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Robot Dinosaurs – Title Menu
Meh. Insert credit. Is there a coin operated arcade games fetish recently?
Robot Dinosaurs – Choose your … robot dinosaur?
There are two (2) different robot dinosaurs to choose from. Both can fly and shoot beams.
Robot Dinosaurs – Action!
Them robot dinosaurs use a jet pack in order to fly around. Won’t they run out of fuel?
Robot Dinosaurs – Boss
Big warning indicator means that you reached the end of the level and must fight the boss.
Robot Dinosaurs – Game Over!
The game is over when all of your dino shields have been depleted. Better luck next time!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
No reads for today.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Okay graphics. Funny concept. Fluid movement controls with the mouse. No real plot, just flying robot dinosaurs in the skies blowing up stranger looking ships. Weird.
Deimos Asks
What would you do if you see robot dinosaurs that shoot beams when they roar?
5:01 pm
Best CSS Gallery
said the following:
Looks pretty cool, I’ll try it out
7:20 pm
said the following:
very nice !!! thanks so much
8:25 pm
said the following:
Wow this seems like a ridiculous game. Why they need dinosaurs? I have no idea. But it seems entertaining none the less.
8:40 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Run for cover!
10:23 pm
Funny Stuff
said the following:
My friend posted this on facebook yesterday so I tried it out yesterday… was decent, I didn’t get very far in it though.
12:48 am
said the following: