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Zombieman – Title Menu
Click play game to begin converting zombies or check out the instructions first.
Zombieman – Instructions
Either revert zombies back to humans, or infect humans to become zombies.
Zombieman – Action!
A zombie! Quickly shoot it to revert it before it pounces on you and infect you.
Zombieman – Zombie!
Slow reflexes? You got bitten, infected and became a zombie. Now go bite someone!
Zombieman – Game Over!
Yes, you will die eventually and the game is effectively over by then. Better luck next time!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Suitable graphics, never seen before innovative game play for zombie shooter. Game is too dark and the units are not big enough. A bit hard for people with slow reflexes.
Deimos Ask
Who would you want to bite first should you become a zombie yourself? Why?
10:35 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Wouldn’t you like to know! I would like to bite one ex of mine, the low life!
9:10 am
Dr Andrew Power
said the following:
This looks to be like the original grand theft auto. And if so, its gotta be addictive!
10:56 am
Cheap Flights
said the following:
I love it how if you happen to be infected, you can just join the other side and keep fighting..
Kind of like a particular European country did in WW2
10:58 am
Cheap Flights
said the following:
I love it how if you get infected you can just change sides and keep on fighting
Kind of like the Italians in WW2
2:00 pm
marc lohan
said the following:
i love to playing this game.thanks to sharing this game tips.
10:02 am
said the following:
When is zombieman2 comming out or where do i find it?
6:24 pm
said the following:
please get zombieman 2 up on here
12:12 pm
Zombieman 2 – Download |
said the following:
[…] zombies back into human or infecting humans to transform them into zombies in the original Zombieman action flash game, then perhaps you will like the sequel – Zombieman 2 now comes with a story […]
12:05 am
False Nails ·
said the following:
my wife would always look for cheap flights and other travel deals .