English Translation
To be filial is in fact
the most rewarding thing in life
Original Mandarin Version
Deimos Analyzes – For Non-Bloggers
Our parents dedicated their time, energy, money etc to bring us up, so it is only fair enough that we treat them nice and well, right?
Deimos Analyzes – For Bloggers
Not applicable. Correct Deimos if he is wrong.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Papercraft fan? Download Kitsune and Hatsune Miku’s Papercraft, courtesy of elezend.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Sometimes Deimos finds it hard to treat his mum nicely due to her special attitude and behavior that is at times very unacceptable and tends to piss people off.
Deimos Asks
Do you practice filial piety? Yes? No? Why?
2:47 am
said the following:
“Not applicable. Correct Deimos if he is wrong.”
my blog is like a child ,, i take care of it , spend money on it , love it , dress it ,, it’s like a son to me
6:29 am
said the following:
Blog, please don’t go rebellious on me and be filial to your mommy >.<
Now, start generating some income for mommy
8:16 am
said the following:
me n my mum gets on each other’s nerves a lot.

but it usually lasted for 5-10 minutes.
n we’re back to normal. hehe.
i suppose this is how our “communication” goes.
1:54 pm
said the following:
Yeah, I love my parents and I always visit home ^^
6:17 pm
said the following:
I think everyone has an obligation to be nice to their parents, and probably will be if they were raised to be decent adults. I think of it like this: Raising children is just like anything else–The effort you put in will affect your rewards. If a parent is loving to the child, more than likely that child will be loving to the parent later on and not put them in a nursing home…LoL
7:30 pm
said the following:
For me it is simple, without them I will not be here to blog, or do anything I loves in this world. Yeah sometime they do pissed me off, but I think they live longer before me and maybe they’re right, and Deimos if your mom pissed you off just sing your heart out and you’ll be good to go again
2:59 pm
Hye Munar
said the following:
I do agree that we should love, care, and respect our parents. As for blogging, I think it is applicable to our mentors, that we should remember to thank them for helping us out.