Download Doom 1 (File Size ~ 2.40 MB)
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Doom 1 – Title Menu
Just like the original Doom, the demo of the game still continues in the background as you navigate through the menu options.
Doom 1 – Shareware Version
Since this is the shareware version, only the first episode is available. In the background, a pinky demon is being served a healthy load of shotgun shells.
Doom 1 – New Game
If you are up for some crazy intense challenge, try the nightmare difficulty.
Doom 1 – Help
The help is not correct though, refer to the following for the controls in the flash version.
W, A, S, D or ARROW KEYS – Move forward or backwards and look left and right
Q, E – Strafe to the left or right
SPACE – Fire your weapon
R – Activate a door or switch
SHIFT – Hold down shift to sprint and move faster
ESCAPE – Call up the menu to save game, load game etc
TAB – Activate the map
NUMBER KEYS – Change weapons, Plasma Rifle and BFG 9000 are not available
Doom 1 – Advertisement
It has been more than 10 years, does that ordering number still works?
Doom 1 – Action!
In immediate view, 2 armor shards and a green armor can be seen as shown above.
Doom 1 – Map
Press the tab key to check the map, it sure does feels nostalgic yeah?
Doom 1 – Zombie Grunt
Pixelated zombie solider attacks! Graphics in computer games sure have evolved much.
Doom 1 – Save Game
Yes, you are able to save your progress.
Doom 1 – Load Game
What good is saving the game if you cannot load it? So yes, the load game function works.
Doom 1 – God Mode
Punching time! Why are your eyes glowing brightly in white? God mode?
Doom 1 – Very Happy Ammo
The cheats work, type IDDQD for god mode while IDKFA for all weapons and ammo.
Doom 1 – Hangar Finished
Completed the first level, yay! Well, if you are fast enough, you can complete it within 30 seconds or less. That is par time as shown above.
Doom 1 – Entering Nuclear Plant
Next level! There should be a total of 9 levels in each of the episodes in Doom 1.
Doom 1 – Rocket Launcher
No Plasma Rifle or BFG 9000 in the first episode, so the Rocket Launcher will have to do.
Deimos’s Daily Reads
No reads for today.
Deimos’s Thoughts
Ever since playing Half-Life way back in the year 1998, Deimos has gotten used to playing first person shooters with the standard WASD + mouse setup so he is not quite used to the controls of Doom 1 anymore. However, this is an excellent recompilation of the original Doom 1 into flash game format. Might be a bit silent though since the music is not ported over.
Deimos Asks
Have you played the original Doom 1 way back in the year 1993?
8:59 am
said the following:
Bleh, still can just grab the game off torrent sites and play…… without paying for extra levels….
10:21 am
Wan Kong Yew
said the following:
Nice one. I remember playing the original Doom, but since I’d previously played Wolfenstein 3D, I wasn’t particularly impressed with Doom at the time.
1:21 pm
said the following:
The game reminds the original doom.I cant say it is a bore.But it has got the difficult controle system.
7:42 pm
said the following:
Nope, never like fps games.
But I still remember it was so popular
when I was in high school,
I think that is not the first one.
9:38 am
said the following:
Doom is such a classic and set such a high standard way back then. Great memories!
12:11 am
said the following:
Doom 1 was the good old days….. Doom 3 however….sucks…
6:27 am
Blogger Tips
said the following:
Thanks for posting. I used to play Doom in week days. I am subscribing to your posts right away.
6:27 am
said the following:
I want to see head-exploding action.
6:40 am
BusbySEO Test
said the following:
I used to love this game when it came out many mamy years ago
7:46 am
said the following:
I’ve never play Doom

3:36 am
said the following:
Ha! He or she Cheed.
5:48 am
said the following:
my bfg 9000
8:41 am
adhitya christiawan nurprasetyo
said the following:
9:46 am
a geek
said the following:
The thing I like about DOOM is that the rendering engine is completely 2D. That’s right, there are no polygons in DOOM, just a lot of fancy sprites.
11:14 am
Austin Downs
said the following:
Doom 1=Amazing
8:53 pm
said the following:
the file is missing..
1:47 pm
said the following:
I also have that damn shareware version, I never had the full version. I had to watch youtube videos to see how those episodes looked.
Oh and lately (in 2008) I googled DOOM.WAD and found it, played it with ZDoom.
5:51 pm
said the following:
I’ve had the shareware version of Doom, too! I played the original Doom 1 game (shareware) for first time back in 2002, from what I remember. I never had the full version of Doom 1, though I had other games full version such as Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, Heretic, Hexen, Strife and even more which I can’t remember. I heard Doom 3 BFG Edition is coming out this fall and will include copies of original Doom 1 and 2 which gives me a chance to finally get the full version of Doom 1! Can’t wait! And I’m happy to see I’m not the only one to have shareware version, it sucks to have demo version as I am only limited to first episode and can’t run mods on it! Luckily I own a copy of Doom 2 so I can play D2 mods.
3:07 pm
said the following:
my farward game he
7:45 pm
nick the super soldier
said the following:
screw the shareware version! i am going to buy doom 3 bfg edition!
3:37 am
said the following:
Unfortunately the BFG Edition is shitty and I don’t recommend to buy it. Instead, you should use eBay to buy Doom Collectors Edition. That’s what I will do soon since I have shareware Doom 1, pirated Doom 2 and only Doom 3 ROE. Sorry that I have a poor Doom collection but that’s it, I missed the chance when the game was released in 90’s or my father did not have enough money to buy the game.
10:40 pm
DOOM (1993) – The Doctor ?
said the following:
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