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Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough This is a Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher walkthrough for those who do not know how to beat Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher and need to rely on a Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher walkthrough in order to beat it. Find out which statements to ask for clarification, backings and challenge etc. |
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Billy
Prologue: One new York Morning… – Opponent: Billy the Salesman
Argument 1: “Buy my product!”
Ask for Clarification:
1st statement “I have a great product for you!”
3rd statement “You need my product to do what it does!”
Press for Backing:
3rd statement “You need my product to protect you from the danger of deer!”
Argument 2: “Deer are a menace!”
Challenge 4th statement:
“Why, the only reason you’re safe is that I’m here with my repellent!”
with “Deer live in the woods”.
Argument 3: “Why you still need my product!”
Question Relevance:
1st statement “My product comes in a fine blue casing!”
2nd statement “Each letter of the label is hand painted!”
3rd statement “My grandmother toiled over the design!”
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Euthyphro
Chapter 1: Through the Looking Glass – Opponent: Euthyphro of Athens
Argument 1: “Good is what is Holy”
Ask for Clarification: 4th statement
“Every one possesses wisdom far beyond our own.”
Challenge 5th statement: “Thus, whatever a god commands must be good.”
with “There are Different Gods”.
Argument 2: “On Divine Disagreements”
Press for Backing: 5th statement
“Clearly, what the gods agree upon is always good.”
Challenge new 6th statement:
“For surely if things are good, the gods will agree upon them.”
with “Morality Comes from the Gods”.
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Protagoras
Chapter 2: An Old Friend Appears – Opponent: Protagoras of Athens
Argument 1: “The Source is the Self”
Ask for Clarification: 4th statement
“Thus, the only possible source of morality is Human Valuing.”
Press for Backing: 4th statement
“Whatever any individual believes is right is right for that individual.”
Argument 2: “Morality is up to the Individual”
Press for Backing: 3rd statement
“There are no things upon which everyone can agree.”
Challenge 4th statement: “It would be arrogant to presume that any position is wrong.” with “Speech Penalty”
Argument 3: “All Morals are Subjective”
Question Relevance: 4th statement
“As morality is affected by situation, it cannot be objective.”
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Hobbes
Chapter 3: The Social Contract – Opponent: Thomas Hobbes
Argument 1: “The Natural State”
Challenge 3rd statement: “This sets them with odds with every other man, creating a constant state of War.” with “People Work Together”
Argument 2: “The Social Contract”
Ask for Clarification: 3rd statement
“Thus, mankind is impelled to seek peace, forming contracts between individuals.”
Challenge 3rd statement:
“Thus, we form contracts agreeing to give up freedoms in exchange for security.”
with “Mankind is Selfish”
Argument 3: “Our Obligation to the Contract”
Ask for Clarification: 3rd statement
“This fear can, in turn, be created by empowering a Sovereign.”
Challenge 3rd statement:
“The Sovereign forms a contract with the people to enfore their rules.”
with “Contracts Need to be Enforced”
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Mill
Chapter 4: The Pursuit of Happiness – Opponent: John Stuart Mill
Argument 1: “Morality comes from Happiness”
Ask for Clarification: 3rd statement “Thus, actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce unhappiness.”
Challenge 4th statement: “As a result, one should choose every action in order to maximize overall happiness.” with “Happiness Distribution”.
Argument 2: “Rules that Promote Happiness”
Press for Backing: 4th statement
“Actions can be considered moral when they follow such rules.”
Challenge 2nd statement: “These rules should be chosen in order to create the most happiness possible with as little harm as possible.” with “Rule Nuances”
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Kant
Chapter 5: Paved with Good Intentions – Opponent: Immanual Kant
Argument 1: “Intentionalism”
Ask for Clarification: 4th statement “Thus we are moral if our will is defined by the intention of doing the moral thing.”
Argument 2: “The Categorical Imperative”
Press for Backing:
2nd statement “There are certain actions which we must always avoid.”
3rd statement “Other actions, we should take at every opportunity.”
Challenge 4th statement: “These ideas form rules that we must follow at all times, regardless of emotion or consequence.” with “Lying”
Argument 3: “The Universality Test”
Ask for Clarification: 3rd statement
“If a contradiction or irrationality arises, the maxim cannot be moral.”
Challenge 5th statement: “Irrationalities create a world which is worse for wear.”
with “Intentionalism”
Socrates Jones: Pro Philosopher – Walkthrough – Arbiter
Chapter 6: The End of the Road – Opponent: The Arbiter
Argument 1: “Morality Exists”
Ask for Clarification: 1st statement
“You have presented your philosophical views.”
Press for Backing: 1st statement
“You claim that morality does not exist.”
Argument 2: “The Answer Will Be Found”
Press for Backing: 4th statement “With possibilities so incomprehensibly vast, surely one must stand as infallible.”
Argument 3: “Socrates Found the Answer”
Question Relevance: 3rd statement
“His answer had to be approved for this to occur.”
Challenge 4th statement: “The Arbiter’s approval makes the validity of his answer undoutable.” with “Mankind is Flawed”
Argument 4: “No Point in Trying”
Press for Backing: 2nd statement
“If that is the case, then there is no point to what we do here.”
Ask for Clarification: 4th statement
“If we cannot achieve our goal, there is no reason to try!”
Challenge 4th statement: “Our efforts are worth nothing unless we are able to obtain perfection!” with “Good is Happiness”
Flash Game Authorship Disclaimer
Please take note that I did not make the above mentioned flash game. The above mentioned flash game is made by other people and not me. I only downloaded the .swf file off some flash games portals and then repackaged the .swf file together with a .html file into a .zip file. In other words I only did some repackaging of the .swf files.
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