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Super Mafia Land – Title Menu
Simple and cute menu. The “more games” button won’t work in offline mode though.
Super Mafia Land – Instructions
Unfortunately, no standard WASD movement controls, only arrow keys for movement.
Super Mafia Land – Choose a Character!
Giuseppe strongly resembles Mario, yes? Let’s try out Giuseppe and see how he fares.
Super Mafia Land – Disclaimer
For those who dunno, the “favourite childhood gaming experience” is referring to Mario.
Super Mafia Land – Action!
And so Giuseppe takes off! Notice how his hand gesture looks like Mario’s while jumping?
Super Mafia Land – Turnips!
No fireballs to shoot, instead Giuseppe must pull up turnips and toss ’em at enemies.
Super Mafia Land – Vines and Ladybird
Giuseppe is going to get bitten if he continues to climb up the vines and right into the ladybird.
Super Mafia Land – Explosions
Yes, there are explosions in Super Mafia Land, pull up a bomb from the ground, just like how you would pull up a turnip from the ground.
Super Mafia Land – Ouch!
Ouch! Poor Giuseppe is stung by a ladybird no thanks to your poor platforming skills!
Super Mafia Land – Game Over!
This happens if you lose all your lives. Nope, no continues. Start again or walk away.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
No reads for today.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice and cute graphics, simple game play that reminds the player of the classic Mario game. A nice flash game for Mario fans and alike.
Deimos Asks
Do you know who Mario is? Heard of him before?
9:46 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
No, I do not recollect any Mario game. I am relatively new!
6:03 pm
Eee PC News Blogger
said the following:
Shoot, this looks great! I can’t believe how great games you can get for free these days.. How much where Super Mario back in the day – 100 bucks or something like that?
9:09 pm
said the following:
Another Mario-like game
But still very interesting to play…
9:47 pm
said the following:
The characters look great but I’m disappointed that they didn’t change the levels to match the styled characters!
1:56 am
solitaire games
said the following:
Quite funny game, but graphics isn’t very good-looking
That game remind me times, when I was playing Mario with brothers – it was a great fun! I recommend it all users!
3:52 am
said the following:
Awesome characters. Even better than mario =)
9:41 pm
said the following:
Webkinz, the characters are cool looking but do they really fit into the game?
12:05 pm
Funny Stuff
said the following:
I agree with Xscape, cool characters, but they need to fix the game so the levels match the characters more.
8:44 pm
said the following:
I think, they fit quite well.
6:03 pm
said the following:
No doubt graphics is nice, but it have tight association with Mario.
1:56 am
said the following:
That game remind me times, when I was playing Mario.
2:28 am
said the following:
Fantastic! My favorite was Super Mario 3 and this game is kinda like it.
Funny thing, how may people do you know that can at any moment recite the songs on Super Mario Bros 1?