A Mastermind: World Conqueror walkthrough, for those Mastermind wannabes who have trouble conquering and destroying the earth. There is a basic guide for the experienced players as well as a detailed step by step guide for the inexperienced gamers.
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – List of Guides
The conquering and destruction of the planet earth is not really that hard.
Minions (Some tips to save cost in Minion recruitment)
Patsies and #2 Henchman (Don’t let inefficient Patsies ruin your Missions)
Missions, XP and Notoriety (You will gain Notoriety nevertheless)
World Events (Can be annoying at start, no longer a threat late game)
Basic Guide (Just some simple pointers for the experienced)
Detailed Guide (A step by step guide for the inexperienced)
Misc (Some misc screen shots and commentary)
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Minions (List)
– Assign all non-working Minions to Financial Room
(Minions not assigned to Control Room and executing Missions)
– Recruit new Minions when there are not many Minions in base
– Assign extra Minions into Control Room to increase Mission success rate
– Only have 20 Minions outside base when using Clone Soldiers Power
The cost of recruiting Minions increases as follows:
0 6 13 20 26 33 40 46 53 60 66 73 80 …
During the start of the game when you have yet to have a steady flow of income, every dollar counts so saving cost in Minions recruitment can go a long way.
You start off with 3 Minions, when you are executing the first Mission and there are no more Minions in your base, the cost of recruiting Minions drop back to 0.
Recruit a Minion, and the price will shoot up to 20 like that, after a second or two it will drop back down to 6, recruit another minion and the price will shoot up further, again wait for a short while and it will drop back down to 13 and so on.
Using this method, you can save some initial cost in Minions recruitment during the early stages of this game when you yet to have a steady flow of natural income.
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Patsies and #2 Henchman (List)
– Patsies can be assigned to Missions they are not specialized it
– Patsies will give more bonuses to the missions that they are specialized in
– Expensive Patsies will give more bonuses to missions than cheaper ones
– Executing a Patsy will cause the efficiency level of other Patsies to be maxed
– Patsies with low efficiency levels can botch Missions
– Efficiency levels of Patsies will decrease when assigned to Missions non-stop
– Efficiency levels of Patsies will slowly increase when not assigned to Missions
– A #2 Henchman is not required to win this game
– If you really want a #2 Henchman, hire Dark Ophelia
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Missions, XP and Notoriety (List)
– Missions can fail even if you have 99% success rate
(Assigning Patsies with low efficiency levels to Missions will botch Missions)
– You will still gain notoriety if you fail Missions
– You will not gain any XP for if you fail Missions
– Notoriety will increase slowly even if you do not do Missions
– Blow Up Missions give the most XP and greatly increases suspicion level
(Alternate between Blow Up and Brainwash missions to reach Level 7 quickly)
– A certain World Event can cause XP received to be greatly reduced
(Close the event if you are able to)
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – World Events (List)
World Events will happen in territories that you executed Missions in.
National Unity:
Missions more difficult in that territory
(Kill or kidnap leader of that territory)
Sound Currency:
Harder to steal cash in that territory
(Steal Cash from that territory)
Small waves of enemies will attack you unannounced
(Kill or kidnap Criminal in that territory)
Data Scramble:
Control Room Minions give no bonuses to missions
(Sabotage that territory)
Steal Cash Missions more difficult in that territory
(Sabotage that territory)
Crackpot Theorist:
Your Notoriety fills quicker and missions more difficult in that territory
(Kill or kidnap Journalist in that territory)
Patsy is Insolent:
Loss of mission success bonus for all Patsies
(Execute Patsy from the Meeting Room)
Some World Events can be annoying and can hinder your progress in the game, especially when you are low level and have yet to have a steady flow of income. When you have managed to secure a solid defense on the Moon Base, and have your Minions armed with Flamethrowers, the negative effects from various World Events will not affect you much.
Take note that not all types of World Events are recorded above yet.
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Basic Guide (List)
A simple and general guide for the experienced strategist.
– Buy and max out all businesses in Financial Room
– Buy Moon Base and evacuate to there while not under attack
– Buy Repeater Turrets and replaced destroyed ones
– Buy Flame throwers in Weapons Room and equip your Minions with it
– Buy Clone Soldiers, Injection, Supersoldiers, Terminate Powers and use them accordingly
– Maintain high territory damage in South America for increased Mission success rate
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Detailed Guide (List)
Here is something like a step by step guide for those who need one.
Level 1:
– Buy Evil Coffee Shop (1/5)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Gas Station)
– Recruit 2 more Minions for the Mission
– Recruit more Minions when all 5 Minions has left the base for the Mission
(Minion recruitment cost is cheaper when you have less Minions in the base)
– Buy Evil Coffee Shop (2/5)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Gas Station)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 1 (Basic Chemistry)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Gas Station)
Level 2:
– Buy Evil Coffee Shop (3/5)
– Defend against 1st wave of attackers
– Hire Patsy Don Pizzeria, assign him to Missions
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
– Buy Evil Coffee Shop (4/5)
– Buy Evil Coffee Shop (5/5)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
– Defend against 2nd wave of attackers
– Plot and Steal Science Level 2 (Thermodynamics)
(Recruit and assign Minions to Control Room to increase success rate)
(Evil Bookstore business unlocked in Financial Room now)
– Buy Evil Bookstore (1/5)
– Buy Evil Bookstore (2/5)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 2 (Biological Studies)
– Defend against 3rd wave of attackers
– Buy Evil Bookstore (3/5)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
(Recruit and assign Minions to Control Room to increase success rate)
Level 3:
– Buy Evil Bookstore (4/5)
– Buy Evil Bookstore (5/5)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
– Defend against 4th wave of attackers (1st Notoriety reset)
– Focus fire on Commandos as they appear
(Big guys armed with a big minigun aka chaingun)
– Hire Betty (Master Pain), assign him to missions
– Plot and Steal Science Level 3 (Nuclear Physics)
(Recruit and assign Minions to Control Room to increase success rate)
(Research Laboratory, Investigation Agency, Evil Investment Firm unlocked in Financial Room)
– Defend against 1st wave of attackers (after 1st Notoriety reset)
– Save up $20,000 to buy an Investigation Agency
(Speed up the process by robbing banks)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
– Buy Investigation Agency (1/1)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 3 (Aerospace Engineering)
– Defend against 2nd wave of attackers (after 1st Notoriety reset)
– Save up $30,000 to buy Moon Base
(Speed up the process by robbing banks)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Bank)
Level 4:
– Plot and Steal Cash (Gold Depository)
– Defend against 3rd wave of attackers (after 1st Notoriety reset)
(Focus fire on tanks when they appear)
– Buy Moon Base, evacuate to Moon Base
– Buy Evil Investment Firm (1/5)
– Buy Evil Investment Firm (2/5)
– Save up $20,000 to buy Flamethrowers
(Speed up the process by stealing cash)
– Plot and Steal Cash (Gold Depository)
– Defend against 4th wave of attackers (2nd Notoriety reset)
– Buy and equip Minions with Flamethrowers
– Buy Evil Investment Firm (3/5)
Defending your base should be easier now that you are in Moon Base and Minions are equipped with Flamethrowers. Start doing more damage to South America Territory so that you have higher success rate in Missions. Next step is to secure a steady flow of natural income.
– Buy Evil Investment Firm (4/5)
(Should have somewhat steady flow of income by now)
– Plot and Sabotage South America
– Buy Evil Investment Firm (5/5)
– Save up $15,000 to buy Research Laboratory
(Speed up the process by stealing cash)
– Plot and spread Propaganda in South America
– Defend against 1st wave of attackers (after 2nd Notoriety reset)
– Plot and Sabotage South America
– Defend against 2nd wave of attackers (after 2nd Notoriety reset)
– Plot and Kidnap Journalist in South America
– Buy Research Laboratory (1/1)
– Hire Patsy The Tudor, assign him to Missions
– Plot and Steal Science Level 4 (Bio-Synthesis / Cloning)
Level 5:
(Evil Law Firm, Corporate Headquarters unlocked in Financial Room)
– Buy Clone Soldiers Power
(Use Clone Soldiers Power to create free Minions)
– Defend against 3rd wave of attackers (after 2nd Notoriety reset)
– Buy Repeater Turrets for base defense
– Plot and Steal Science Level 4 (Advanced Robotics)
(Sweatshop Factory unlocked in Financial Room)
– Defend against 4th wave of attackers (3rd Notoriety reset)
– Plot and Sabotage South America
– Buy Evil Law Firm (1/5)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 4 (Cold Fusion Theory)
– Buy Evil Law Firm (2/5)
– Defend against 1st wave of attackers (after 3rd Notoriety reset)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 5 (Artificial Intelligence)
– Buy Sweatshop Factory (1/5)
– Buy Sweatshop Factory (2/5)
– Buy Sweatshop Factory (3/5)
– Buy Sweatshop Factory (4/5)
– Defend against 2nd wave of attackers (after 3rd Notoriety reset)
– Buy Sweatshop Factory (5/5)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 5 (Atomic Superweapons)
Upon reaching this level, steady natural income and base defense are adequate, max out all business in Financial Room slowly and steadily. Continue to main high territory damage to South America with Sabotage / Blow Up Missions. Execute Propaganda / Brainwash Missions to reduce level of suspicion in South America. Execute enough missions to gain enough XP to level up to Level 6.
Level 6:
– Plot and Steal Science Level 5 (Terminal Pathology)
– Buy Injection power
(Give a small permanent health boost to Minions)
– Plot and Steal Science Level 3 (Advanced Genetics)
– Buy Supersoldiers power
(Make Minions invulnerable for a short period)
– Buy Terminate power
(Kill 1 Minion to make the rest become stronger)
At this point, you can either:
1. Continue to steal all the remaining Science, or
2. Alternate between Blow Up and Propaganda / Brainwash Missions
3. Combination of the above
So that you acquire enough XP to level up to Level 7
– Recruit Dark Ophelia as #2 henchman
(Oversee the battles from time to time so that she does not gets herself killed. Yes, she will tend to charge into the fray and die if you do not monitor her.)
Level 7:
– Plot and Steal Science Level 6 (Genesis Program)
– Recruit Radiel the Necromancer and assign to the above mission
– Plot and execute Destroy Earth Mission
– Defend against the attackers until Mission is accomplished
Some basic base defending tips:
– Keep Minions close to base
– Keep Dark Ophelia close to base
– Buy new Repeater Turrets to replace destroyed ones
– Use Injection power to give Minions a small health boost
– Use Terminate power to make Minions more powerful
– Use Supersoldiers power to make Minions invulnerable for a short period
Mastermind: World Conqueror – Walkthrough – Misc (List)
Some screen shots of Mastermind: World Conqueror to share and some commentary.
Spoiler Warning: Please take note that the last three (3) screen shots of this section are take from the ending cinematic, so please ignore them if you want to beat this Mastermind: World Conqueror strategy flash game and watch the ending cinematic by then.
Maintain high territory damage in South America to enjoy increased Mission success rate for all Missions. At late game, use Blow Up Missions to deal lots of territory damage as well as gain lots of XP in order to level up to Level 7 to plot and steal science for Genesis Program.
Purchase all available businesses in the Financial Room and the steady flow of natural income is more than enough for you to win this game.
Battles without Tanks or Aircrafts are reasons good enough to buy the Moon Base and forget about the other bases available.
Since you will only be facing infantry units on the Moon Base, the Flamethrower is enough. Feel free to purchase the other weapons to check them out.
The Repeater Turret is the best turret against infantry and since there are no Tanks and Aircrafts to attack your Moon Base, just buy Repeater Turrets and forget the rest.
Gas Battlefield is not really nice as it kills your own Minions quicker than the enemies, Electromagnets is useless are there are no Tanks and Aircrafts in the Moon Base.
With the Genesis Program in hand, are you ready to destroy the world?
So the sea needs to be boiled in order to destroy the world? How does one boil the sea?
Seems like Minion 1 found out something about his final mission.
The Mastermind is truly evil, eh? Destroying the world and taking off like that.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Check out beautiful anime goddess Belldandy in a modest swimsuit, courtesy of Kenny.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Not exactly a hard strategy flash game to beat, especially when one has the Moon Base, Flamethrowers and a steady flow of income. Nevertheless, every opportunity to harvest traffic must be explored. Yes, this is another attempt of Deimos to harvest traffic.
Deimos Asks
Have you successfully destroyed earth in Mastermind: World Conqueror already?
11:07 pm
said the following:
This game was too easy…… all you really have to do is research until the final science….. that’s all you need………. about the money, well, it wasn’t a problem, if you plot to steal money……. and the enemies that are attacking aren’t even a match if you overrun them with your minions……
9:32 pm
said the following:
that hand sign again.
the character is a sore loser, isn’t he.
3:36 am
said the following:
๐ก how do i buy a new henchman??? ๐ก
7:37 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
True. Still, some people find it hard so that’s why I came up with a guide for them. ๐
He won by destroying the world, how did he lose? ๐ก
You need to send the old #2 henchman to hell first. ๐
4:34 pm
nick parker
said the following:
wait a minute where all my chessy snacks noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
3:38 am
said the following:
2:01 am
said the following:
i evacuated during a fight in moon base bcuz i thought it was glitch and i lost it!!!
5:29 pm
said the following:
I used your guide. But i am a total loser. I ALWAYS get the attacking waves earlier than you said. So… I lost before getting into level 3. And not only once!
9:26 am
said the following:
To get rid of a henchman, it has to die.
I found Dark Ophelia to be retarded and went with IV instead.
1:34 am
said the following:
How do I unlock the last henchman?
8:38 pm
said the following:
dark ophelia suck my dark ophelia is rushing to 3 superman and punched to hell suck
8:52 pm
said the following:
Because nothing says “Objection!” more than 30 furious minions equipped with flamethrowers.
2:22 am
said the following:
Eh whock no pianta es na menbro?
8:16 pm
said the following:
Easy game once mastered. I focus on flamethrowers, then moon base with replaced repeater turrets, then science up to Level 6: Genesis program. The rest is dictated by needs: steal money when needed, Propaganda/Brainwash suspicious territories, close world events, and repel invading opponents. I call my Steal Cash Patsy for most missions and upgrade to the best Steal Cash Patsy when I can. I do not care about other weapons, other turrets, other bases, other patsies, henchmen, powers, business, levels, or territories. Kidnap/Killing and Sabotage/Blow Up are not that effective, unless for gaining XP/levels. Going up to level 10 discovers the faces of Henchmen up to Valentine and Patsies up to Wadorf. Exploring the game features is fun.
7:35 am
John Merklinghaus
said the following:
The game feels like it should have a more difficult setting you can choose. Lots of missions say, “This mission is EASY at this level” or something like that. I got good enough at this that I was able to try various handicaps like, “Win without hiring any patsies” to make things more challenging.
1:32 pm
said the following:
how do you evacuate?????????????