Discussion with bro about blogging
9 Nov 2007 | Personal | Comments Off on Discussion with bro about bloggingHad a short discussion with me bro about blogging, gave me some tips and pointers. Nice bro I have. ^_^
Recommended me the following sites:
He told me that, if my site manages to make it to the front page of digg.com, I would get many hits to my site if that happened, and my site would die if my host’s server is not powerful enough.
Bro mentioned that any interesting articles or images would do, as we saw an screen shot of a “Happy Hamster” earlier.
http://digg.com/offbeat_news/Happy_Hamster – This is the Digg.com link.
http://www.hubhive.com/happy-hamster – This is the link to the site with the screenie.
And here’s the image that I downloaded off the site!
I reckon that my doggies are cute enough, took some screenies of ’em last night, would work on ’em soon. After all, 2 of them are quite old already. I would like to have more photos of ’em for good old memories’ sake, hopefully they would be still alive and kicking for the coming few years.
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