Download TentaDrill (File Size ~ 1.05 MB)
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TentaDrill – Title Menu
A clean, simple, basic menu with some special water ripple effects in the background.
TentaDrill – Credits
Another fine simple but good flash game developed and published by Armor Games.
TentaDrill – Introduction
A cute and simple introduction briefs you about the plot of the game.
TentaDrill – Sea Chart
There are only 8 stages or levels in this game, minus the 3 boss stages, the actual levels that you can swim about is only 5 stages or levels. A short, simple, nice game.
TentaDrill – Tutorial Messages
If you are playing it for the first time, there will be tutorial messages to guide you.
TentaDrill – Pulse Cannon Upgrade
Acquire enough XP to level 2 and you will be able to attack. Behold, the Pulse Cannon!
TentaDrill – Green Rock Smash Upgrade
This game is named TentaDrill for a reason, you can drill through rocks!
TentaDrill – Boss Fight
Yes, there are boss fights as well. Shown above is the boss waving a white flag, which it is means surrendering after taking too much beating from you.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Cute graphics, nice water ripple effects. Simple but fun game play, a good game!
Deimos Asks
Do you know what TentaDrill means?
3:17 pm
said the following:
This is a nice RPG games.
11:08 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
No. What does it mean?
3:41 pm
said the following:
It was fun first 30 minutes. I’m not sure that I’ll play it again
10:58 pm
said the following:
The zipfile works fine bu twhen i go to play the game, the ERASE DATA screen it up, with the MENU and CREDITS flashing behind, and I con’t get any buttons to works. HELP!