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Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough

17 Oct 2008 | Flash, Walkthrough |  67 comments

A Sift Heads 3 walkthrough, for those who need some guide to beat this game.

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter List
Chapter 1 – The Last Mafia’s Son
Chapter 2 – Chicago’s Rooftops
Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles
Chapter 4 – Police Quarters
Chapter 5 – Duck Hunt

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Cheat Codes
All Weapons: BOOM
Infinite Health: ROCK (You still can get hit, just that your health will not decrease)
Infinite Ammunition: SIFT (You still need to reload though)

Level Codes:
Chapter 2 – FK4H
Chapter 3 – PR3T
Chapter 4 – DV1A
Chapter 5 – GTW4

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 1 – The Last Mafia’s Son (List)
1. Kill everyone that you see, pick up the key card, enter the lift
2. Inside lift cinematic, 3 random WASD keys to press
3. Continue to kill everyone until you reach the roof tops
4. Kill the hat wearing boss armed with 2 knives
5. End of Chapter 1 cinematic, 1 random WASD key to press

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 2 – Chicago’s Rooftops (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Kill everyone until you reach a lift as shown above
2. Shoot the thing blocking the lift and attempt to board the lift
3. Go back and kill the last enemy, come back and board the lift
4. Engage the police armed with baton and a riot shield
5. Shoot the police’s riot shield until it breaks, then shoot the police to death

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 2 – Chicago’s Rooftops (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. The location of the 5 snipers are as shown above
2. Jumping down building cinematic, 1 random WASD key to press

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Shoot the piece of metal sticking out, walk over to pick it up
2. Use it to open the sewer grating, proceed to go down into the sewers

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Shoot the 2 wooden planks at the ceiling to make them fall down

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Activate the switch to open the gate
2. Quickly shoot the black gear to lock the gate in place

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Key in the numbers “7438” and click “OK” to open the locked door

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. It is too dark in here, turn on the lights by shooting the switch

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Slash at the control panel to open it

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 3 – Sewers Puzzles (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Shoot it once so that the hatch above opens
2. Climb up the ladder and get out of the sewers

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 4 – The Police Quarters (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Grab the shotgun behind you, hold down the “S” key to block, switch to the shotgun
2. Aim at the shield of incoming police, shoot it once to destroy his shield
3. Aim at his head, click once to shoot his head off
4. Release the “S” key, you will only use 1 shotgun shell for 2 “ghost” shots
5. Proceed into the next room, do the same for the police there
6. Break down the door, head over into the next room, get the ammo, continue forward
7. There will be multiple enemies coming in from the left and right in this room
8. Stand in the middle, hold down “S” key, shotgun readied, shoot away
9. Pause to pick up healing canister, pistol ammo, shotgun ammo as they appear
10. After the shotgun ammo drops, there is only one more wave of enemies
11. Continue to the right when the enemies stop appearing

Sift Heads 3 – Walkthrough – Chapter 5 – Duck Hunt (List)
Sift Heads 3 Walkthrough
1. Best place to shoot at the helicopter is the top right corner
2. The position marked “x” is also good, but it will shoot back at you
3. Just click quickly, accurately and the helicopter will go down eventually

Deimos’s Daily Reads
Do you know that ASCII characters can be used to produced beautiful art as well? Check out this post drawing with words, courtesy of ameo.

Deimos’s Thoughts
Not really a hard game, at least on the easy difficulty.

Deimos Asks
Vengeance is actually bitter and not as sweet as one would imagine it to be. Yes? No?


    comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  1. 17th October 2008 
    11:14 pm         

    said the following:

    it actually make one feel worst.
    i believe in karma though.
    the balance.

  2. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  3. 18th October 2008 
    10:07 pm         

    John Galvan
    said the following:

    Hey Deimos Its me again I just felt like i would visit again and i found a game not really new byt a very fun game. :mrgreen:
    The Game is called Zombie Horde 3 Made By CrazymonkeyGames.com. :mrgreen:

    The Site Link is:
    http://www.crazymonkeygames.com/Zombie-Horde-3.html :mrgreen:

    Good Luck! :mrgreen:

  4. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  5. 19th October 2008 
    8:54 am         

    said the following:

    the part where the police’s head gone is spine-tingling

  6. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  7. 24th November 2008 
    4:18 am         

    said the following:

    sucks on hard mode after killina ll the people you cant get past your stuck in the stupid little room

  8. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  9. 16th December 2008 
    12:00 pm         

    said the following:

    😡 i got stuck i could not kill the police they would not die they were frozen but i got big combo with the pistol just keep click and you get 15 on 1 bullet 😀

  10. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  11. 16th December 2008 
    12:02 pm         

    said the following:

    :mrgreen: 😐 😈 ➡ 😯 🙂 😕 😎 👿 😀 💡 😳 😛 🙄 😉 😥 😮 😆 🙁 ❗ ❓ i like making these smilys

  12. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  13. 18th March 2009 
    2:42 pm         

    Damien Chong
    said the following:

    Sift heads is so boring 😡 😡 2 easy 4 me

  14. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  15. 4th April 2009 
    8:38 pm         

    said the following:

    after i kill all police in the little room im stuck

    i cant go right
    😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

  16. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  17. 11th June 2009 
    3:54 am         

    said the following:

    same here. stuck in the room. very frustrating.

  18. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  19. 26th June 2009 
    6:48 pm         

    said the following:

    stuck in the room where police and thoose with hats stop coming…

  20. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  21. 27th June 2009 
    1:15 pm         

    said the following:

    i got stuck in the little room wen u get onslaughted by loads of cops nd knife triads its well gay cant move for shit … im playin it now so god damn annoyin . 🙁 just movin left nd right :'(

  22. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  23. 8th July 2009 
    10:51 pm         

    said the following:

    what do u have to shoot with the lift one the 2nd level

  24. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  25. 24th July 2009 
    3:48 am         

    C Dogg
    said the following:

    Thanks Man 😆 :mrgreen:

  26. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  27. 20th August 2009 
    9:46 am         

    said the following:

    If It’s To Hard For You To Finish Sift Heads 3 Or Other Games Visit http://www.arcadeprehacks.com/game/617/Sift-Heads-3.html.

    It A Website Were You Play Games That Are Hacked. Which Makes It Alot Easier. Check It out.

  28. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  29. 1st October 2009 
    3:26 pm         

    said the following:

    where is the blocking thing?

  30. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  31. 9th October 2009 
    5:23 pm         

    said the following:

    I ALSO GOT STUCK IN THAT LITTLE ROOM!!! but I got out too, when you go to the next level you get a password no? just use that and re-do the level ( yes I know that sucks but it works ) and I used it after I got stuck, just reloaded the screen and punched in that and I got through. hopefully that will help

  32. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  33. 9th October 2009 
    5:30 pm         

    said the following:

    OMG LMFAO!! when he goes flying through that window I wanted to see if there was another room to the right past the computer ( which there wasn’t ) and I normally jump into the next room ( idk why lol ) and I got stuck in the air, so now I am basically flying left to right LOL I CAN’T REACH THE COMPUTER!!! lmao I entered the password after I got killed by the helicopter and did it. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  34. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  35. 9th October 2009 
    5:32 pm         

    said the following:

    if it doesn’t work when you use your password use the one I did T4GW

  36. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  37. 9th October 2009 
    5:34 pm         

    said the following:

    ONCE YOU ARE IN THE AIR YOU CANNOT GET DOWN TO USE THE COMPUTER*** you have to reload and enter the password to get back

  38. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  39. 9th October 2009 
    5:37 pm         

    said the following:

    oh wait, I take that back, I just jumped straight in the air and got stuck, son of a **** only if that happened when fighting those cops!!!

  40. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  41. 6th November 2009 
    5:24 pm         

    said the following:

    i got thro the hol game

  42. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  43. 23rd November 2009 
    1:45 am         

    said the following:

    wow whats with the last level. takes so many berrett shots to take the helicopter down even when you hit it at the week point. i’m quite sure that in real life just one bullet with a berett at the weak point would take it down =/

  44. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  45. 30th November 2009 
    9:52 am         

    said the following:

    go on medium and theres no glitches

  46. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  47. 25th December 2009 
    5:04 am         

    said the following:

    this game sucks shit

  48. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  49. 28th December 2009 
    6:50 am         

    said the following:

    guys wen u are stuck in the room u get the shotty out and hold down and click on the guys head

  50. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  51. 29th March 2010 
    2:31 pm         

    said the following:

    how do u enter cheats?

  52. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  53. 7th April 2010 
    9:00 pm         

    said the following:

    i finished it!!!….to enter the cheats go to the passwords page…this is too easy anyways… =D

  54. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  55. 21st April 2010 
    1:51 pm         

    said the following:

    i’m stuck i can’t go to the right

  56. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  57. 13th May 2010 
    4:50 pm         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    to enter chapter 4 you have to enter du1a [du one a]

  58. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  59. 13th May 2010 
    4:56 pm         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    the heli is very tough altouth i shot the weak point with the dragnov svd

  60. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  61. 15th May 2010 
    8:26 am         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    duck hunt is defenetly tough i am going mad!

  62. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  63. 20th May 2010 
    8:20 pm         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    the one with multiple enimies use cheats in passwords 1 rock 2 boom 3 sift

  64. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  65. 12th June 2010 
    7:53 pm         

    Brenio Qose
    said the following:

    The “Duckhunt” part is not that difficult,you jus have to be patient!

  66. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  67. 20th June 2010 
    3:53 am         

    said the following:

    to not get stuck in the room were you get onsolghted with cops and people with the hat go to http://www.stickpage.com and play the game there.

  68. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  69. 23rd June 2010 
    2:36 am         

    game addict
    said the following:

    what happens at end sick of trying heli

  70. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  71. 22nd July 2010 
    2:09 pm         

    said the following:

    when you get stuck in the room go left to the other screen then go back in the room with the police but when you go in dont shootjust keep walking.

  72. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  73. 22nd August 2010 
    6:10 pm         

    said the following:

    At first, I was also stuck in the slaughter room at level 4, but after I restart the game, I could go on. It looks like what do you have to do is move as soon as possible after you kill the last 2 polices!

  74. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  75. 27th August 2010 
    8:22 pm         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    at least they shood giv u a minigun to blow it up! 🙂

  76. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  77. 27th August 2010 
    8:25 pm         

    tsuikyit 1015
    said the following:

    vinnie’s enimie is a #!$@%&+=?|;”

  78. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  79. 29th August 2010 
    11:27 am         

    Andontious(Beaten game)
    said the following:

    Am i the only guy whos passed the small room
    heres what u do
    Grab all shotgun rounds and pistol rounds
    (try to save them)
    ONLY use shotgun on the cops shields then use the pistol to take them out with the hat guys i just shoot them 😀

  80. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  81. 30th August 2010 
    6:44 pm         

    said the following:

    uh well the small room worked for me in stickpage

  82. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  83. 30th August 2010 
    6:47 pm         

    said the following:

    okay for the last freaky hard level its like imposible to pass without the invisbility cheat. Even with it it would take to long to finish, I think the last level is a little over hard. And by the way forget the last level cuz when you finish it the game would be automaticly over so whats the use!!!

  84. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  85. 31st August 2010 
    1:13 pm         

    said the following:


  86. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  87. 31st August 2010 
    1:14 pm         

    said the following:

    oops wrong langage i take that back lol and how do you make smily faces?

  88. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  89. 30th September 2010 
    11:43 pm         

    said the following:

    i think swift heads number twos more fun!

  90. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  91. 10th January 2011 
    1:50 pm         

    said the following:

    I beat all the police in the room on hard mode and cant get passed =.= After beating that part then reading this guide and finding out you can hold s while shooting makes me feel bad that I had a hard time killing all those guys lols

  92. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  93. 1st March 2011 
    1:37 am         

    said the following:

    your walkthroughs are great…i love your website…thankyou…although i did’nt use all the walkthrough you did here..i manage to finish it…thankyou again…hope you do more…godbless..

  94. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  95. 31st March 2011 
    1:01 pm         

    said the following:

    i like shift heads 2 better than this shit

  96. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  97. 31st March 2011 
    1:03 pm         

    said the following:


  98. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  99. 8th June 2011 
    12:10 pm         

    said the following:

    if you think thats easy….well i did completed the game hard took me 4 days

  100. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  101. 8th June 2011 
    12:11 pm         

    said the following:

    but i cheated!

  102. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  103. 6th November 2011 
    3:45 pm         

    said the following:

    i love this walkthrough! but I cheated 🙁 (thanks to cheatbook)

  104. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  105. 6th November 2011 
    3:46 pm         

    said the following:


  106. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  107. 6th November 2011 
    3:47 pm         

    said the following:


  108. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  109. 6th November 2011 
    3:48 pm         

    said the following:

    I love cheating! I cant help it

  110. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  111. 6th December 2011 
    8:51 am         

    said the following:

    after the last cut scene i end up in the same place.is that supposed 2 happen???

  112. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  113. 6th December 2011 
    9:19 am         

    said the following:

    on lvl 2 im still in the same plce from be4.wat shall i do?????

  114. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  115. 6th December 2011 
    9:20 am         

    said the following:


  116. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  117. 6th December 2011 
    9:21 am         

    said the following:

    is any1 there?????

  118. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  119. 6th December 2011 
    9:22 am         

    said the following:

    can any1 answer my question???

  120. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  121. 6th December 2011 
    9:24 am         

    said the following:

    =.= is any1 there or was it just me

  122. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  123. 6th December 2011 
    5:49 pm         

    Deimos Tel`Arin
    said the following:

    mr.me, have you tried replaying that level again?

  124. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  125. 7th February 2012 
    7:04 pm         

    said the following:

    Easiest game eva!!!

  126. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  127. 15th July 2012 
    8:07 am         

    said the following:

    a huge help on the helecopter one is to get autohotkey and use the following script:
    if GetKeyState(“SHIFT”, “D”)
    MouseClick, left
    if GetKeyState(“ESC”, “D”)
    hold shift to fire the sniper at a ridulous rate and esc to exit the script

  128. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  129. 8th August 2012 
    1:00 am         

    said the following:

    awesome game!!! one of the coolest!! luv it!! cant get enough!! especially the first chapter was so funny….. in a cool way….!!!

  130. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  131. 23rd December 2012 
    7:20 am         

    said the following:

    How in the ******* hell do u beat the elevator part on ******* lv1

  132. comment_type != "trackback" && $comment->comment_type != "pingback" && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content) && !ereg("", $comment->comment_content)) { ?>
  133. 14th May 2016 
    3:42 am         

    said the following:

    is there a nudity cheat for Shorty and other women in the game?