Download The Company of Myself (File Size ~ 3.22 MB)
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The Company of Myself – Title Menu
Very simple and clean looking title menu. Kinda implies the game is simple and clean too.
The Company of Myself – Intro!
No fancy intro with lots of nice graphics and cool animations in here. Just walls of text.
The Company of Myself – Action!
The game will teach you how to play as you progress. Spoon feeding all the way yeah!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Simple but nice graphics, smooth animations, simple controls. Though game play appears to be extremely simple at first, the difficulty level is increased drastically very soon.
The Company of Myself is a very unique puzzle platformer flash game.
Deimos Asks
What would you do if you can duplicate shadows of yourself? Why?
12:20 pm
said the following:
This sucks
12:44 pm
said the following:
It seems this is a simple game. I would like to try it. Maybe it is a wonderful life if we can make copies of ourselves.
4:14 am
Metal Briefcases
said the following:
Geez people will make a game based on any theme these days. I can’t say I remember any other games where the main character was a proud loner.
1:17 pm
Fahad (Make|Money|Adsense)
said the following:
yes game becomes harder gradually.
11:15 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
I would not even try to duplicate my shadow. The whole idea is creepy.
7:49 pm
said the following:
Very Original game… Kinda sad too =P
I liked it, chalenging and unique
If i can dupicate my shadow? I don’t have any Idea! xD
This is so weird that I cant think anything
5:24 am
said the following:
yes game becomes harder gradually.
9:46 am
Chronotron – Download |
said the following:
[…] similar to The Company of Myself as you can spawn copies of […]
4:35 am
said the following:
(excuse if I make any mistakes I’m from good old germany…)
you guys just didn’t get this….
it’s not about the action and the challenges…
the thing that makes this game special and great is the unique atmosphere!!!…the music, the text, the story behind!
this game is something to enjoy not an “ego-shooter” or a carrace where you try to beat the highscore….
1:15 pm
said the following:
The story is…
A lonely guy was once a girlfriend,they loved each other but one day, she died(Was his fault? you decide) the shadow you control is not of the MC, its the spirit of your girlfriend in the form who resembles you.
12:01 pm
said the following:
if you play it to the end…
the end is compassion!
this is a world of a man who has lost his life,love,…
he has so many things to talk,but he is a lone in his mind
he is just reviewing his own past time,not duplicating!
play the game to the end to see what happens to him