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Ripples – Title Menu
One shot means you can only throw one rock. See how many boats you can sink.
Ripples – Instructions!
Survival mode means you get three (3) lives and must sink as many boats as you can.
Ripples – Action!
Paper boats will appear from the right side and will attempt to pass to the left side.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
No reads for today.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Simple graphics, simple controls and game play. Just click anywhere on the ocean to toss a rock into the sea to generate ripples, waves and sink some paper boats.
Deimos Asks
Do you know how to make paper boats? Yes? No? Why?
7:55 pm
said the following:
erm….helloo…this game is…erm…cool…
can u upload more RPG games??
if cant nevermind
7:59 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:

Hello there!
RPG flash games? Okay! I will attempt to do that!
Thanks for the feedback yo! 8)
10:02 pm
said the following:
oh! Thank You…!!
11:00 pm
Nicole Price
said the following:
Oh yes. Paper boats to float down the rain water,paper airplanes to fly in the grounds and paper rockets to shoot in class! Ah, to be young.
3:41 am
Ken Lee
said the following:
Yeah RPG Games!!!
We need more of ’em!
4:08 pm
Fahad (Make|Money|Online)
said the following:
nice concept game but graphics r not so good.
10:06 am
said the following:
the link seems to be broken on the mediafire site. you click it and it refreshes the page.
2:21 pm
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
You are welcome!
@Nicole Price:
Indeed. It is nice to be young.
@Ken Lee:
Ok! I will attempt to post more RPG games!
Well, simple games with simple graphics.
The link is working fine on my side.
Have you downloaded anything from mediafire website before?
4:53 pm
Conveyancing quote
said the following:
This game seems very interesting.
7:43 am
said the following:
k so i tried again today and it works. Deimos: yes, i’ve used media fire before as i have been on this awesome site MANY times before. It’s the best place for flash game downloads.
1:46 am
said the following:
this site is awesome. it is the only game type site not blocked by my school, all because you have to downlaod to play.