Deimos is Evil – Evil EntreCarding Methods used to climb to the Top 3
29 Mar 2008 | The Blogsphere | 14 commentsOverview
You would not be interested in reading this article unless you are a Blogger who is also an EntreCarder, then again maybe you just like to find out what Deimos has written. Actually, Deimos would like to report the results of his recent “success” on taking back the number 3 spot in the “Most Popular EntreCards” page.
The Evil RSS Feed Exchange Scheme
On 25 March 2008, Deimos launched a little RSS experiment in an attempt to climb back to the top row of the “Most Popular EntreCards” page via RSS email subscriptions feeds.
Deimos is happy with the result so far, he still remembers that he owes them a lot of things, such as diggs, stumbles, photos (for the perverted) backlinks, Technorati favorites not to mention an auspicious amount of EntreCredits!
Deimos would like to let all those who participated in his little RSS experiment know that, Deimos has not forgotten what he promised, and he will deliver what he promised.
Though it would help greatly if Phirate would do something to improve the EntreCredits Transfer System, if that ever happens I would be able to do send EntreCredits to many fellow EntreCarders at once, which is something I am really looking forward to do.
Deimos is Evil
A picture is worth a thousand words so …
This reminded Deimos that Max @ Site Hoppin is evil as well. For those who do not know, the numbr 666 is often associated with Satan, or just pure evilness. Deimos was at the second row at the time when it costs 666 EntreCredits per day to advertise.
Deimos back in the Top Row
Finally, Deimos managed to get back into the top row!
After the daily reset, he is even more closer to the top 3 spot!
Still wrestling for the number 3 spot …
Finally, Deimos overtakes and claims back the number 3 spot!
No. 3 is Deimos’s limit given the 100+ EntreCredits difference between him and no. 2 …
Deimos spent 10,000+ EntreCredits recently
Where did he spent them on? On Entre-Ads, of course. The results?
Guess fellow EntreCarders still like to Entre-Surf widgets aye?
Deimos’s Conclusion
The conclusion? To rise to the top, spending much EntreCredits on Entre-Ads is a necessary Evil? Such Evilness! Deimos is sick of being Evil! Duh!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Deimos was going to do reads for those who participated in the little RSS experiment but he lost his appetite after checking out this video, courtesy of Florence Fung.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Deimos is feeling quite Entre-Fatigued at the moment and might probably just choose to fade back into the Entre-Background after all of this charade is over. Of course, he will continue to reciprocate drops.
Deimos Asks
Do you think Deimos is evil?
8:36 am
said the following:
Congrats on your rising through evil to attain your rightful place on the Popular page! I’m glad you pointed out the widget surfing because I noticed the same thing when I was guest dropping for another Entrecarder. I don’t advertise much myself (still hoarding ECs in case the Credit Exchange turns out to be a good thing) and card dropping can only take you so far by itself. (I’m currently #3 in the Blogging Resources category, but a long way from making the Popular page.) Kudos to you for your innovation and diligence! And I’m enjoying the feed because I end up reading more of your posts this way.
10:20 am
Ditto Rahmat
said the following:
Hi Deimos,
Congratulations on your “evil” return to the most popular drop!
I can’t wait for another “evil” experiments from you
. Keep up the good work
3:16 pm
said the following:
Deimos isn’t evil….. he is EVVVVIIIIILLLLLLLL….
6:09 pm
said the following:
Congrats bro, I knew you can do it
as for me, I haven’t update my blog for 2 days now, sheesh
Maybe I’ll dig up some ol’ stuffs and post some new reviews
9:51 pm
said the following:
So what if you’re evil, you love being evil. I think all of the guys on the ‘popular’ page (myself included) have to be at least a little bit insane. It’s all a game, some just play the game a bit harder than others.
11:36 pm
said the following:
Well done, Deimos
1:11 pm
Michael Aulia
said the following:
Go away, you devil!
I didn’t even realize that I’m on top 3 of my niche (Technology) until I got so many drops in a day all of a sudden
I don’t remember doing any evil plans to get that “position” though heh heh
9:48 am
said the following:
Simply evil…
I got scared when one time I was on number 3 spot in my category. At least now I’m a bit comfortable in number 6 to 8th spot in Business category.
11:13 am
said the following:
You’re hilarious and I am glad you are back on top. Thanks for sending some love my way – much appreciated!
9:35 pm
Shanker Bakshi
said the following:
Its seems to be you are deeply involved yourself in this Number Game. Do you strongly beleive in that?
11:23 pm
Marcus Hochstadt
said the following:
You got your 3rd position back, I got my #1 position back. Now we are happy, aren’t we?
Let’s dance…
10:56 am
said the following: sorry about that. I don’t know the Disgusting clip had made u lost ur appetite. Sorry sorry!!! Hahhaa…but I have warned u at the first place oh.
5:40 pm
Steve Yu
said the following:
The EC credits to advertise on your blog so high…
Gotta think many many times before advertise on your blog. 
9:12 pm
said the following:
Of course you fail to mention I was in the Hospital for 2 weeks straight during your campaign, a time I neither dropped cards, wrote new articles, or did anything else. So passing me wasn’t as difficult. And what happened when I returned?