English Translation
Regardless how far the
journey is or how capable we are,
we do our best to reach our goal.
This is perseverance at its best.
Original Mandarin Version
Deimos Analyzes – For Non-Bloggers
To quote William Hung “I already gave my best. I have no regrets at all.” and that is the kind of attitude that everyone ought to adopt.
Deimos Analyzes – For Bloggers
The journey to achieving blogging fame and fortune is quite far, and not everyone manages to reach that goal, even though they may already have been blogging for years.
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D
The image used in the banner is from the new movie titled “Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D” which is a 3D action adventure movie starring Brendan Fraser. Deimos has yet to watch it on the big screens though he has checked out its movie trailer.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Want to upload files online? Check out these alternatives to Rapidshare, courtesy of ameo.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Sometimes, it is better to take a break, have a good rest, before continuing on the journey. The reason why we take breaks and rest is so that we are able to journey further, ultimately reaching our goal. In the society of now, there are many workaholics who work too much and not enough rest, not exactly very healthy.
Deimos Asks
Are you a workaholic? Do you have enough rest?
5:28 am
said the following:
Ohhh. I like this one. NO pain, NO gain. Short term pain, equals long term gain. 🙂 But its perseverance that make one resilient to hardships and tribulations. Without it, there’s no point in dreaming. 😎
6:10 am
said the following:
Some bloggers just want to vent and rant their frustrations, fame and fortune is far from their minds………..
2:52 pm
said the following:
ya…………now have ‘yi li’ in teaching………=)
7:18 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
I hardly ever work! I am however very busy. I do not call what I do as work. It is enjoyable occupation. I blog primarily to keep my creative side active and to keep my readers informed of all developments in my field.
11:47 pm
said the following:
I slack a lot but I do try my best when needed ^^
7:25 am
said the following:
I’m not workaholic , but i believe that the value isn’t in the destination it’s in the journey
7:11 pm
said the following:
@ameo Very true.
For instance when you want to be a rich tycoon,
You need to learn how to do marketing and also thinks of item to sell,
After you sell and became a tycoon,
You’ve gained not only your goal but also the marketing skill
9:51 pm
said the following:
jetim alfwuo merse boko rsline 3la mail 😳 mohamed
3:01 pm
said the following:
“fame and fortune” ..
so that is what blogging is about ??
i thought it’s about sharing n making friends ..
10:42 am
said the following:
“Are you a workaholic? Do you have enough rest?”
Workaholic? I cant find a reason why should I to be workaholic to a “BOSS”; 4 my own business, mayb can consider!
1:33 pm
Hye Munar
said the following:
So true, having enough perseverance with what you do is very important. Giving your best is better rather than quitting.
9:10 pm
Hye Munar
said the following:
Perseverance is really applicable in blogging. No one should give up. Set your goals and work for it until you find success.