The Last Stand 2 weapon locations, screen shots and analysis.
Download The Last Stand 2
For downloads, screen shots, visit this link.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Glendale
Starting town. The .357 Revolver and Chainsaw can be found here.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – .357 Revolver Two (2) head shots will put down a zombie, useful in the early stages, pass it on to a survivor upon find a better weapon. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Chainsaw Highly recommended to use as secondary weapon throughout the rest of the game upon finding it. |
Use it against zombies who are already up close and banging on the barricade. Move cursor upwards to aim at their head for faster kills.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Whistler’s Grove
Visit this town for the Compound Bow and Shotgun, stock up on supplies and skip Jones Town later on, or skip this town and visit Jones Town later.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Compound Bow Very fast reload, two (2) arrow shots to the head will take out a zombie. Useful until too many zombies rushes in at once. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Shotgun Powerful but the extremely slow reloading makes this gun practically useless. Pass this weapon to a fellow survivor instead. |
Although the Shotgun indeed packs a very powerful punch, has a wide spread, and holds 8 Shotgun shells in its chambers – but you reload it one Shotgun shell at a time.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Claysburg
The preferred weapon of choice – Uzi can be found here, besides that, the Ump 45 which is good for survivor team mates can also be found here.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Uzi Holds the most bullets – 50 rounds per magazine clip until you find the M249 Minime much later on. Recommend to hang on to this weapon until end game. The wide spread increases chance of scoring a head shot. Possible to put down zombies with 3-4 shots in skilled hands. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Ump 45 With only half the bullets holding capacity of the Uzi, it is very obvious that the Uzi is a better weapon, pass this sub par weapon to your survivor team mates until you can find better weapons to equip them with. It has better accuracy so it is good for head shots zombie kills. Use it until the Uzi is found. |
Uzi or Ump 45? Definitely Uzi! 50 bullets per magazine for the win!
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Aspenwood
The Sawn-off Shotgun and Hunting Rifle can be found here. Useful for survivors team mates.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Sawn-off Shotgun Much more powerful than the Shotgun, still as useless in the hands of the protagonist survivor. Again, pass it to a survivor team mate. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Hunting Rifle A single shot to the head will put a zombie out of commission for good. Reloads after each shot. Extremely not useful when a horde of zombies rushes in. |
The Hunting Rifle could be fun for a level or two (2) for putting down zombies in one shot, after that it is practically useless since zombies comes in hordes.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Jonestown
Quite hard as the zombies comes in many waves, almost look like they would not stop coming. Could skip this town entirely if have stocked up on sufficient suppliers earlier. The M4A1 and AK-47 could be found here.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – M4A1 Powerful assault rifle, fast rate of fire eats up bullets quickly so fire burst shots instead of holding down the trigger. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Hand Grenades The explosion is powerful, but the accuracy and reload time is horrible therefore it is highly recommended not to use this. Unless you are very interested in knowing how the game over screen looks like, then go ahead. |
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – AK-47 More powerful than the M4A1, even faster rate of fire than the M4A1. Same drill, fire in bursts, aim for the head, if you spray, you better pray. |
Game is not actually over if you die as you can retry and continue from there.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – Fort Tran
Big toys such as the M249 Minime and the RPG can be found here.
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The Last Stand 2 Weapons – M249 Minime Houses 200 bullet rounds per magazine clip so just spray away and watch the zombies dance. |
Quite long reload time about 5 seconds so only reload when it appears safe.
The Last Stand 2 Weapons – RPG
Very powerful blast, fire it into a mob of zombie and watch them go splat. Slow reload after firing a shot, still acceptable though.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Launch windows application with a few keystrokes – Launchy – courtesy of ameo.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Deimos noticed some search queries for “The Last Stand 2 Weapons” and this post is an attempt to harvest that key phrase.
Deimos Asks
Tried out The Last Stand 2 yet? Finished it?
5:57 am
said the following:
looks nice , i haven’t tried it . actually just heard about it from you
will give it a try
9:13 am
said the following:
didn’t play the game but love the chainsaw. XD
i love going for this if i have the choice.
5:10 pm
said the following:
Looks like a nice game for a flash game 😮
5:24 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Give it a go if you have the spare time to mow down some zombies. 😆
You will find the chainsaw at the beginning and use it till the end! 😮
Very popular as well, this is my daily traffic puller from search engines. 😳
6:35 pm
said the following:
awesome !!
i remembered using it in Doom3.
love it so much !!
7:53 pm
said the following:
This game’s graphics are great, I tried it but you know I never finish the first stage, the zombies are walking too fast 😡
5:54 pm
Steve Yu
said the following:
I like the last weapon, it’s rock! Haven’t use the bow.
1:55 am
Hugo Santos
said the following:
hah, im waiting for my holidays to play these games hehe
keep em coming 🙂
4:07 am
Bijan Alikhani
said the following:
Awesome game. Nice guide.
10:03 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Wah lau eh, you played Doom 3 somemore! Salute! I am impressed! 😮
How come so lau ya one oh? Click the mouse button faster loh! 😆
@Steve Yu:
I haven’t actually gotten the chance to find and use the RPG yet. 😐
@Hugo Santos:
Why wait for holidays? Anyway is a good day to game! 🙄
@Bijan Alikhani:
Thanks for the feedback yo! Hell yeah its zombie purging time yo!
3:04 am
said the following:
i beat the game all weps!
i 😳 this game it rocks 10 out of 10
6:45 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Good for ya! I have yet to beat this game. Game always hung in Jones Town. 😐
1:26 am
said the following:
for some reason i cant go to ft.tran it wont let me ive tried everything from collecting all the weapons to all the buildings the x stays over it even when im in james town with 12 days worth of supplies. so whats the deal?
11:57 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
How many times did you encounter this problem? All the time? 😮
Did you play on Armor Games or you downloaded the swf file? 💡
I just realized the one I am hosting is version 1.2 😐
Latest version is 1.31 so I better update my file server! ❗
3:03 am
alias are okay
said the following:
well i beet da game it was the best game loved the bow bam 1 aroow 1 sec bam nother zombies got mad 😥 but i was like a 😈
7:40 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@alias are okay:
Good for ya, I have yet to beat this game myself though. 😮
2:34 pm
Name (required)
said the following:
I’ve beaten the game, but I’ve had different thoughts on some weapons.
The shotgun seems useful as a sidearm. Good in the hands of a quick thinker, but good in the hands of a survivor as well, because survivors reload in no time(compared to how you jam the bullets in ONE BY ONE), and considering it will be replaced.
The sawn-off variant is also useful as a sidearm, but giving it to survivors is a different story, as the reload time for you and your survivors is almost the same. Still will probably get replaced anyway, and given to a nearby survivor.
The Uzi soon gets replaced by an M4A1 or a AK47 because it is more powerful, and kills zombies before they can kill your survivors. (I hate it when that happens).
Giving submachineguns like the UMP 45 to a survivor isn’t the best choice. I compare the speed that they fire automatic guns to handguns- They shoot the handgun faster. They just simply sit there and tap on the trigger SLOWLY, and that didn’t help save them from the running fat zombie of DOOM.
11:33 pm
said the following:
Great Game!!!!! nice job with the descriptions. 10/10 for both
2:09 am
said the following:
its a godd game and i use a cheat 😡 😡
3:02 am
said the following:
I got a nice screen shot of all the guns togeather, including the RPG. do you need it? I see you don’t have the RPG image… so…
4:57 pm
said the following:
Fail at life.
You forgot the RPG
8:43 pm
Michael Aulia
said the following:
The hunting rifle is my favorite until the RPG showed up lol
I just wish that if you died and retried, your dead teammates would be risen again 🙁
12:57 am
said the following:
😆 😡 ❗ ❗ 😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😯 🙂 😕 😎 😀 💡 🙁 ❗ ❗ ❓ 😮 😡 😮 😉 😯 😐
😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😉 😆 😡 😡 😆 😮 😛 😛 😎 😆
6:15 pm
said the following:
I succeeded the game on first time, using the bow and the chainsaw 😎 now trying with various guns
7:27 pm
said the following:
Finished the game. Only used 1 weapon. Hunting Rifle. Didn’t even use the chainsaw.
10:44 am
said the following:
eat lead zombie scum
10:24 am
said the following:
loved the game and i beet it with all weapons but if u use the 200 rpg ammo cheat the game gits pointles 🙁 but i don’t and then i beet it like a ninja 😈
2:42 pm
said the following:
Played it. Beat it. Blew the f*** out of the zombies with the nades and the rpg.
10:40 pm
Make Money With Abdul
said the following:
This is an amazing game. I’m lovin’ it! 😉
11:43 pm
said the following:
this game is fun and challenging, a lot of thote is going in to this
3:00 am
said the following:
The games pretty sweet. didnt beat it yet but i will
1:49 am
said the following:
The UMP45 is better. It does more damage and has a faster reload time compared to the 9mmUzi. Ive got zombies down in two shots with the UMP45 compared to 4-5 with the UZI.
1:53 am
said the following:
Also the Pump Shotgun is much better then you make it sound. It has great damage and can pull off many kills with one shot. Yea it does have a slow 8 round reload but you can just click shoot to stop reloading and use however many rounds he put he. Also obviously you aren’t too good at this game because i’ve beat the game from aspenwood on with just the sawn-off Shotgun and a chain saw (i only used the chain saw at the city however). It may only hold two rounds but it has a fast reload and is more powerful then many of the other weapons.
3:22 am
said the following:
You can glitch this game. Here’s how. But the gun that has the most amount of ammo first, such as the chainsaw or Minime. Then put a stronger low ammo gun in your second slot, like the Hunting Rifle, RPG, Grenades, or Shotguns. Then click accept, and while the screen is still black switch weapons. Your secondary weapon will now have the same amount of ammo as your primary, until you reload. So don’t reload after a few shots if you do this.
12:23 am
gameing guy
said the following:
great game beat it yesterday with my freind he loves the bow,and ump,uzi is a good gun but unp is much more acruet and powerful,but anyways game gets10/10
12:23 am
gameing guy
said the following:
great game beat it yesterday with my freind he loves the bow,and ump,uzi is a good gun but unp is much more acruet and powerful,but anyways game gets10/10
2:37 am
mr. laffy taffy
said the following:
i have played last stand2 1 time and it was very fun i have seen my brother play it and he is pretty good with the hunting rifle so i think they shuld make a new wepon and whaut you have to do for it is travel 3 times and it should be a flamethrower and that is all
11:58 am
said the following:
you are gay fags and you like bumsex
9:58 pm
said the following:
Uzi is bets weapon until m249, then rpg is the best. gotta Love blowing 6 zombie’s legs off with one shot, and a really fast reload too. This game is better than the first, but a bit stupid sometimes. 8/10
12:30 pm
said the following:
Cashing in on that phrase, eh? 😀
I think the UMP is better than Uzi, because although it fires slower and has less ammo capacity, its rounds are almost twice as strong as the Uzi. Plus, it’s more accurate, so headshots are much easier.
Using the Uzi, it spits out lead really fast but that lead might as well be rubber, when you see how slowly the zombies fall.
Shotguns are truly awesome in the hands of a computer-controlled survivor.
And new weapons would be nice: Flamethrower, minigun, M1 Garand, Fire Axe, grenade launcher, Desert Eagle, MP5, molotov cocktails
12:38 pm
said the following:
M1 Garand: Like a hunting rifle (headshot = kill) but with 8 rounds
Fire Axe: Melee weapon, weaker than chainsaw but found early & no reload
Grenade Launcher = Like RPG but weaker and with 6 shots
Flamethrower = Limited range, high damage
MP5 = Fires slower than Uzi but more accurate, 30 rounds, a bit higher damage, found early
Molotovs = Similar to grenades, but creates fire which lasts for several seconds
10:28 am
Pao G.
said the following:
the game was so “EASY”,.and i got all the weapons..and also i “BEAT” the game…
3:57 am
said the following:
12:46 pm
said the following:
you forgot to put the RPG on there
6:47 pm
said the following:
oh not rpg
10:15 pm
said the following:
Great post, i got all the weapons..and also i “BEAT” the game. thanks
8:30 pm
Zac Hans
said the following:
8:33 pm
Zac Hans
said the following:
My Dad beat the game.I almost beat it ALOT of times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:34 pm
Zac Hans
said the following:
Is anyone on here????????
8:35 pm
Zac Hans
said the following:
Aparenty not
9:12 pm
Zac Hans
said the following:
Aparently not
12:59 am
Jade Firescarlet
said the following:
Hey i am here
4:14 am
Zac Hans
said the following:
So what!?!?
7:53 am
said the following:
9:30 pm
said the following:
`the rpg is to nice you can blow away hordes of zombies with one shot
1:26 pm
said the following:
😆 😡 ❗ ❗ 😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😯 🙂 😕 😎 😀 💡 🙁 ❗ ❗ ❓ 😮 😡 😮 😉 😯 😐
😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😉 😆 😡 😡 😆 😮 😛 😛 😎 😆
1:26 pm
said the following:
1:27 pm
said the following:
😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😉 😆 😡 😡 😆 😮 😛 😛 😎 😆
😆 😡 ❗ ❗ 😐 😈 ➡ 😯 😯 🙂 😕 😎 😀 💡 🙁 ❗ ❗ ❓ 😮 😡 😮 😉 😯 😐
3:41 am
said the following:
the shotgun isnt so bad takes time to reload and has 8 rounds but if youre skilled enough it should be ok
the uzi wasnt really helpfull till i got to fort tran
the bow was awesome not like a regular gun that shoots and kills its beautiful how u just shoot like 30 arrows in the zombies guts i loved it
i havnt used the grenades (from your advice)
should add throwing knife that would be awesome! and holy water that works like acid….and bait:/
11:41 am
said the following:
Actually, I have to agree with Ohohoho. Because the UMP 45 has a much higher accuracy and is .45 caliber rather than 9mm, in addition to having an almost instant reload, if you use it in bursts the UMP 45 is far superior to the Uzi or either of the assault rifles. Also, the most useful thing about the sawed-off shotgun is that, unlike the other guns, when it runs empty you don’t automatically reload unless you pull the trigger a third time. This means that you can empty both shots into a group of zombies to weaken them and then switch to a rifle to finish them off. I’ve found UMP45/sawed off to be a fantastic combo. .357/sawed-off also works well. Spray the group with buckshot and spam headshots with your magnum.
11:35 pm
said the following:
Love all weapons TLS2