Gibs n’ Gore – Soldier of Fortune 3: Payback – Body Mutilations in a Remote Cave – OMPG 888 EntreCredits Give Away Again??!! (Applicable to EntreCarders only)
15 Feb 2008 | PC | 6 comments
Once again, Deimos proceeds to share here within several rather graphically messy and downright bloody images of a brutally violent game titled “Soldier of Fortune 3: Payback” with all who visits Deimos’s domain. Do remember that no actual human beings in the physical realm were harmed in anyway possible during the production of these screenies.
Blood Fountain?
Rain of Blood! Wait, I think the Blood came from below. -_-
Blood Drops falling on my … erm … Cadaver?
Sideways blood spurting action!
How come the water won’t go all red and bloody?
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bleed! Mofo! Bleed!
Headless Mofo: “Dude! Am already bleeding! Quit perforating my carcass!”
Bloody slippery here, watch your step.
“Speak up! Where did you stash the nukes! Crap! I forgot I blew his head off!”
“Well since you’re not gonna talk, eat more lead you ugly mofo!”
“Yeah! Babe! Yeah! Perforation! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG!”
Deimos’s 888 EntreCredits Give Away!
I can’t believe I am doing this again, previously done at the following posts:
Methinks I’ll just cut straight to the summary this time.
1. Shove your EntreCard up my EntreCard Inbox’s rear up
2. I will proceed to shove mine into yours (I’m the REG Guild Master w00t!)
3. Interested in the REG? Join up!
4. Check out “Deimos Asks” section and answer sincerely [Leave a sincere comment]
5. 8 EntreCredits is given to the first 111 EntreCarders who done all the above
6. Feeling Clickie? Click mah EntreCard Widget! [The Card, not the “Drop Yours” button]
Note: Offer is good and valid until 11:59pm 21 February 2008 because Chinese New Year officially ends after that. Everyone has started working already though.
888 EntreCredits Takers
The following sites would eventually be hyper-linked and plastered with the nofollow tag.
Deimos’s Thoughts
To be frank, I have not played Soldier of Fortune 3: Payback for a very long time. These screenies were captured a long time ago back when I was still playing it, guess I was a bit more blood thirsty back then.
Deimos Asks
Not much people answered the questions I asked in my earlier Soldier of Fortune 3: Payback article @
So I decided to ask them again!
1. Are you a PC Gamer? [DTA: Been PC Gaming since 1990]
2. Do you play First Person Shooters (FPS) such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty etc? [DTA: Yes]
3. Do you like violence in video games? [DTA: Hell Yeah!]
4. What do you think about violence in video games? [DTA: It spices up the game!]
5. Do you believe that minors should not play violent video games? [DTA: Hell No!]
Yes, yes. I am giving away up to 888 EntreCredits again!
3:50 pm
said the following:
Hack??? Giving more EC credits??!! Sure I’ll take it 😛
To answer your questions;
1. Are you a PC Gamer?

2. Do you play First Person Shooters (FPS) such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty etc?
Nope 😛
3. Do you like violence in video games?
Not bloody gory violence as shown above 😎
4. What do you think about violence in video games?
They should reduce it a bit, should we be proud to killed someone? I know it’s only AI
5. Do you believe that minors should not play violent video games?
They should not, that’s why the games have ratings, M, T, E , it’s not only serves as decoratives for the games packaging,but who cares our students are hanging at C.C even their parents don’t care 😕
Now give me my 8 EC 😛
5:31 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Given you your EntreCredits! Thanks for participating! 😉
Yeah, the ratings are for show only. Kids still play them. ❓
8:28 pm
Michael Aulia
said the following:
1. Are you a PC Gamer?
2. Do you play First Person Shooters (FPS) such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty etc?
*nods again*
3. Do you like violence in video games?
Only if it’s not overly done
4. What do you think about violence in video games?
It adds realism and excitement lol
5. Do you believe that minors should not play violent video games?
Well depends on how “minor” it is
8:56 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Thanks for the feedback yo! 😉
True, young teens with a very matured mind are not exactly “minors” 🙂
9:48 pm
said the following:
LOL, and i thought SOF3 was a new game. Crap, am i outdated or what? Looks fun, with the blood and all. Especially the being able to mutilated them dead bodies part. Bwahahaha!
1. Are you a PC Gamer?
*Nods head* But my PC doesn’t wanna let me play games no more.
2. Do you play First Person Shooters (FPS) such as Counter Strike, Call of Duty etc?
I do, i do, i do uhh uhhh.. And even those that allow both 3rd and 1st person.
3. Do you like violence in video games?
Saying “Hell yeah” would be like plagiarism. Heaven’s YEAH!
4. What do you think about violence in video games?
I like em’. But i believe there still isn’t enough freedom to do ‘stuff’ in games.
5. Do you believe that minors should not play violent video games?
Aren’t the Powerpuff Girls violent? Well, as long as you don’t start letting them play with real guns.
p.s. Valentine’s Day made me like this. *gasp*
8:25 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Terribly sorry for the late reply! 😯
Soldier of Fortune 3 was released last year so it still considered new I guess. 😛
It is kinda fun to perforate folks and watch the blood splatter all over. 🙂
You got an old PC? What are the specs? 😐
I have been playing 3rd person shooters recently too. 😳
Heaven’s Yeah? You creative mofo! 😆
True, you are right about not enough freedom of action in games. 💡
Powerpuff girls violent? I didn’t know about that. 😈
Wait, you are telling me you watch Powerpuff girls? 😮
Ya ought to find a girl friend yo! 😎