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Mad Virus – Title Menu
A simple menu, click start game to play. The other two (2) buttons won’t work offline.
Mad Virus – Action!
The green piece with two (2) big bulging eyes is your mad virus. Now spread it!
Mad Virus – Help
Oh, you also need to infect the whole board before you run out of turns. Game over then.
Mad Virus – Almost there …
That sure is one red board and lots of bulging eyes !
Mad Virus – Winner!
In the end, it was the green color which was dominant. Doesn’t matter anyway.
Mad Virus – Level 2
For the next level, you need to choose a starting cell. Choose wisely now!
Deimos’s Daily Reads
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Deimos’s Thoughts
Simple yet suitable graphics, simple game play but it works. Nice and cute game overall. This game is much more simpler, cute and casual compared against the Pandemic series such as the original Pandemic, Pandemic: Extinction of Mankind and Pandemic 2.
Deimos Asks
Do you like the Pandemic series more, or something simple and cute such as Mad Virus?
10:45 pm
Busby Test Freak
said the following:
that is not game type i like. but it’s ok.
someday maybe i’ll download this.
6:18 am
solitaire games
said the following:
great puzzle game, I lost 2 hours trying to finish it
12:24 pm
said the following:
There is no doubt the game is original,though it takes more time than the other but I can not say I’m loosing time while playing,everyone needs to be a child .
12:13 am
Inventor of Basketball
said the following:
This game looks really fun. I’m going to bookmark this post to come back and try it later. I love the puzzle driven games. Get me thinking!