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Monster Evolution – Title Menu
The title menu feels a bit cramped, but it delivers all the important messages in one screen.
Monster Evolution – Easy Mode
Deimos had a terrible failure with normal mode earlier so easy mode must do for now.
Monster Evolution – Evolution Chart
From the above chart, it appears that there are a total of 25 types of monster evolutions.
Monster Evolution – Springy
Springy? A rather cute name for a fierce looking human eating monster eh?
Monster Evolution – Action!
And so Springy leaps into action! Time to feed! Rwar! Roar! Grrrrooooooooooaaar!
Monster Evolution – Feeding Time
Springy is hungry, must feed! Yum! Yum! Crunch! Crunch! Burp!
Monster Evolution – Evolve into a bigger, badder monster!
That monster above Springy looks similar, a distant relative perhaps?
Monster Evolution – Dinor
Wow, monsters with cute names again. So Dinor is able to jump higher than Springy.
Monster Evolution – Dragon!
A bigger, meaner relative of Springy and Dinor with wings? Terror in the skies yo!
Monster Evolution – Worm?
This worm sure is big and can stand up straight! Bloody long tongue as well!
Monster Evolution – Game Over!
If you are playing easy mode, the game is over once you acquired 500 points.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Made any resolutions for the year 2009 yet? Are you feeling thrifty? Check out these new year resolutions to help you save money, courtesy of Nicole Price.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Cute little game with cute monsters to feed on cute humans. Cute. Oh, yeah it is fun.
Deimos Asks
What would you do if you are a human eating monster?
9:06 am
RNB Love Songs
said the following:
That game is really fun. I love the concept of having the monster evolve. I’ll be back to play again!
1:21 pm
Monster Evolution - Walkthrough |
said the following:
[…] Evolution – Walkthrough – Overview A Monster Evolution walkthrough, or more like a Monster Evolution guide instead as all 25 types of monsters that you […]
11:11 am
said the following:
Evolving monsters – Pocket Monster concept with a twist.
1:59 pm
said the following:
I have played the game for the first time,I really like it
10:37 pm
said the following:
Hehe, the monsters are great. This game is a good stress reliever
7:44 pm
Types of Flowers Girl
said the following:
I have never played the role of a monster evolving into a bigger one. Thanks for such a great opportunity.
8:46 am
said the following:
I would take over teh world!!!!!!!!!!!!! and eat ppl too…