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SeppuKuties – Title Menu
Start to start playing, or feel free to check out the other buttons in the menu.
SeppuKuties – Level Builder
Unfortunately, if you are playing an offline version, the link to the level builder will not work.
SeppuKuties – Achievement Pawprints
Sure, you beat the game all right, but how well did you do? Can you do better?
SeppuKuties – World Map
You can redo any of the previous level to try and get a better rank, and less casualties.
SeppuKuties – Action!
The first level is always easy, collect all the nuts and the golden nut to progress.
SeppuKuties – Lava
One deep fried raccoon coming right up!
SeppuKuties – Credits
Though considered to be a simple and fun to play puzzle platformer flash game, there were quite a number of people involved in the development of it.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
Check out some tips on how to save money on medication, courtesy of Nicole Price.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice graphics, cute animals, fun game play. A good puzzle platformer flash game.
Deimos Asks
Do you like animals? Allergic to any animals?
4:17 pm
said the following:
Start menu is good. Everything other is suxx
4:36 pm
said the following:
i love animals!
allergy ..
as long as the hygienic procedure is followed,
it should be fine.
10:16 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Thank you for the plug in. I am not allergic to any animals. I am however very allergic to some human beings!
3:15 am
said the following:
i always hated mario. and i have to say.. i hated that game
2:32 pm
said the following:
The game is amusing. But there are many animal victims.
1:36 am
said the following:
i really like that