Download Storm The House (File Size ~ 141.95 KB)
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Storm The House – Title Menu
Cute graphics aye? Click play to start shooting, or instructions to learn how to play.
Storm The House – Instructions
Besides the instructions, there are some brief introduction to the plot as well.
Storm The House – Upgrades
Yes, if you hire gunman, you need to pay them. Hire lots of them, you need their help.
Storm The House – Action!
The battle gets more intense as you survive longer and longer.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Like to eat? Do you like to cook as well? Check out some of the best recipe sites, courtesy of the great bargain hunter, Nicole Price.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Very small file size, the file size of the four (4) images in this post is larger than the .swf file itself. Okay graphics, simple but fun and effective game play. Unable to pause the game, bummer. Not sure if there is any real ending to it as the days seems endless.
Deimos Asks
Stickman again? No questions. Try asking Deimos a question!
11:38 am
Virginia Lawyer. Andrew.
said the following:
All right, this one is a must-play for me. Stick figure flash games are the best!!
2:51 pm
said the following:
stickman, love them most!

question ..
“why does deimos loves doing the
1-day-multiple-days-posts sometimes?”
2:54 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Virginia Lawyer. Andrew.:
Have fun!
It is one post per day, where got multiple post per day?
10:43 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Thanks for the plug in Deimos. The link is worth visiting even if I say so. I hope that a lot of your readers will visit.
4:01 pm
said the following:
nono, its like ..

sometimes you didn’t post for days,
then when you finally post,
you arrange it to be one post per day,
but in fact, you post multiple posts within a day.
4:10 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
@Nicole Price:
You are welcome!

I know what you are talking about la.
Sometimes, I don’t have time to publish a post on that day.
So I re-publish it when I have the time later.
4:08 pm
fun info
said the following:
i love the war game. I should try it soon
. Thanks
8:09 pm
Storm The House 3 - Download |
said the following:
[…] The House 3 – Download – Overview If you like gunning down stickmen in the original Storm The House action flash game, as well as its sequel Storm The House 2, then you would probably be thrilled to […]