In this Shore Siege flash game, you are pirate who is shipwrecked upon an island. Waves of cute monsters charges towards your ship every day, though they stop attacking during the night, so you can make repairs to your ship and leave this strange island.
Download Shore Siege (File Size ~ 356.47 KB)
Download the ZIP archive: shore-siege.zip
Shore Siege – Loading Screen
As the swf file size of this Shore Siege flash game is not large, you will not spend much time in this screen if you are playing it online on armorgames or newgrounds. Move the mouse over the question “Why are pirates called pirates?” to check out a joke.
Shore Siege – Title Menu
A simple flash game with simple graphics, click begin to start playing this flash game.
Shore Siege – Introduction
Shipwrecked! Look for a weapon! What is that? Looks like a nail or something?
Shore Siege – Defend your ship with a rusty nail!
Seriously, a nail? To fight off blobs of goo? Surely there must be a better way?
Shore Siege – Action!
Hover the hand cursor onto the nail icon at the bottom, click, hold then drag onto the blobs to stab them and make them pop! Earn money for killing monsters. Does these cute blob like monsters remind you of the various glooples found in the Amorphous+ flash game?
Shore Siege – End of Day!
Once you survived through the day, see if you have earned enough money to buy any upgrades or to repair your ship. It seems that you need to repair it 10 times.
Shore Siege – New Enemy Approaches!
Bomber birds? Birds with bombs? Cage them with the bird cage!
Shore Siege – Caged!
Click, hold, move the bird cage onto the bomber birds and release the cage!
Shore Siege – Magnet!
In case you did not read the instructions carefully and is wondering where the magnet is, simply move the hand cursor over the round ball like monster then click, hold and proceed to fling them into the sea to dispose off them.
Shore Siege – Earn money!
After a while, new monsters will stop appearing, then it is time to make money to repair your ship! Some upgrades like the turret, is not really required.
Shore Siege – Escaped!
So in the end, Deimos escaped the island in 16 days. How many days do you need?
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Avid fan of the Metal Gear Solid series? Love Solid Snake? Dig action figures? Check out this Medicom RAH Old Snake (Olive Drab Ltd. Edt.) action figure, courtesy of BaseGuardian.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Cute defense type flash game, reminds Deimos of The Last Stand and The Last Stand 2.
Deimos Asks
Given a choice, which one would like you to be? Pirate of the old days, or nowadays pirates?
6:42 pm
said the following:
How are you doin’?
argh!!!! been busy lately. It’s my 2nd month on the job. I’m now on a new city and trying to fit in. I’m in a call center by the way and always got to talk with lots of them Americans, man. Hehehe
Just dropping by to wish you luck.. It’s a perfect 8/8/8 today. August 8, 2008.
Good Luck!!! 😆
7:56 pm
said the following:
have no idea how this works yet. but ..
i’m gonna catch Last Stand first !!
woohoo !!
10:51 am
said the following:
Sounds like an easy game to play………
1:00 pm
said the following:
its quite easy to beat eh.
probably should add a little twist here n there.
7:59 pm
said the following:
Nowadays pirate as in those pirate who download pirated movies? definitely nowadays! 😛