm
said the following:
Wah, upgrade oledi ah?
Very busy, did not have time to upgrade rite now. 

1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
Nope,I will do it this week maybe
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
Time, ma…
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
I don’t know, I heard it got a fancy dashboard
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to
updating to WordPress 2.5?
11:17 pm
Marcus Hochstadt
said the following:
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
2.3.2 I believe…
For this upgrade, I used a plug-in called WordPress Automatic Upgrade, which made the whole process a snap.
2:40 am
said the following:
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
I love it! But it will take some time getting used to the new interface.
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
I upgraded to 2.5 using the automatic update plugin. The process went smoothly, but updating the plugins took a while to get under control.
8:08 am
said the following:
8:11 am
said the following:
10:28 pm
said the following:
Manual installation of WordPress 2.5 is kinda troublesome. I’m waiting the Francisco Deluxe to have auto upgrade to 2.5.
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
—–Not yet. But Soon—-
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
—–Lazy to get plugin and manual installation. I afraid many plugins still not compatible with the latest version——
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
—–Not so sure as I never 100% do research on it—–
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
1:28 pm
said the following:
1. Is your blog powered by WordPress?
2. Have you updated to WordPress 2.5?
3. If not, what is stopping you from updating?
-No significant changes other than the dashboard, I think-
4. What do you think about this new WordPress 2.5?
5. What is your previous version of WordPress prior to updating to WordPress 2.5?
7:27 am
business web site hosting
said the following:
Great post ! I want to know when you update your blog, where can i subscribe to your blog?

10:54 pm
best business web site hosting
said the following:
Great post ! I want to know when you update your blog, where can i subscribe to your blog?

1:45 pm
Arthritis Treatments
said the following:
wordpress is the best blogging platform ever~*,
6:50 pm
Mirror Tiles ·
said the following:
wordpress is simply the best blogging platfrom that you can use, it has lots of features ‘”,