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Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Overview This is an Alice is Dead: Episode 3 walkthrough for those who do not know how to beat Alice is Dead: Episode 3 and is looking for an Alice is Dead: Episode 3 walkthrough. This is a rather comprehensive Alice is Dead: Episode 3 walkthrough complete with images and text descriptions. |
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough
To use this Alice is Dead: Episode 3 walkthrough simply read the text descriptions and refer to the image above. The spot in which you need to click are in brackets, i.e. (a), (b), (c) etc.
If the brackets show (Phone) it means you need to click the black colored cellphone icon in the bottom right corner of the screen to bring up the cellphone to use it.
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Road
1. Walk towards the town via the road. (a)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Main Street
1. Get brick near the middle door. (a)
2. Get penny from the drain. (b)
3. Examine door and choose one of the entry methods. (c)
3.1- Bash keypad with brick. (d)
3.2.1- Use penny to open keypad. (d)
3.2.2- Cut the red wire. (f)
4. Open the door and enter the room. (e)
1. Go to the Back Alley after calling Ann and Hatter in Rabbit’s Room. (g)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Rabbit’s Room
1. Read the journal. Optional, to understand the story more. (a)
2. Examine the answering machine. (b)
3. Call Ann and Hatter using cellphone. (Phone)
4. Leave the room after calling both Ann and Hatter. (d)
5. Go to the Back Alley from the Main Street.
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Back Alley
1. Get pipe near the green exit door. (a)
2. Go left to find Rulio. (b)
1. The second tape is inside the dumpster. (t)
2. Go right to find the entrance of the nightclub after getting mushroom from Rulio. (c)
3. Throw the pipe in the dumpster if you cannot enter the nightclub. (d)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Rulio
1. Talk to Rulio and show interest in the mushroom. (a)
2. Give Rulio the penny to get a mushroom. (a)
3. Go right back to Back Alley. (b)
1. Rulio has the third tape. (t)
2. Must have first and second tape before Rulio will give you the third tape. (t)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Nightclub Entrance
1. Choose one of the methods to deal with the bouncers. (a)
1.1- Kill them with the pipe. (a)
1.2- Put the mushroom into their drink. (b)
2. Attempt to enter the nightclub. (c)
3. Go back to Back Alley and throw the pipe in the dumpster then come back.
4. Enter the nightclub once the pipe is in the dumpster. (c)
1. The first tape could be found here. (on the table, near b)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Nightclub Main Hall
1. Go left into the kitchen. (a)
1. Go right into the toilet after coming out from kitchen. (b)
2. Go left back into the kitchen after calling number in toilet mirror.
3. The first tape could be found here. (t)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Nightclub Kitchen
1. Examine thermostat and increase temperature to 90 °F. (a)
2. Leave the kitchen. (b)
1. Examine the bottom of the slot machine after calling number in toilet mirror. (c)
2. Change odds to 1 to 1. (c)
3. Play the slot machine. (d,e,f)
4. Go back to the bathroom after playing the slot machine. (b)
5. The first tape could be found here. (t)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Nightclub Toilet
1. Call the number on the mirror. (Phone)
2. Leave toilet and go back to the kitchen after calling the number on the mirror. (a)
1. After playing slot machine in kitchen, examine the stalls. (b)
2. Enter the most right stall. (d)
3. Enter the secret lab. (e)
4. The first tape could be found here. (t)
5. Ann’s gift could be found here. (c)
Alice is Dead: Episode 3 – Walkthrough – Secret Lab
1. Go right to the TUBeVATOR. (a)
2. Attempt to enter the TUBeVATOR. (d)
3. Read the text message. (Phone)
4. Find the three tapes.
4.1- First tape could be found:
4.1.1- On the table in the secret lab.
4.1.2- Under the door of the first stall in the Nightclub Toilet.
4.1.3- On a table in the Nightclub Main Hall.
4.1.4- Above the oven in the Nightclub Kitchen.
4.1.5- On the table in the Nightclub Entrance.
4.1.6- Other possible locations.
4.2- Second tape is inside the dumpster. Can only get this after getting first tape.
4.3- Third tape is with Rulio. Can only get this after getting first and second tape.
5. Go left after getting all three tapes. (c)
6. Put all three tapes into the TV. (f)
7. Attempt to enter the TUBeVATOR again. (d)
8. Go back to the toilet to get the gift from Ann.
9. Enter the TUBeVATOR and go up. (d)
1. The first tape could be found here. (on the table, near b)
2. Stay after the credits finishes rolling for the final cinematic cut scene.
Deimos’s Thoughts
The final episode of Alice is Dead does seems very abrupt and very sudden.
Deimos Asks
Played and finished Alice is Dead: Episode 3 already? What do you think about the story?
7:09 am
said the following:
I liked the walkthrough thanks!!!!
8:20 am
said the following:
lol the end of the game is understandable…..grr I HATE THE QUEEN NOW!
1:42 pm
said the following:
the rabbit is…
1:42 pm
said the following:
begin at the beginning
9:02 am
LA LA681
said the following:
Damn all that just to get killed by the Queen any way…what was the point of even grabbin that gun??
5:00 am
said the following:
The end ruined what was a brilliant series of games, had to check the walkthrough to make sure i completed it right
3:47 pm
said the following:
wow that game was so good but that,that just killed the most epic point and click game ever…
12:54 pm
said the following:
The game was great but the ending SUCKKED!!!!
3:51 am
said the following:
uh, did you guys even finish the end movie? the queen got shot too, by alice. she was never actually dead. geez.
11:07 pm
said the following:
I love all of the games, but the ending was.. a huge disappointment. I still don’t know answers to alot of questions I had… :[
10:23 am
said the following:
That scared me… i was waiting then BAM! headshot… almost fell out of my chair
2:26 am
said the following:
I love the series, but the ending was fairly disappointing. I understand that the Queen died by Alice’s hands, but the rabbit should have been spared. After all, the substantiality on which they built the rabbits character, and the fact that someone who was thought dead throughout the series was the hero at the end, makes this ending unbearable.
11:29 am
said the following:
i agree with Alice all the way..
the ending was very unbearable..
and to think i was excited to play the 3rd one >:L
7:52 am
said the following:
Yeah, the ending was abrupt, but it was good. You could almost tell that the rabbit was going to die in the end, just by following the classic laws of foreshadowing.
4:31 am
said the following:
The ending was dissapointing and I didnt like the whole “hit man” type thing going on. Didn’t seem to make much sense it was all over the place.
The artwork also took a weird turn, the first ep was great and realistic ah well ~ good effort I guess from those who made it.
4:09 am
said the following:
This series was great and I enjoyed almost every minute of it. I played all of them in a day and even though it was one o’clock it gave me the chills. The ending, however, was thouroughly disappointing. To go through finding out that your best friend is dead, to knowing that someone wishes to kill you, to losing your memory, to getting it back again, to finally understand what is going on, to getting the chance to kill The Queen, and then to get shot is completely unpredictable. And then to find out that alice is actually alive and she killed The Queen! I mean heroic and somewhat satisfying to know that The Queen did meet his death, but at the same time the story line would’ve made more sense if the Rabbit’s life had been spared.
8:23 am
said the following:
So here’s my problem with the series…The first one was amazing. Kept the integrity of the real Alice in Wonderland with the Boogie Man song and the creepy yet enchanting atmosphere atmosphere. Really had this great retro 1950s feel. The second one took a turn for the weird…and not in a good way. The rabbit ended up in jail…okaaaay??? Whatever, I’ll let that part slide. The positive part was that, even though it got rid of the enchantment, it opened up new possibilities. I was wondering, what the hell is Oyster Cloud? And what does the Cheshire Cat have to do with this. Hopefully episode 3 will go back to being more surreal and will answer my question. I waited a long time and got incredibly excited when I heard that part 3 was finally out. So now, we have this whole hit-man aspect. So the series went from staying true to Alice in Wonderland–being kinda creepy yet beautiful in a mysterious way, to becoming a wee bit more actiony in number 2–which was okay because of the growing mystery, to completely changing into this murder action thing. It went from being Alice in Wonderland to friggen James Bond. WHAT THE HELL?! The only beautiful part of number 3 was the grainy camera style. Otherwise it felt completely modern and it lost all of its whimsy. All that and I didn’t even mention the crappy ending. Boo.
8:11 am
said the following:
WHY!!!! Why did rabbit have to die in the end, after all he went through! There are also alot of unanswered questions. What’s with the rock-star he-queen? Why are rabbit and hatter assasians? Why did Alice have orange hair? What the heck’s an OYSTER CLOUD? Who was Mary Ann? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
6:39 am
said the following:
Uhh… I know everyone’s been saying that Alice was alive at the end, but uh… that wasn’t Alice, was it? It was Mary Ann, she took the hair from the Alice skeleton and wore it as a wig didn’t she? Well, that’s what I fiured from what I saw anyway… Didn’t really understand the game but it was good fun. Besides, you don’t need to understand a game to have fun. Look at Mario for example, a plumber jumping on turtles and walking bombs to save a Princess who keeps getting captured over and over again by the same spiky, fire-breathing turtle? Not much sense there, so everyone should just stop complaining about the fact that the game didn’t make sense or that the ending was bad, most games do have bad endings, deal with it.
3:06 am
goddes of love
said the following:
Omg that whole freakin game was epic and the end blew me away until after the credits…man i didnt want this game to end
4:41 am
said the following:
great game but the ending sucked what was the point of even garbing the gun. it was a retarded ending now i hate the queen
5:23 am
said the following:
i want a alice is dead 4 but… anyway who shot the queen she took the rabbits gun. it must be ann.who ever agrees say i agree.cause alice is dead 0.0 thats what the game is about. duh
5:25 am
said the following:
and it must be ann becaus she probibly knew he was gonna die and she gave him a gun so she could kill the queen. it was all planed out.say i agree!
9:37 am
said the following:
I Agree.. I guess i didn’t know that until i read that… lol ending was confusing … i knew someone shot the queen but it was all fast so i didn’t understand… Thanks everyone o3o
9:42 am
said the following:
lol i wish i could have redrawn the art.. but the settings was good and the girl singing was good (idk why she was there and who she was…) lol :3 i hope i’m not the only one ^.O
12:21 pm
said the following:
The ending was… disappointing. The first one was the best because it stuck with the ‘wonderland’ theme more with the music. The ending was an extreme letdown. Sorry. D: The game was fantastic however. (: GJ. Upload the game to kongregate perhaps?
5:13 am
said the following:
it is great until the end is stupid why he get shot?
10:35 pm
Sassy Unicorn
said the following:
what was up with the daughter of the scientist and the cats being developed and him making a break through. and i dont think that was alice unless im wrong she is dead and mary ann was playing her all the way through idk im still confused if alice is even dead lol? plus if u notice the singer whispers Alice is Dead in her song … maybe the fourth will be about mary ann / alice girl who killed the queen and finding out what the little girl is about and maybe the cat can make an appearance instead of making cellphones lol
12:51 pm
said the following:
mary ann is what the rabbit called alice….. member?
6:20 am
said the following:
Can’t wait to ep4 starring Alice herself!
10:44 pm
said the following:
I cant find any of the tapes!! Ive got the message but..
9:07 am
said the following:
Alright so alot of you guys were disappointed and confused with the endingso heres the deal.
1. Is Alice dead or alive?
Alice IS dead.
2. The girl who shot the Queen?
3. Whats up with creepy guy with the TV head?
Remember the scientist in the tapes? Yeah, thats him… except his head is a TV.
4. Who is Mary Anne?
Remember those creepy cats in the lab? The scientist in the tape was experimenting with them when his daughter played with one and nearly died. His daughter was Mary Anne.
5. The text message before you enter the elavator?
That was from Mary Anne. Her dad was a scientist testing cats. The Queen killed him, as you can see by the strange Tv on his head. Mary Anne was warning you not to go in.
4:07 am
said the following:
sorry stephanie, i dont believe you
4:57 am
Hate the Ending(Júlio)
said the following:
Well… The ending was horrible. A so clever rabbit being killed like that?
Mary Ann could simply kill the Queen, without letting the rabbir die.
Oyster Cloud appeared in Alice is Dead 2, when you look at that brickhole, but I yet can’t understand it.
If they wanted to kill the rabbit, they should’ve named the game “Rabbit is dead”
This game could have legions of fans, but this ending damned the whole game and it’s concept.
Mary Ann Clothes were also quite strange when compared to others on the game.
12:04 am
said the following:
Just wanted to add that if you call “long Boris” (in the 2nd toilet booth if I recall), you will receive a text message saying “Alive Slice”, which I construe as an anagram of “Alice alive”…
1:55 pm
Alive Slice
said the following:
so Alice WASN’T alive it was Mary-Ann who toke Alice’s clothes and hair and dressed as her…didn’t you see at the end Alice’s skeleton and VERY upsetting end leaves many unanswered questions at least the queen died for what he(?) did
5:19 am
said the following:
i think the woman acting as alice could have been ann. mabye…
1:40 pm
said the following:
Actually the anagram is Alice Lives. Either way; whether it is Alice or Mary-Anne, the ending was terrible.
9:32 am
said the following:
………i dont know why but whem i get all three tapes and try and put them in the tv…the room is still all dark and i cant find the tv let alone put the tapes in it…anyone know why????
9:38 am
said the following:
okay yeah nevermind i found my problem…..
9:58 am
said the following:
Well, like someone mentioned, in the original Disney Movie, the rabbit called Alice Mary Anne. The whole time, the queen wanted the rabbit dead but Alice pretended her death the whole time, and in the end, she killed the Queen. The only thing I dont understand is… Why the heck is the Queen a guy?
9:59 am
Mary Anne
said the following:
Alice Lives
4:03 pm
said the following:
Ending is great!
Don’t be a bunch of pussies, guys!
This can’t continue ever. Series got to end sometime and that’s a good ending for series wich just means that any sequell is impossible cause the whole story is about the rabbit.
Happy-end is for sissies.
1:46 pm
said the following:
this was an awesome story line… and it had amazing graphics
8:56 am
said the following:
did ny1 else see a question mark after the “the end” a little bit after it popped up? 5/5 possibly a prequal? a sequal?
4:36 pm
said the following:
Well, it was a good game.
For any of you guys who are confused.
It means that Mary Ann IS Alice.
If you call Boris(the number is written in the toilet), he will send u a text saying “Alive Slice” ..If u play around with the word, u get “Alice Lives”..
Also in the original Disney movie, the rabbit used to call Alice, Mary Ann..
So it means that Mary Ann”Alice”, The rabbit and the hatter were assasins..Trying to kill the red queen(who is somehow a guy 0.0)
The last text u get before u go in the elvator is from Mary Ann ,she warns u not to go up as u will die..She claims thats what happened to her “daddy” who was THE scientist..The one with the VCR smashed onti his head…
All in all, it was a good game, but I wished the rabbit didn’t die..
2:07 pm
said the following:
Wait I thought Alice killed the Queen? why is the Queen(which is a guy) still alive?
7:03 am
said the following:
ok… like siriously… i almost cried at the end!!!! duck you mr.queen!!!!
3:16 am
said the following:
The end of EP 3 is really sad.Why did the terrible Queen want to kill the white rabbit.I want to meet Mary Ann but we couldn’t.In the first Alice in wonderland there is a Mary Ann but didn’t ether.Plus why did the Queen be a Mr instead of a Mrs :-1
3:21 am
said the following:
the penny won’t open the keypad. D:
6:13 am
said the following:
i think the ending was like that to be explicit, and realistic life isnt a fairy tale. i also think he/she did this to show the reason for no 4th part
1:02 am
said the following:
@ Sush
I don’t think you quite got some of what was going on. The last message isn’t from Mary Ann. If it were her name would have been on the caller ID. The last message is from Burr’s daughter who you find out about if you read rabbit’s journal. As for Alice being Mary Ann, you see a picture of Mary Ann in Rabbit’s journal and Mary Ann looks nothing like the woman at the end (citing hair and ears).
Speaking of the little girl, that is more why I was disappointed in the ending. From the Video tapes the girl tells you to find, one might assume that something very bad happened to her, but we don’t find out what it was. From the look on Rabbit’s face I even expected that he’d found something terrible having to do with the little girl. Like an irradiated half cat half child monstrosity. Instead he got shot in the face. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me. A real assassin agent would have had his gun out and at the ready and wouldn’t have been surprised or dismayed to find the elevator doors opening to someone who was about to kill him.
And the voice in the tape IS that of a little girl not a grown woman. So Mary Ann is not Burr’s daughter as Mary Ann is a grown woman. You hear HER voice on Rabbit’s answering machine.
3:45 pm
nina anne
said the following:
I hate part 3 it was damn scary cause the message(near the last part)was so complicated because it says:do you believe in ghosts? find all tapes and you will!i’m scared in ghosts and when i read that message i’m alone cause they went to the market hate part 3!!!!!!but i like part 1 it’s the best of all.ciao ciao!http://ahkong.net/wp-includes/images/smilies/icon_wink.gif
7:38 am
said the following:
that ending F*&^%&* sucked
6:58 pm
Just Played
said the following:
Did Burr’s daughter turn into that creepy cat/robot/monster we see through the hole in the wall in Alice 2? That’s what I want to know. And did she kill her dad…or did Mary Anne? Either way, why?
12:52 am
said the following:
WOW!! WTF!! and WOW!! I just saw it, THE ALTERNATE ENDING ON YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOOT THE QUEEN THEN U GO TO LIMO AND AVE S£X WITH ANNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! endin was sh!t and confusin!!!!! Alice wasnt dead???????????? wtf????? good game good walkthrough!!!!!! oh and ” just played ” WHAT CAT ROBOT FING???????????????? plz tell me!!!!!!
1:00 am
said the following:
oh I know what u mean soz for the missconvieniece ALTERNATE ENDING COOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!! BTW in number 2 when u escape look in hole in left wall!!!! just watch ull see it ( BTW DONT HAVE LOUD SOUND AND DONT WATCH AT NIGHT!!!!!!!! )
8:37 am
said the following:
What should have been answered:
~ Who was the scientist’s daughter? What happened to her?
~ Why are they trying to kill the queen?
~ What does hatter know that bunny dosen’t? Who was hatter anyway?
~ Who killed the scientist and why?
~ Who was Alice? What happened to her? Why did she kill the queen?
~ Who the hell was Mary Ann? what was her relationship with Alice? What was her relationship with bunny?
I doubt there will be a part four to answer any of these question both because the main character is dead and because the third was labeled the last one. The series was good but it ultimately lead to nothing, very disappointing.
11:06 am
said the following:
Also what was the bell for …
9:46 am
said the following:
The cat mixed with the girl in an expectment so, the doctors daughter was the Cherire Cat.
Ann is Alice
The cat is his daughter
5:58 pm
said the following:
Apocalyptic Log: The walls of the starting location are covered in it. But you can’t see it.
Arc Words: “Kill The Rabbit”.
Bad With The Bone: You use Alice’s leg bone to pick a lock.
Bathroom Stall Graffiti: The club’s bathroom stalls are full of these. Some of the walls have phone numbers on them, which you can call.
Career Killers: The protagonist a.k.a. the White Rabbit and Alice herself.
Catgirl: Technically, the Cheshire Cat is one. Unfortunately, rather than being a sexy woman with cute ears, she/it is pure Accidental Nightmare Fuel, and far more so once you discover her horrifying, horrifying origins.
The Chanteuse: An unnamed background character. She sings a song that is a mixture of Wonderland surrealism and an attempt to seduce the listener.
Clingy Macguffin: The bell. You can’t get rid of it, and it possibly triggered the metal detector at the club, thus alerting Queen about the Rabbit’s presence.
Creepy Crossdresser: The Queen.
Daddy’s Girl: Burr’s daughter, who has become Cheshire Cat after merging with one of her father’s experiment cats. She sends you a text message about how she misses you and her father, and one of the reasons she helps the rabbit is that she wants to get revenge against the Queen, both for allowing her father to conduct the experiments and killing him after the Oystercloud was completed.
Disgusting Public Toilet: The toilets in the club.
Early-Bird Cameo: Dr. Raymond Burr. In Episode 2, his name is mentioned in one of the puzzles, and he has written one of the logs on the computer terminal. In Episode 3, you find his corpse in the Secret Laboratory.
Easter Egg: Sort of. March Hare’s phone number, which can be easily missed.
Faking the Dead: Alice, who we thought was dead in Episode 1, returns at the very end of Episode 3 to kill the queen.
Guinea Pig Family: By accident. Raymond Burr was conducting an Oystercloud experiment that involved teleporting cats to other places, and his daughter interfered with the experiment, causing her to merge with one of the cats, thus giving birth to Cheshire Cat.
Grimmification: And how.
The Hero Dies: The Rabbit, who gets shot in the forehead by the Queen in the end.
Improvised Weapon: The Hatter “went insane, and stabbed [the waitress] and three other customers to death with one of those little plastic sandwich swords.”
Killed Mid-Sentence: One of whoever were talking on the phone at the beginning of episode 3.
Mad Scientist: Dr. Raymond Burr.
Mind Screw: Yes.
Morally Ambiguous Doctorate: Dr. Burr.
Nightmare Fuel Unleaded: A lot of stuff. But WHAT THE F**K IS THAT THING BEHIND THE HOLE IN THE WALL IN EPISODE 2???
Actually, that’s the Cheshire Cat. Infested by Zerg. Just watch the after-credits scene of said episode.
Obfuscating Insanity: The “Mad” Hatter is only faking it. See also Omnicidal Maniac below.
Omnicidal Maniac: The police believes the Hatter to be this. Actually, he is a Diabolical Mastermind behind the whole killer business in Wonderland.
One Last Job: Just before Rabbit lost his memories.
One-Liner: The protagonist is quite good at it, such as quipping “Alice forgot to put on makeup” and “She doesn’t smile as much anymore” at the sight of Alice’s decomposing corpse.
Ontological Mystery: You wake up in a hole in the ground, next to Alice’s decomposed corpse, with no idea who you are and how you got there.
Private Eye Monologue: The protagonist engages in a lot of these.
Red Herring: Yes, that spider is completely useless. And the bell, too.
Restart At Level One: Kinda. At the beginning of each game, the protagonist is stripped of all his possessions from the first game (except the bell).
Room Full Of Crazy: The opening location contains crazed writings on the walls, a mixture of someone’s Apocalyptic Log and, inexplicably, the code to the Rabbit’s suitcase. However, you can only see these writings with a special lens. Rabbit’s diary reveals that it’s made in a special ink invented by the Hatter.
Running Gag: The bell.
The Stinger: It pays to wait until after the credits.
The Stoner: Rulio, a.k.a. the Peaches guy, in episode 3.
That Makes Me Feel Angry: If you act rudely towards Hatter in the prison, the message he leaves for you is “You put me in a bad mood”.
Time for Plan B: After the key to the prison cell remains lodged in Lewis’ guts, the protagonist asks himself what’s the plan B.
Titles Always Lie: Check out the cutscene that plays after the credits of AiD3. Not only is Alice alive and well, the entire story was a Xanatos Gambit she designed in order to find and eliminate The Queen.
Tomato in the Mirror: The ending of episode 1 reveals that YOU are the White Rabbit.
Voice with an Internet Connection: Ann to the Rabbit.
You All Meet In A Cell: The second game opening. Except it’s just you and the Hatter.
6:08 pm
said the following:
Alice Is Dead is a Grimmification of Alice in Wonderland, presented as a trilogy of Flash Games published on Newgrounds. So much about the plot. If you trust your nerves, go check it out:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3 (the theme song can be downloaded here)
For those lost and confused upon finishing all three games, here is a link to the writer explaining the story.
8:15 am
said the following:
Yeah. The link doesn’t work.
But, yeah. Here’s what I could gather.
To Maya’s questions:
~ Who was the scientist’s daughter? What happened to her?
**I don’t know, but one of my theories is that she was the girl at the end, or, as someone else mentioned, the mutated Cheshire Cat or March Hare.**
~ Why are they trying to kill the queen?
**I think they all used to work for the Queen, but the Queen turned on them (perhaps because they knew too much in regards to the experiments and such). I’m not sure, but it seems the Queen ordered Alice to the Rabbit, though the Hatter told Rabbit if HE didn’t kill HER then the Queen would. It seems to me that the Queen is trying to kill everyone in that group, so, you know, it’s a “get them before they get you” type situation.**
~ What does hatter know that bunny dosen’t? Who was hatter anyway?
**Not sure what he knows, but it’s obvious why he skipped town. As far as I know, the Hatter was just another person in the group (Rabbit,Mary Ann, Alice, Hatter), who all seem to have been hired by the Queen.**
~ Who killed the scientist and why?
**My money’s either on the Queen or on his own daughter. Her message to the rabbit before he entered the elevator makes me think this. “I wouldn’t want what happened to daddy to happen to you.” Sounds like a threat more than a warning to me.**
~ Who was Alice? What happened to her? Why did she kill the queen?
**I’m not sure. My first thought was that she was Mary Ann. Then, I thought, maybe Dr. Burr’s daughter. However, in the ending cut scenes, it looks to me as if the red head is killing the REAL Alice. (It looks like she was pushing her face into the ground.) So, my theory was that she was another person hired by the Queen. (Also, it was hinted at that she worked as Dr. Burr’s assistant or something.)**
~ Who the hell was Mary Ann? what was her relationship with Alice? What was her relationship with bunny?
**Mary Ann was another person who was hired by the Queen. It seems she was a very close friend of the Rabbit’s. As for her relationship with Alice, I have no clue. She might BE Alice. (In Rabbit’s journal, Mary Ann is not mentioned again after the first two entries. After that, he only mentions Alice.)**
To Stephanie:
1. Is Alice dead or alive?
Alice IS dead.
**I’m not entirely sure. The message from Long Boris kind of hints that she isn’t. (“Alive Slice” might an anagram for Alive Lives.)**
2. The girl who shot the Queen?
**My guess is either Mary Ann or Dr. Burr’s daughter.**
3. Whats up with creepy guy with the TV head?
Remember the scientist in the tapes? Yeah, thats him… except his head is a TV.
4. Who is Mary Anne?
Remember those creepy cats in the lab? The scientist in the tape was experimenting with them when his daughter played with one and nearly died. His daughter was Mary Anne.
**This is totally wrong I’m afraid. In Rabbit’s journal, he mentioned Mary Ann LONG before he had even met Dr. Burr’s daughter. Not to mention, why would she text from two different phone numbers? (When she calls it say “Mary Ann”, the other calls are “unknown”. As I’ve said, I think she was hired along with the rest by the Queen.**
5. The text message before you enter the elavator?
That was from Mary Anne. Her dad was a scientist testing cats. The Queen killed him, as you can see by the strange Tv on his head. Mary Anne was warning you not to go in.
**Again, no. And, maybe I’m just mad, but that sounded like a threat to me, not a warning.**
Another question that I’ve seen asked a lot is what is Oystercloud and what does it mean. This was explained in the second game. (If you go to the console and type it in, it takes you to a log by Dr. Burr.) It is a project that he was working on at the request of an unknown person (who I assume was the Queen) to link Wonderland to the Above. Rabbit unknowingly activated it at the end of the second one.
~Questions I still want answered~
1.) What exactly was Dr. Burr trying to do with the cats?
2.) Who exactly is the girl at the end of the game?
3.) Who and where was the March Hare? How does he play into the story? (At the ending credits on 3, they mentioned who played his voice, but I don’t recall ever seeing him or hearing about him on the game, except for that one scene in 2 where you look through the hole in the wall.)
((There are others. I can’t think of them at the moment however.))
Yes, they listed this as the final installment, but it left far too many questions unanswered and also, as someone mentioned, there is a brief moment at the very end where a question mark pops up at the end of “The End”. So, maybe the “Alice is Dead” series is done, but perhaps they’ll make a spin-off.
8:19 am
said the following:
Oh yeah, and what WAS the bell all about?
Also, I’m not sure what the creature in the second game was. I assumed it was the March Hare (it looked like a hare, NOT a cat.) But, maybe it’s just the changing drawing styles. So, I’m like 85% sure the cat is Dr. Burr’s daughter.
12:22 pm
said the following:
The creature at the end of game two was a mutated cat (the Cheshire cat, probably Dr. Burr’s daughter). If you look carefully in the bathroom you can find the March Hare’s phone number.
11:08 am
said the following:
I CANT FIND ANNs GIFT! anyone know WHERE it is? i cant frickin find it!
11:51 am
said the following:
ok, heres the deal,Alice,Matthatter,and the Rabit are assasains,im not sure about mary ann im guessing she is,if uve ever heard about the game Alice for the pc this games make alot more since..in the game ALICE, alice is good with a gun but even better with a knife,wich rabbit mentions in his journal, also alice WAS NEVER dead,ppl keep thinking Marryann killed the queen with alices dress and and hair on but NO,Alice killed the Queen,Alice never was dead she faked her death,see my explanation is,she was following the rabbit as he went just hidden,in the first one u look into a mirror,thats alices mirror,u had it in ur breifcase cuz u were going to give it to alice,(jouranl)see matthatter wanted u to kill alice, because if u didnt the queen would,but rabbit didnt know how to do it he didnt want to but he didnt want her to suffer,also that robot cat thing is the chesire cat,NOT the daughter,and the message u get before u enter the elavator is the scientist daughter who is the one who killed her own father (my theory) see shes warning u,if u read the jouranl, it seems the scientist daughter like the rabbit,they played cards together and she seems happy,but also the rabbit made her cry so the text message cud be a warning or a threat..well i may be wrong about one thing because marry ann her pic in the journal she has almost cat ears so she may be the daughter,but she cant because in the journal rabbit plays cards with i quote “the scientist daughter” rabbit says he didnt ever catch her name and at that time marry ann is a grown women and got out of jail… so the scientist daughter isnt marryann!lol ok thats my theorys yall sorry if u dont agree, i completely understand
11:52 am
said the following:
btw ppl do u not get it! u are the march hare!!!!!!!! get it straight!!!!
3:22 am
Di Kyung Mi
said the following:
stay tune on the ending guys after the credits are through. its like a twist :]
5:23 am
said the following:
i cried. i loved it. i think im gonna play it again
12:17 am
Alice shen
said the following:
wow ok so if all the idiots out there ( no offence) go to goolge and search it and if u can’t find it here is the truth the creepy cat that u see in game number 2 is burr’s daghter she was playing in his dads lab and accidently got caught in the transport tubes with one of the ugly cats. so she was stuck in for some time now when her father came he didn’t even notice untill he flipped the switch to transport the ugly cats along with the girl his dad didn’t notice untill too late so he transported them back but to his horror he found his daughter merged with the cat. he tried to change it back but he eventually gave up so he left the kid some where. now wat he didn’t know was that by merging with the cat gave her mysterios powers so thats why she appers in episode 2 ok. and if u WAIT untill the credits are done and watch the rest of the end movie then u will see the he she get shot by alice well i have conformation that he wsa shot by ALICE herself why because if u played episode two and looked at the pictures( which is the evidence) then u will notice that the alice in that picture looks just like the alice at the end of epidode 2 at the end of credits if u look closely she has a perfet resemblence to alice she has the same hair its just that he cut it. and if u notcie also that she comes out of the HOLE where the skeleten of alice is then that means she is still alive and think about it that skeloton of alice might not be alices ok it mifght be some random oerson skeleton ok thats all so post a comment if u want to say something about my post. and yes alice is MY name so don’t go making fun of me.
7:52 pm
said the following:
All right, time to puzzle some pieces out…
Game one:
Rabbit wakes up in the hole in Wonderland.
Alice is a skeleton, with a note that says to kill rabbit.
Rabbit kills the caterpillar.
Rabbit gets his briefcase (so much easier after playing game three to open) and finds Alice’s mirror (which he may have been intending to give back to her, it sounded this way in his journal, though he was cut off in the middle of writing).
Alice is dead, rabbit remembers who he is, and knows someone wants him dead.
Game two:
Rabbit gives us an intro, saying he remembers who he is and what he did. He had one job left (who was he trying to kill there? I’d say caterpillar, because they’re green and have antennae, but it seems fishy since in game one we killed the caterpillar and he wasn’t wearing clothes, as opposed to game two’s job), and it went wrong. Rabbit was trying to get away, go somewhere, and encountered Alice (whom is not shown, face wise, and is holding a gun/rifle/something big to make holes with).
He is very quickly knocked over the head and taken to prison, where he wakes and the game begins.
Hatter is in the cell next to rabbit. How was he caught? What was he imprisoned for (misbehaving how…)?
He doesn’t know why rabbit was arrested (though of course that could be a lie).
Your cellmate is dead. Some tentacley something or other. Kinda wonder what his story was. Name seems to be Lewis.
How does Hatter know about a magical nut being in the room?
While in Lewis, rabbit hears noises, voices, etc. He comes back out to find Hatter left him a message (this it determined by how you treated hatter).
If you look through the hole in the wall long enough, you’ll get a close up of some weird mutated cat, insect, whatever looking thing, and then the words “Oystercloud”. (After the credits you can see a longer still of it.)
The door to Hatter’s cell is locked… how did he get out?
Hatter killed a number of people… and fourty-two have gone missing or died in freak accidents over the last six years.
There’s a bunch of TV/camera’s that have been watching someone (rabbit assumes himself).
Project Oystercloud:
Developed at the request of *******.
Project aim is to merge wonderland with the above world.
First and second subjects were a fail. Burr thinks his research looks promising but is worried “he” will find him before he’s finished.
Why is the password to unlock the safe “unlock march”?
You push the button and fish fall from the sky- why? This button is apparently part of the project. Are these fish coming from the real world or…?
The bell:
You have it in each game. Why?
Now… summary of things we know, as of the end of the third game.
Good with a gun, better with a knife.
Her and Rabbit seemed decent friends. At some point she begins to distance herself. We know she was helping with Oystercloud in some way, whether it was only to get test subjects, or perhaps something more. Possible she knew more than she should have.
At one point she goes missing and rabbit worries. At some point she was given the mission to kill Rabbit, and while she is gone, Rabbit is given one to kill her.
About the time she goes missing, Rabbit mentions meeting Burr’s daughter in his journal.
Something fishy about that.
Several entries into his journal, Rabbit mentions trouble remembering things. Is he suppressing or it this being done to him?
Alice suggests he start writing a journal- hasn’t he already been writing in one? Did he back track and write things in? Seems a little odd.
Why does she tell him to write a journal when by this point she’s already distancing herself from Rabbit?
Rabbit starts to see things- what was he seeing? Was he actually seeing things, or is his memory trying to return?
He is completely against killing Alice (assuming this is the one job he mentions that he will never do).
He mentions finding Alice’s mirror and thinking he should return it, but is cut off in the middle of writing.
Rabbit’s last entry says he has one last job to do and his tone seems rather nonchalant.
We don’t know much. He was working on Oystercloud under the Queens orders. He was worried of someone discovering him before he has finished. He’s a coward who had a large heart until he lost all his money, according the game two. He has a daughter. Most likely diseased, though with a missing head, who knows for sure.
I can’t make heads or tails of him. I’m not sure if he works for himself or the Queen at the end of it all. Still not sure how he escaped from jail with his room locked. He said certain thing to make me wonder about him. Did he cut a deal with Queen?
Mary Ann:
If you read rabbit’s journal, there’s a pic of her on the first page. This isn’t the girl we see at the end. She is neither Alice nor Burr’s daughter. You get her phone number along with hatter’s in rabbit’s place.
How DID she get the gun into the club? She was demoted, so…
She, at least in my opinion, seems to be on your side… possibly being watched and can’t say too much? Or is she really against you too like everyone else practically?
Burr’s Daughter/Unknown Caller:
We know she liked Rabbit. In the second tape she touches one of the cat experiments presumably and something happens to her. Is she really the mutated creature you can see in game two like others have suggested? Did something else happen to her?
The messages from “Unknown” seem to be from her, as no other character makes sense (she seems a little off in the head).
Unknown asks if you believe in ghosts, and that if you watch the tapes, you will. This makes me think they are someone in the tapes- only Burr and his daughter are in them. If you try to take the elevator, you are told, rather aggressively, that you will play their game (whether you like or not, pretty much). Then Unknown says: I miss you. I miss my Daddy.
Unknown says:
See what Daddy did?
So they want us to know that Burr was successful? That this caused something to happen to his daughter? What exactly are we supposed to have seen?
See what they did to Daddy?
Who is “they”? They usually implies more than one, but perhaps Unknown simply wants to keep it secret who did it. I can’t see it being the Queen’s guard, since Queen was in charge of it all. Burr had been afraid of a “him” so perhaps it was Hatter?
Unknown fixes the elevator, and says not to go, that they don’t want Rabbit ending up like Burr did. They already know that Rabbit is going to end up dead most likely, so it has me wondering if Unknown is in a security room of sorts and can see what Queen has planned to do.
If the Unknown called ISN’T the daughter, if someone is pretending to be her, it could be Queen himself who is sending the texts, though that makes less sense over all.
Hatter is too crazy for something like that, I think. Marry Ann could possibly be doing it, she certainly seems to know some things… Could be Alice (assuming she’s alive) though this seems unlikely as well, though not as strongly as others.
I’m glad he’s dead. Kinda wonder what his goal was for merging the worlds.
Developed at the request of Queen.
Project aim is to merge wonderland with the above world.
Cats were apparently being used as test subjects, if the amount being killed were any indication.
Why is the “button”, which is referred to as Oystercloud as well, have fish falling out of the sky? Where do they come from? Are they from above?
Is the cat mutation thing we see the success? Is it the result of what happened to Burr’s daughter? If not, what the hell is it, and what WAS the success?
So, who killed the Queen?
We’re all fairly sure it was Alice.
Rabbit and Alice had a fight with guns and knives, and yet… at the start of game one, “Alice” is nothing more than a skeleton.
It’s easy to believe then that Rabbit was knocked out during the fight and Alice left*, she then replaced herself with a skeleton and dressed it up**.
By the time Rabbit woke up, with amnesia, Alice was gone and he was left thinking he had killed her (and with his memories going in and out, its no wonder he never questioned how she died).
*First end scene we see is someone walking away from the hole, dressed as Alice, and tossing aside a wig.
** The next thing we see is the red head doing something to “Alice”.
So, if Alice is really alive, then where has she been? What was she up to?
I wouldn’t mind seeing something with her as the main character to explain lose ends.
All in all, good game, a little unhappy with the ending though.
Hope we get some questions answered.
2:09 am
said the following:
cant get ann`s damn gift!
6:01 am
said the following:
Did you get the text from her saying she had left you one?
10:59 pm
said the following:
urm cant remember
10:59 pm
said the following:
when do you get one?
12:12 am
said the following:
got it and finished the game!
this game was worth all the time!
4:15 am
said the following:
poor rabbit…
5:40 am
said the following:
I think I know why “The Queen” Is a guy….
He’s a Drag Queen! Just saying…
Anyways The game was good, the ending sucked(kinda, Im just happy the queen is dead), I never saw Dr.Burr’s Daughter, so I have no idea what anyone is talking about… Anyways…. I’m Gonna go play it again! :DD
10:49 pm
said the following:
I didn’t really like the feel of this game as a follow up to the other two. Alone, it’s a pretty damn well made game, but it ends up being the low point of the series story-wise.
I guess this has already been said before, but the atmosphere of the first game was the best. It fit perfectly with the “Alice” theme with it’s creepy and psychological theme. The second one had more of a conspiracy thing going for it, but still had a few things distinctly Alice-like. The third one just got rid of all that. The lab scene developed the conspiracy element to an extent, but nowhere near enough to satisfy the story (probably leaving even more questions for the player), and the psychological element took a back seat almost completely.
Lots of missing pieces with the ending. I don’t mind the rabbit dying, but there are just so many unanswered questions. It goes way past “Letting the player fill in the gaps” to just being frustrating. I’d go into detail, but I just don’t feel like it now.
Also, I don’t think there was ever very much doubt that Alice was alive. Wonderland and everything in it was HER mind. If Ani-Blade is correct, and Oystercloud merged the worlds (forgot the details on it), then that still doesn’t explain the parts of the game before rabbit activated it.
If I were to give it a rating, it would be 8.5/10 as a game, and 5.5/10 as a story.
9:20 am
said the following:
Din anyone dial this number? 555-7321 to find out more about the bell
3:08 pm
said the following:
First of all, as a reader of “Through The Looking Glass” and “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” I have to say that this is one kick ass story line. Like most people I loved the first, but found the challenges in the later installments much more intriguing. So, here it goes:
Like most people, I found this rather confusing, BUT the characters do make sense. I love all the hidden plot twists and refrences to the story. Yes, the Queen is a guy (which I thought was a stroke of genius). Yes the Cheshire Cat is hiding behind view and manipulating the story. The scientist’s daughter was the little girl that the rabbit played cards with earlier on. Alice may be a code name hence Alice is Alive. The Mad Hatter is a genius, naturally. Mary Ann is either operating under the name of Alice or is Alice herself. And oyster cloud could be referring to two things. One, the story from “Alice in Wonderland” of the Walrus and the Carpenter OR that when you activated it, fish fell down like a RED HERRING. Oyster Cloud had nothing to do with the story really.
I highly recommend reading Lewis Carroll’s story, because although it is WAY out there in terms of imagination and language, this fantastic, amazing game series (although short) makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE.
If you saw the new “Alice” then this is familiar to you, and does appear in “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”. It’s famous, and like this game, completely open to interpretation and the imagination.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought —
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
“And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!’
He chortled in his joy.
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.
5:40 am
said the following:
I agree with Kootenai. I too read the Alice series. And not only that I am a DIE-HARD fan of ANYTHING Alice. I loved this very much, and though confusing, I think it was an EXCELLENT game all together!
11:32 pm
said the following:
I am playing Alice is Dead3 on Newgrounds.com and I have gotten to the last part. I have the 3 tapes but the room where I am suppose to play them is all black. Is there a light switch or something?
12:34 am
said the following:
So…when you call about the bell the guy says that he’s the March hare….ok
5:54 am
said the following:
Did anybody else find it creepy that the slot machine has a grinning face w/ scars and 2 different eyes (Cheshire cat?)
5:57 am
said the following:
Also, the singer in the club looks a lot like the picture of Mary Anne in the journal. Or at least they have the same hair and ears.
10:21 am
said the following:
I cant understand why it ended that way with the rabbit getting killed, what was the point about getting the gun then. I remember the first episode being really good (I guess because you didnt really know where it was going) it seemed alot better done, the puzzles and everything, The third one seemed like they half assed it, just to get there fans from stop bothering them.
4:57 am
said the following:
Where did the hatter go ?
2:53 am
said the following:
WOW this was…interesting i guess
i mean, i agree with al of you that the ending was pretty terrible
I think they should’ve made a fourth one and ended it better than this one
There was some suspense but not as much as number 2
overall i guess it was nice
but i do feel sorry for the poor rabbit
2:20 pm
said the following:
I don’t know… I thought the game was actually pretty emo through the entire series. I thought it was still alright though! Probably better than anything i could come up with.
5:48 am
said the following:
Okay. Well, this game makes SOOOO much more sense after I read the books and played the alice madness returns video game. And guys if you read the journal, call all the numbers, and read EVERYTHING then it gives you enough clues to piece about 95% of the story together. Just saying. If you don’t understand it go back and try playing the series again but keeping an extra eye and ear out.
3:19 pm
said the following:
So the author confirmed that it was indeed Alice who killed the Queen. Also, Mary Anne is not Alice. You can see Mary Anne’s mug shot on the first page of the Rabbit’s journal.
Also concerning the scientist and his daughter, if you look you see that the scientist was breeding mutant cats. The daughter ran in in the middle of an experiment, and was affected somehow by the experiment. I’ll let you put 2 and 2 together. (HINT: This is Alice in Wonderland)
9:48 pm
Mysterioso Anon.
said the following:
I think I get it. Hatter is the Queens right-hand-man. Alice was working with Queeny, Hatter, Mary Anne and Rabbit. I’m pretty sure Alice was a girl who’s father was a scientist working for “The Scientist”. She was caught up in some experiment, which might mean she subconciously slips back and forth from a normal person to a little girl who misses Daddy. Somehow, she annoyed Queen, or starting getting rebellious in some way, so Queen told Rabbit to finish her. Rabbit may have also been in the experiment, which might explain his memory loss. Anyway, there was a scuffle with Alice and Rabbit, he managed to kill her, but banged his head and lost his memory. OysterCloud is a program in which fish are deployed from the skies – which may be a distraction method. In the end, Mary Anne, Hatter and Rabbit all agreed that they needed to get rid of the Queen – Mary Anne was working behind the scenes, getting Rabbit supplies. Unfortunatly, the Queen knew about this, and was ready for Rabbit. When he arrived – BANG! She thinks she’s safe. Damn transvestite gang leaders, always killing the semi-good guys. But Mary Anne finds out, and since she was most likely romantically involved with Rabbit, she dresses up as Alice, sneaks into Queenys hideout, then in revenge, lifts a gun and BANG BOOM BANG! No Queen, no Rabbit, Mary Anne can mourn, Hatter takes over the gang and Alice is dead. The End.
9:50 pm
Mysterioso Anon.
said the following:
Or, like Strill said, the Cheshire Cat may be the scientists daughter. Maybe, after the cat experiment went haywire, she turned into a cat, brutally murdered the scientists including her father and started up her own phone service.
9:54 am
said the following:
It was weird. The lag really made the game a pain to play but the art and the concept were well done. There were a lot of plotholes though and many parts of the game that were added in but not needed. The diary, although nice for story telling purposes, took up time. The entire situation with the cats was overlooked and had no meaning in the game at all. When watching the videos, I immediately took it that the father was a scientist trying to create the Cheshire Cat, and in doing so accidentally created it using his own daughter because she touched something she shouldn’t have. The commercial for teeth whitening only furthered that idea for me because the Cheshire cat is known for his pearly whites. While expecting something very cool to happen with a creepy anthropomorphic cheshire cat/little girl….I was let down. It was mentioned and never talked about again…and you have no choice but to die. Honestly, what was the point in the game if you didn’t even have a chance to kill the Queen? It seems like the creator had an amazing idea in mind, and a great artist by his side….but it just didn’t amount to what they wanted…or perhaps it did. I think it has potential to be so much more than what it is.
9:50 am
said the following:
guys, wait the credits out, there is another cutscene, dont know if you missed it or not, but it makes you feel less dissapointed.
5:54 pm
mary jane
said the following:
what the hell???. ruined the whole game. stupid queen. must put another part to ths game and must so not end up like that. what was the point of working so hard???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
2:29 pm
said the following:
Why does the rabbit have to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY DOES NOBODY LIKE RABBITS AND BIRDS ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHY ARE PEOPLE SO STUPID!!!I MEAN EVERY BODY THINKS THAT ANIMALS ARE DUMB RIGHT!!!WELL THEY’RE WRONG!!!A BIRD’S BRAIN MIGHT BE SMALL BUT THEY’RE SUPER SMART!!!AND THAT WASN’T MARY ANN!!!!!!!!!!!!DID NOBODY PAY ATTENTION TO THE PICTURE OF HER!!!SHE HAD BLACK HAIR NOT RED HAIR!!!!!!!THIS JUST PROVES HOW DUMB PEOPLE ARE!!!!!PEOPLE TEAR DOWN QUAKER PARROT NESTS JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT SOME STUPID ELECTRICITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:04 am
said the following:
2:27 am
said the following:
personally, I thought the twist of Alice not being dead was very good- spun the whole meaning of the game on it’s head
(in a good way) but can someone please tell me what the text message said right at the end before Rabbit was killed?? I missed it and now I really want to know what it was :/ thanks! 
2:39 pm
said the following:
i really liked it but i don’t understand that…that part could be it i mean what was the point of Ann giving rabbit the gun if he was just gonna get shot when he came out of the elevator…? anyway besides that i really liked it and i will play it again and i give it 10/10 so real good job.
10:01 am
said the following:
The Alice is Dead series was excellent.
I do have a few questions though.
Each episode was good in it’s own way, but what the heck, man? Each episode had it’s own theme thing going on, and although each had the same title, that was the only common thing about them. The plot had potential, and could’ve been great if the series was prolonged, but alas, this isn’t so (or so I’ve heard).
Why? Why does it end like this?
9:30 pm
said the following:
it was really disapointing. but i guess the two experiments were rabbit (march Hare) and cheshire the cat. (maybe Burr’s daughter). but still a very nice game. wish it had a fourth chapter though.
5:25 pm
said the following:
Couldn’t Finish The Game, Nearly Shat Ma Sen,Great Gameee,The Song In The Club Was Really Goodd!Worth All The Tim!x:P:)
5:03 pm
said the following:
Not a very good walkthrough, but it got the job done in the end. Quite a confusing game.
7:13 pm
said the following:
Hey, the maker of this game is on the NEWGROUNDS site. Check it by visiting the page and search “alice is dead” and you’ll find 3. Pick the first one and when the game is loaded you can see who is the REAL author.
I’m not lying! I’m playing this game at that site.
hey, remove the spacebar: h tt p:/ /w w w. newgrounds.com/ portal/ view/547837
Nah, it’s the 3rd one. wanna play the 1st one? here:
h ttp :/ /w w w. newgrounds.com/ portal/view /5115 52
The 2nd? I never play it there. Just search it!
7:19 pm
said the following:
I have played the third one. it is so scary i could not solve the problem or the puzzle but all thanks to this site. im very very GRATEFULL!! anyway the second one is more scarier because the are ‘operation’ scene and a scary worm too. WHAT A GREAT GAME!!
8:03 pm
said the following:
Big Sister Aaliya, don’t comment twice. You are my sister and i can’t make you doing things like that. Sis, have you tried the game Alice is Dead too? It’s scary you know. I’m dissapointed! Then, our work this all-along is for.. nothing? At the end, the rabbit keep die, no matter what you do. Sis, Don’t answer this and don’t comment twice… That will make our family’s name… Blahblahblahblahblahblablahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbslahlahlah…..
(copy this ‘blablah’ and ‘bold’ the S word, then send it in my e-mail..
aaliyajasmine@yahoo.com so you can get something nice, really! Oh, i found the Alice is Dead 4 game, maybe i’m lying or not, i will keep give you prize, so DO WHAT I SAY!!)
Come on sis..
5:55 am
said the following:
Time for a puzzle solving!
First, let me clear some things up, Mary Ann is NOT Dr. Burr’s daughter. Read the journal and you will see the rabbit talks about Mary Ann BEFORE he talks about Burr’s daughter. 2, Mary Ann IS ALICE.
if you go back and look at the cut scene after the credits in AID ( Alice is dead) 3 then you will see Mary Ann\Alice take off a blond wig and get out of the hole. 3, Want to know why the queen was there? The bell set off the metal detector and alerted the queen. (That’s my guess anyways.) 4, I’m going to say that the weird cat nightmare fuel thing-y outside the broken bricks in AID 2 is Burr’s daughter. Bye!!!!
3:30 am
said the following:
How come the majority of SEO linkbuilders come from Pakistan?
Or are they the ones who can’t find work
Will defo be returning, its a great site!
1:28 pm
said the following:
So do links from Twitter and Reddit now count for SEO?
I was told they help after the Panda algorithm refresh
Added a share on my Facebook, hope you dont mind!
12:48 am
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said the following:
click the next document
get the greatest pocket led flashlight currently available on the market and reasonably priced.
4:17 am
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said the following:
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click here for the top best flashlight review now available anywhere and reasonably priced.
12:48 pm
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said the following:
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10:32 pm
vintage stud earrings
said the following:
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Go here for the best The Jewelry Store currently available around plus reasonably priced.
8:20 am
dragon cuff earrings
said the following:
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Click here for the top elephant totem now in stock anywhere and at the best price.
7:59 pm
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said the following:
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See here for the best midi ring set currently in stock on the market plus at the best price.
10:17 am
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said the following:
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Click here for the top biker ring shop currently available anywhere and at great prices.
12:20 am
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said the following:
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See here for the greatest zircon earrings currently in stock around plus reasonably priced.
3:06 am
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said the following:
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Click here for the top gold leaf necklace currently in stock on the market and at the best price.