Download SteamBirds (File Size ~ 1.90 MB)
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SteamBirds – Title Menu
The title menu gives off an impression that this is a game about aerial combat and all.
SteamBirds – Tutorial!
The first mission will be a mandatory tutorial mission, teaching you the basics of this game.
SteamBirds – Action!
You get to control more planes later. Guide them near enemy planes to take them down.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Simple but nice and suitable graphics with fluid animation. Simple controls and unique innovative game play. A good strategy flash game about aerial combat.
Deimos Asks
Do you know any pilots personally? What kind of people are they?
5:01 pm
said the following:
Not working offline.. able to download successfully .. but after loading it dosen’t go further.. may be because it taking some mp3 and xml from armorgames which is block in my network
10:52 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Weird. It works offline for me. Perhaps I have an active internet connection?
8:00 pm
said the following:
Simply an amazing game that has me hooked, I;m on level 9 right now and I can’t stop playing even though I have to go to sleep. The tactical aspect makes this a unique game!
8:11 pm
said the following:
but after loading it dosen’t go further.. may be because
3:27 pm
said the following:
Are you playing offline or in an restricted environment (check if you have access to
I think the script need access to where it downloads some xml and mp3 files.
you can try complete offline mode.
3:31 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
I just tried it and it works. You need to wait longer before the menu loads.
3:44 am
Steambirds Game
said the following:
Normally it should work offline.
7:45 pm
said the following:
It works for me . You use Mozilla firefox of What ?
10:54 pm
lol man
said the following:
it works perfect exept it does not save i want it to save and a question can you chose other plane becuase the steam zero [the normal plane] is getting boring i will like to use the big blimp or the level 1 plannes
12:22 am
trace mobile number
said the following:
This is the game my brother was talking about. I just had one problem. It takes a while to load but it’s all good.
5:11 pm
said the following:
got me booked as well … addictive ….
12:03 am
said the following:
Deimos, first of all, I’d like to thank you for your awesome site! was able to get a few stubborn flash games that won’t work offline through the regular methods i know of. The other thing is, is it possible for you to upload “Steambirds: Survival”? Hoping you can. Thank you!
1:51 pm
said the following:
yea actually my grandfather is a regestered pilot and i actually know a bit about flying a plane
6:23 am
said the following:
I can only play level 1. The game is saying Level 2 “still in planning stages” Help? :\