Download Space Attack (File Size ~ 5.92 MB)
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Space Attack – Title Menu
Simple, standard looking title menu. Does not tell anything about the game play though.
Space Attack – Tutorial!
The tutorial will be shown in the first level. You can skip it if you already know how to play.
Space Attack – Action!
Build lots of cheap ships to quickly swarm the enemy base to destroy it. Cheap but effective.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Simple, nice graphics. Simple controls and game play. Higher levels might be hard though as it will not longer be as simple as just mass producing one kind of ships to win the game.
Deimos Asks
Played any other hybrid puzzle and strategy games before? Heard about Puzzle Kingdoms?
8:50 am
said the following:
hey deimos
bring some strategy games
anything like worms
i love this kind of game
and i’m sure i’m not the only one who does
12:58 am
tracing a telephone number
said the following:
deimos, I’m just wondering, why is it that you can create games that have amazing graphics and makes games that are simple like this one and make them still fun?