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Creeping – Title!
No real title menu here, just the title. Click to proceed to the menu to start the game.
Creeping – Action!
Standard WASD controls to move around and mouse to shoot. So convenient and nice!
Creeping – Back Stab!
Sneak up behind enemies and knife them to take them down silently and in one hit. Deadly!
Deimos’s Thoughts
Nice graphics. Simple controls and game play. Gets harder or challenging later on as you tend to die rather easily under concentrated gun fire. Stealth is the better option.
Deimos Asks
Have you played any Metal Gear Solid games before? Yes? Enjoyed it? Yes? No? Why?
3:57 pm
said the following:
looks good
11:53 am
Deimos Tel`Arin
said the following:
Thanks for the feedback yo!
5:29 pm
Alex Lung
said the following:
How do you beat the gay with a sheild , it is extreme hard to kill him , how do you guys kill him in that level?
4:57 pm
said the following:
this game look like a metal gear
5:26 pm
said the following:
This game could have been great if it were easier and had better graphics.