EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Download
1 Jan 2012 | Free, MMO, PC, RPG | Comments Off on EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Download
Download EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. for free from Steam Store!
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Title Menu?
Nope. Just the title. The actual title menu comes up next. By the way, this game either has insane hardware requirements or just down right terrible optimization since Deimos cannot really run the game smoothly with all graphics settings maxed out.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Title Menu!
Since its original release back in year 2004, EverQuest 2 is now finally free to play! Now, when will World of Warcraft be free to play?
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Class!
Only a few basic classes are available in free to play. The rest needs to be purchased.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Race!
Just like classes, basic races are free to play while the more advanced races needs to be purchased before they are available. Deimos is fine with creating a basic human character so there are no additional purchase required.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Appearance?
If you are good you can customize your own face and all. Deimos is terrible with those so he will stick with a default face. Just change the hair and colors a bit.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – City!
Do take note that the starting city will determine if your character is good or evil.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Name!
Type in a name, choose a server and off you go on an adventure in Norrath! Adventure yo!
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Tutorial!
Do pay attention to the tutorial messages that pop up if you are new to this game.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Action!
There are some low level mushroom-ish humanoid creatures at this starting area. Deimos proceeds to slice and dice them up yo!
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Stats?
As you gain experience, level up, your stats will improve. Just like in any other RPGs.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Camp?
Camp means waiting for twenty seconds before logging out your character completely.
EverQuest II Free-To-Play. Your Way. – Title Menu!
If you have created a character you will see him or her in the title menu yo!
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