23 Nov 2007 | PC |
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I don’t know about the rest of the Enemy Territory : Quake Wars players out there, but for myself, I do read the various tips and advices that appear during the loading screen when a map has ended and the server / client is loading the next map.
One particular advice that I read and applied is about enemies in disguise and how to detect them, well of course to be able to detect “spies” aka “disguised enemies” you need to be very observant.
== flash games download link, click here for flash games download links and screen shots ==
6 Nov 2007 | PC |
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A really cool video of a GDF Hammer missile intercepted with a GDF Rocket Launcher!
31 Oct 2007 | PC |
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31 October 2007
Morning – Woke up 7:00am, drank lots of water as usual, went to toilet to unload my morning crap as normal, daily morning routine. Finished crapping, turn off Bit Comet downloads, proceed to turn on Enemy Territory : Quake Wars to relieve my morning fraggin’ kicks. Then I realized that a new version was out, time to update! No fraggin’ this morning, boo hoo! >_<
Visit the Enemy Territory : Quake Wars Official Community Site for the official change log as well as a list of mirrors to download the huge 283MB patch. I am getting mine from fileplanet as usual, maybe I am just used to using it, after using it for all these years.
There is also a developer blog update posted a few days earlier, apparently on 25 October 2007. Guess I would known earlier if I frequented the official community site often, duh. >_<
Other than the above, I am ranked 7k~8k now! Wohoo! Let the fraggi’ continue!
18 Oct 2007 | PC |
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18 October 2007, Thursday
I think I have a bit too much of Enemy Territory : Quake Wars, been playing it everyday since I got my copy from The Software Boutique. Check out the screen shot attached below:

The actual url would be: http://stats.enemyterritory.com/leaders/total/total_xp?page=380
However, the actual ranking would probably fluctuate often, since xp are easily obtainable. Just join any ranked servers and start fraggin’, its fraggin’ time yo!
Again, the above url shows all my achievements in Enemy Territory : Quake Wars. I’m a Corporal now, heheh. All new players start off as a Conscript, Private, Private First Class, then Corporal.

Besides being in the top 10,000 now, I am also a rank 4,700++ Icarus pilot! Woot!

Rank 1,200++ Obliterator player! Wohoo!
9 Oct 2007 | PC, Personal |
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I have been playing this new game recently, check out my stats at the following link :-
As usual, I bought my copy at The Software Boutique, at a retail price of RM199 for a “Limited Collector’s Edition”. Given the slightly steep price of this limited collector’s edition, the game box is rather crappy.
First off, 1 out of 10 of the “Collector Cards” got stuck to the game box, due to sloppy adhesive tape placement. After a few days, the box itself started to fall apart. The game box production team should have used better adhesive material. Blah. At least I am having fun fragging people online.